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Questions tagged [powershell]

Windows PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language built on the .NET Framework. PowerShell provides full access to COM and WMI, enabling administrators to perform administrative tasks on both local and remote Windows systems as well as WS-Management and CIM enabling management of remote Linux systems and network devices.

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Powershell function which communicates over TCP to a Zebra printer

I have a Powershell function that communicates over TCP to a Zebra printer: ...
craig's user avatar
  • 225
0 votes
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PowerShell script for automated Windows health check and repair

I've been experiencing frequent issues with my Windows operating system, requiring me to manually run various system health and repair commands (such as DISM, ...
Foad's user avatar
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1 vote
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PowerShell script to harvest details of Windows Client & Server platforms

I'm a support analyst/help desk technician by trade. Here's a little PowerShell script I've cobbled together over the years to harvest details of Windows client and/or server platforms. I use this ...
Pendraig's user avatar
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PowerShell Script to Enumerate AV, Malware & Security Settings on Windows Client & Server Platforms

I wrote a PowerShell script to grab Antivirus Product Status drawing inspiration from this online resource: Get Antivirus Product Status with PowerShell, posted February 22, 2016. Cut down and ...
Pendraig's user avatar
2 votes
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Powershell - Trying to streamline a Get-Service Command

This is part of a larger script but, I feel like this part could be streamlined a bit. The code currently works but I feel like doing a Get-Process call twice is ...
RKillcrazy's user avatar
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Upload/download files from/to Discord channel based on last write time

I have created a script which does the following: Compare the last write times between... local save files for the game Valheim and remote save files (Valheim) on a discord channel where I exchange ...
n1ls's user avatar
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Fastest way of finding if current user has access to a folder with Powershell

I have a Powershell script that selects a random file in a lab environment and then reads, writes, creates, and deletes files to simulate a live environment. This lab also includes folders that I don'...
Tanaka Saito's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Listing first 50 big files in directory and print relative paths and sizes

I use this Powershell command to recursively list first 50 big files in current directory and print relative paths and sizes in MiB. : ...
SebMa's user avatar
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Intune Remediation script to uninstall 7-Zip

I just wanted to have some advice on those remediation scripts; what do you think? The idea is to detect every 7-Zip installed on the computer and search for those not up to date and uninstall them. ...
S. Me's user avatar
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PowerShell Script for Parsing JSON PyPI Package Data and find the latest version

Following this post, I have a PowerShell script that aims to interact with the Python Package Index (PyPI) to find the latest release of a specified package that is compatible with the current Python ...
Foad's user avatar
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Powershell script that directly executes python script

Wrote this script after having some problems with clients on Win10 and consequent necessity to ship ultra-bloated .exe file of Python project over the Web to them. This is my first try to write ...
Max Azatian's user avatar
1 vote
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Find all unique file owners through Powershell in an NTFS file system

I'm trying to find all unique file owners in an NTFS file system. Getting the number is fairly straightforward, but my current approac is very inefficient: ...
Tanaka Saito's user avatar
3 votes
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Comparing a set of parameters contained in two separate strings in Powershell

I have a situation where I need to compare two strings with each other in a foreach loop that potentially run over millions of rows of data. The two strings will always contain between 1 and 12 ...
Tanaka Saito's user avatar
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Powershell function output as [pscustomobject]

I am currently working on a function to check for active SQL Server connections. While the function is functional, I find its implementation a bit verbose. Could you provide suggestions or ...
Purclot's user avatar
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Copying data from a network share to another

The code below copies large amount of data. It does so in 2 steps. I was wondering if both step1 and step2 can be done in parallel. ...
Newborn's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Powershell Export function to create environment variables with bash syntax

A lot of the time when working in DevOps, documentation and code snippets from colleagues will be based on bash. Most of those same commands work seamlessly in PowerShell; but setting environment ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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How to tune my powershell script for best practices?

