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Questions tagged [sql]

Structured Query Language is a language for interacting with relational databases. Read the tag wiki's guidelines for requesting SQL reviews: 1) Provide context, 2) Include the schema, 3) If asking about performance, include indexes and the output of EXPLAIN SELECT.

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4 votes
2 answers

A schema for awallet system that allows transfers between users

I am currently working on a wallet system that allows transfers of money between users. I tried creating this as a Stack Overflow question, but it was rejected. I'm not sure if this is the right ...
vinnylinux's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Clean up verbose code for Oracle SQL

I have the following Oracle SQL code that works, but I would like to try and find a way to clean it up so it's not so repetitive. It is looking at orders for a part ordered each FY in an Oracle ...
user21344498's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Faster Query to Track State changes in a Large Table

I have a table that tracks state changes of an entity with timestamps. The schema of the table is as follows: entityid userid originalvalue newvalue changetime 255 101 Draft Submitted 2023-11-28 12:...
Fatal Error's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Delete duplicates from SQL database with Python and reset ID's

I tried to create a peice of code that helps me remove duplicates from my sql database and reset the ID's as well. I am not sure that it's error proof. ...
Giannis Tsakas's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Postgresql generated column from Finnish personal identity code

The Finnish personal identity code is defined as: Day, month, and year of birth, in ddmmyy form (six digits, zero padded if necessary) A separator For those born &...
TomG's user avatar
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0 answers

Case Study: Database design help for a small app used to coach tennis players

I have a small SQL server database and VBA program that is used to automate tasks related to tennis students, programs, practices, performances, and student testing. I'm trying to learn db design and ...
Jason's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Feedback for my first project - sqlserver-json-tools

could you review my first project on github please. The JSON_MODIFY function in SQL Server 2016 and 2019 does not allow creating paths dynamically, making it necessary to chain JSON_MODIFY executions. ...
Renato Magalhães's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Determining the least dangerous tags with over 1K answers to answer

So I thought I'd take another shot at making a SEDE query after being somewhat inactive after a while. Essentially what this does is that it takes the tags that have at least 1000 answers for that tag ...
CrSb0001's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

PostgreSQL Search Feature

The Problem I am developing a search feature in PostgreSQL that involves a collection of JSONB documents stored in a table, which have been standardised. The goal is to enable clients to perform ...
Bob's user avatar
  • 63
1 vote
1 answer

Filter filtered bike prices twice without repeating yourself

dbfiddle Goal Without repetition in the code, I want to filter BikeValuationList to only give the BikePriceId of the latest ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Calendar Table in Power BI

I've been reusing calendar tables in various formats for a few years now. I'd like to know best practices and if there are ways to improve them. Any suggestions for style, code, etc. are all welcome. ...
aduguid's user avatar
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0 answers

To-do app with TypeScript backend (violations of TS best practices or unidiomatic code)

The working code in full is here. It's a To-Do App with a TypeScript backend, written as practice for an upcoming 4-hour interview for a TypeScript backend role. My colleague and I would like to know, ...
Andrew Cheong's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Need assistance in Optimizing the Recursive Query in Pyspark

I am trying to convert a SQL Server stored procedure to Pyspark code. This is my SQL Server query: ...
Data writer's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Creating an array (temporary table) in SQL and iterating through each row within this table to preform a check on the data in each row

The SQL Server version I am using is SQL Server 2008. I've got an SQL query/script I've written which is to help simplify some things while our API is being rebuilt. Essentially, this script allows ...
level42's user avatar
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Calculate the count of top performers in SQL

I have a transaction table let's call it Offers Table. Please don't read too much into the business but let's say a customer wants to buy a car and the customer searches variety of websites but at the ...
Cody's user avatar
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6 votes
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Show how close a user is to being unsung

So this morning, I decided to create a SEDE query that answers the age-old question "How close am I to being Unsung?" because I recently polished up my first SEDE query and I realized that I ...
CrSb0001's user avatar
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2 votes
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Understanding how to properly create a stored procedure that only does INSERT from sourcetable to targettable with dynamic sql

Background and use-case I need to create a stored procedure where the input parameters will be: @sourceTable, @targetTable, @compositeKey. I'm using available fields for the composite key, since I ...
William's user avatar
  • 21
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MySQL interval search query suggestions

My database structure is: ...
friday-json's user avatar
1 vote
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insert then update generated id back to the table on bulk insert using XML in SQL server

I have 2 tables StockDetails, StockMail First insert Stock name and Expiration Date into StockDetails Table(inserting bulk data using XML) Then Generate Reminder date(7 Days before expiration date) ...
Relax's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

SQLite querybuilder class in python

Motivated by the first commentor's suggestion on my MSAccess question: Python SQL insert to MSAccess with VBScript I am moving to use SQLite databases for a python application and I created this query ...
spaghetticode's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Improving efficiency of database searches under SQLite (SpatiaLite - QGIS)

I'm new to SQL, but I've always heard that it's a very efficient way of searching databases. For the same task, in VBA I get a result in a few seconds for 1000 queries. In SQL it takes several minutes....
Giene's user avatar
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Python SQL insert to MSAccess with VBScript

I have a business use case that required running SQL insert queries to a local MSAccess database with a Python script. The actual script does many other things and the SQL function is just one of them,...
spaghetticode's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

SQL query creating tables needed by a simple PHP CMS

I have written recently the SQL query to MariaDB that I want to move into PHP code. Below is my test.sql file. What do you think about my SQL code? ...
whiteman808's user avatar
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Prisma models with various relations

The code is a bunch of Prisma models, starting from Move. This model stores data about pokémon moves as can be obtained from the PokéAPI. Further models are shown ...
eloy's user avatar
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Find and conditionally sort all venues matching a filter provided by an API client in PostgreSQL

I have an API where users can retrieve a list of "venues". Every venue is a profile, but not every profile is a venue Venues can be "parents" of other venues (think hotel - floor -...
Felix ZY's user avatar
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2 answers

Querying for vendors and categories

I'm looking for pointers on the best way to optimize my code below. The query is designed to pull for a vendor database in a separate SQL server table that I built a connection to in my wordpress site....
Mike Mann's user avatar
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1 answer

Is this PL/SQL Stored proc optimal?

Christian Bongiorno's user avatar
2 votes
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Find All Recent Winners and Calculate an Encoding of What They Won

Context I was proud of this code for a little while, but the repetition wounds me. I know that the function name sucks, but the name and interface to this function are not under my control. ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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2 answers

Find All Recent Winners and Calculate an Encoding

Context I was proud of this code for a little while, but the repetition wounds me. I know that the function name sucks, but the name and interface to this function are not under my control. ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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specify a policy for allowing access to a table through a foreign key

Consider the following two tables in a PostgreSQL database: ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Creating single table vs creating multiple table

I have lots of services which I am integrating. (also I am new to sql) For each service integration I get different response, For example, for zoom, I would just need to store the access_Token, for ...
iRohitBhatia's user avatar
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Order Model for a Market Place Ruby on Rails Application

I've created a Marketplace application on ruby on rails and would like to request a review of my code (Order Model) to check if I am in the right track or not...please kindly understand that I am a ...
Panamaniac507's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the percentage of customers who increase their closing balance by more than 5%?

The Question What is the percentage of customers who increase their closing balance by more than 5%? Source Code The database and all details can be found here. ERD My Proposed Solution ...
Mike's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Optimizing LINQ Query on C# Web API

Can someone help me optimize this code especially the LINQ query. It takes 8-12 seconds just to return a response when I'm calling the endpoint. Its super slow, and my whole endpoint call is taking ...
Kraust123's user avatar
0 votes
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Is there a more concise way to write this Procedure

I have this stored Procedure that is passed in the data below that will building the SQL select that will get EXEC. The data that can be passed in can me null so I have three ...
Jefferson's user avatar
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Is there a more concise way to write this query in SQL Server?

I'm playing with data from a Time Use survey as a beginner SQL user. Gender is represented as 1's (Male) and 2's (Female), and the age of each participant is listed. I would like to divide them into ...
Erik's user avatar
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Employee Attendance structure design

I am designing a solution to store employee day attendance, which can be recorded either as hours or as an interval within a day. The goal is to maintain a monthly attendance list for each employee. ...
Andrius's user avatar
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Joining with a different (foreign keys) while using the same key on a different table

I'm a bit new to SQL and I'm still learning how to efficiently use joins. I have two tables. contains Materials and Alternate Materials contains Real_ID and Materials. The code below works however I ...
Milo Sandoval's user avatar
3 votes
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Create table of yearly monthly temperatures from monthly data

I've got a series of tables with monthly data on USA regions over about 130 years, divided by either climate divisions (clim_div) or other federal standards (ncdc_fips). They all follow the same ...
DownrightBass's user avatar
-2 votes
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Preventing PHP SQL injection on login [closed]

I had a login code like this: ...
Bazim's user avatar
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DB2 SQL statement to split a string based on delimiter

I have a "flat file" with structure as below: ...
Theju112's user avatar
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calculating the percentage of distribution of ids per Loc for each country

Which of the two queries is theoretically better and why? I would like to understand why query 2 takes longer although there is no relevant information in the Execution Plan. I'm querying a Presto ...
Pin_Eipol's user avatar
1 vote
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Find offers that can be matched with bids

I am working on a sql query for the following scenario: Get all available offers for registered demand (offers from profiles should not be from profile which had registered demand). After that get ...
Gleichmut's user avatar
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Count how many active and inactive users are in a group/unit/department/team

Given the following example data: id username group unit department team status 1 user1 g1 u1 d1 t1 active 2 user2 g1 u1 d1 t2 active 3 user3 g1 u1 d1 t3 inactive 4 user4 g3 u6 d12 t30 active 5 ...
pileup's user avatar
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Update table with data from another table under certain criteria

I need to update a lot of data from one table based on criteria from another table. My tables and records in those tables look like this: This is Users table where i can have many records for single ...
Sahbaz's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Optimizing a TRANSACT SQL statement [closed]

I'm in need to optimize the following TRANSACT SQL statement : ...
Simone Spagna's user avatar
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SQL query to pivot table into dynamically growing set of columns

I am working on SQL Server I have sample data like this in a table. CustId Bank city rating date rnk 1 Deutsche Delhi 5 10/10/2022 1 1 BOA Pune 6 10/10/2022 2 1 UBS Mumbai 7 10/10/2022 3 1 SBI ...
user3580341's user avatar
1 vote
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15 Days of Learning SQL (HackerRank Challenge) - is having multiple queries a good idea in this case?

The challenge is as follows: "Julia conducted a 15 days of learning SQL contest. The start date of the contest was March 01, 2016 and the end date was March 15, 2016. Write a query to print total ...
Yulia V's user avatar
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Can this SQL Query for Grouping Multiple Columns and Date be Improved in any way?

I'm trying to refresh my very rusty SQL skills. I have a table with device logs, collected every 5 minutes. I'm interested in counting the number of times a device is either 'connected' or '...
picklepick's user avatar
2 votes
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Extracting authors and books from XML and inserting them into PostgreSQL

There is a tree of start folder, it's subfolders, their subfolders, etc. In each folder, subfolder, etc. there are the same structured XML files stored. books.xml ...
erohtpur's user avatar

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