I have written a script for CVE-2023-24932 like below. But I want to improve my script. I am open to new ideas. Here is my script: ...
Cell-o's user avatar
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Powershell script real-time monitoring via Windows Service

I'm using a script to monitor a file. When a pattern is detected, it will send an email to notify someone. I am creating a Windows Service via NSSM. My question is : How can I improve performance of ...
Cell-o's user avatar
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Powershell file parsing

I am using Powershell 7. We have the following PowerShell script that will parse some very large file. I no longer want to use 'Get-Content' as this is to slow. The script below works, but it takes a ...
Cell-o's user avatar
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4 votes
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Fetch specific data from nested JSON-file, then append it to a CSV-file

I have written a PowerShell-script, which reads specific data-pieces out of a given JSON-file. Then reassembles the read data. Finally prepends the data to a existing CSV-file by adding it to the top ...
michael.zech's user avatar
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Printer install script

I am attempting to clean up my code as best I can, but I am new to powershell and would like other's opinions on if there is anything else I can clean my code up with and any tips to overall improve ...
RyanHallCoder's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is there a better way of creating this small guessing game in PowerShell? [closed]

I have a guessing game in PowerShell trying to practice the while statement. I found this on the internet on someone's repo. I have a feeling it can be shortened but maybe I am wrong. This is pure for ...
john's user avatar
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Any issue with this as a password generator?

Was trying to create a password generator like the one Bitwarden has... Curious if anyone sees any issues with this? (wordlist shortened for readability) There perhaps there's a more efficient way I'...
meowsoftly's user avatar
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PowerShell to query SQL database with a string from a filename

I am trying to write a PowerShell script that will check a folder for any files and then for every file it will grab part of the filename and check it against the SQL database. If it found a match, it ...
Rudixx's user avatar
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PowerShell function for provisioning a new Active Directory user

I created a function for creating a new user in AD, assigning an o360 license and enabling mailbox, however, my code is very chaotic and I do not have a much experience with PowerShell. Could you ...
Alex Karapetian's user avatar
9 votes
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Tree for PowerShell

For anyone reading this old question, this module has evolved and improved a lot since then. It has been fully rewritten in C# and uploaded to the PowerShell Gallery! If you would like to try it out: <...
Santiago Squarzon's user avatar
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Powershell script to check for processes on remote systems and rename/copy files

Processing a set of conditions with 'Continue' I found the following more readable, opposed to trying to parse out if/elseif. What are your thoughts about this? Is there a better way? What The Code ...
Mike Q's user avatar
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Conway's Game of Life in Powershell

I'm learning PowerShell for professional development, but decided to do a bit of a silly project to help learn scripting in more depth, and chose Conway's Game of Life. This is the first PowerShell ...
Carcigenicate's user avatar
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Batch/Powershell program to retrieve system info

This is my first time coding! My intent for this program was to be able to give my technicians a flash drive that will pull system info and email it to me. Currently everything is working, but I was ...
Boogershut's user avatar
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powershell script for creating a Domain Controller

I don't have a lot of experience creating/managing an active directory environment. This will be more of a lab environment where a solution could be tested. It will not have lots of regular users etc, ...
whoami's user avatar
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Script to copy Egde-Chromium browsing history from a remote machine. Try-catch, custom object building

There are some Kiosk machines for people to take a survey. The survey is running by a 3rd party, so no way to get the data from them. To measure how much machines are in use I wrote a script to pull ...
user2978216's user avatar
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PowerShell script binary-decimal-hexadecimal-ipv4 convertor

This is a fully functional PowerShell script I wrote not long ago that converts data (numerical data) among 4 data formats: binary, decimal, hexadecimal and ipv4. It supports 12 conversions, it can ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
3 votes
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Disk usage reporting script performing poorly with lots of files

I am running a PowerShell script that shows disk usage for drives into HTML reports. While this works quite well it has a problem on some file servers with a massive amount of files. It can sometimes ...
Ashley H's user avatar
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Creating a specific distribution of random numbers in Powershell

I originally posted this on StackOverflow but was requested to post it here instead as it relates to optimization/performance of the code rather than a specific problem. TL;DR: Get-Random produces an ...
Tanaka Saito's user avatar
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Compare hostnames and leases between CSV and DHCP info

I have 3 nested loops and they do the following: Get scopes from DHCP Get hostnames from csv file Compares hostnames and leases, matches are added to a hash table There are 5 DHCP servers, 100's of ...
feelsgood's user avatar
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Sort items so that parents are created before their children

I've been asked to create some code to help automate the loading of data into a system based on employee data in a spreadsheet. However, the data isn't clean, so some people may have no manager, some ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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Powershell SMTP report with attachment issues needs corrections

I created this tiny script to full fill a repeated request from audit. I want to expand it but ran into an issue with file creation. This code will create the ...
StormySkies's user avatar
3 votes
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PowerShell script to convert .reg files to PowerShell commands

This is a PowerShell script I wrote a while ago that converts Windows Registry files to PowerShell commands(New-Item, Remove-Item...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
0 votes
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Optimizing PowerShell string hasher method

I am building a PowerShell class based tool that works with XML files of as much as a few hundred Kb size, and as many as a hundred of these files. I have extensive validation code that is time ...
Gordon in Ukraine's user avatar
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PowerShell CLI calculator

I found a project that aims to implement a CLI calculator app in as many different languages and ways as possible. Having a little experience in PS, I tried my hand at it. The requirements are as ...
mindoverflow's user avatar
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Powershell duplicate image scanner

So I have made this Duplicate image scanner using powershell. It will operate using the SHA256 hashes of the files. Any tips or suggestions on making this more dynamic/robust/efficient or adding new ...
Wasif's user avatar
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7 votes
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PowerShell - fast remove a directory with 10,000+ files

I am sick of File Explorer's super slow deletion speed, so I tried to write a PowerShell script to make deletion faster, and while it does its job, its speed isn't as high as what I intended it to be. ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
1 vote
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PowerShell - calculate occurences of Friday the 13th between (including) two given years with builtin and without builtin

It's me again, talented programming beginner fast-learner, so I have overcomed yet another self-imposed programming challenge, I have developped two algorithms to calculate occurrences of Friday the ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
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PowerShell - Sort strings containing numbers numerically

I am a newbie in programming, but I do have potential, I am using PowerShell to hone my skills, I have written a simple function to sort strings consisted of numbers humanly (i.e. in a order like 1 2 ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
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PowerShell - Convert English words describing numbers to their values in Arabic numeral

I am extremely new to programming, and I am a really fast learner if I am interested, I have only started using PowerShell in less than a month, to improve my programming skill, this is a script I ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
1 vote
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PowerShell - Calculating date difference between two given dates in days without builtin and with builtin

The title says it all, I have written two scripts to calculate dates to test my abilities in programming, one from scratch, without [DateTime], New-TimeSpan and even [math]::Ceiling, and it's really ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
1 vote
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"Backwards Read Primes" of Codewars powershell version

Link to problem: I have a working solution in Codewars but my solution is slow for some reason and I need to improve the ...
Gringo Jaimes's user avatar
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Fully parameterized PowerShell function for file removal

I would like your opinion on my Remove-Files PowerShell function. It is used in my File-Removal-PowerShell-Script. It is designed to be very flexible so a script ...
Zoran Jankov's user avatar
3 votes
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Get specific properties for all Active Directory groups and all their users, then combine them into CSV

I've written a script that gets a list of all groups in AD along with a few specific properties for each group (DistinguishedName, CN, Type, and Description). Then it goes through each group and, for ...
TylerH's user avatar
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PowerShell Script to get data from Third Party API and insert into database

I have created a PowerShell script that will call a REST API and then for each node returned, add the data into a database table. This particular endpoint only returns ~600 records worth of data, ...
Ross's user avatar
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