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Text extraction of document files

I have this script that pulls text out of .docx, .doc and .pdf files and uploads that text to an Azure SQL Server. This is so users can search on the contents of those documents without using Windows ...
Owain Esau's user avatar
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Get owner of ~5 million files and folders using Powershell and Robocopy

I've written a Powershell script that uses Robocopy to get the full path of all files on a drive and then run it through a foreach loop to get the owner for each file and generate it in a CSV. The ...
Josh's user avatar
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Get all AD groups and Exchange features of users

We have about 15000 users and 1000 groups in AD. I have been getting of all AD groups of all AD users and their Exchange features via script like below. But now I have been waiting for more than 3 ...
Cell-o's user avatar
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Gather information about computers from multiple CSV files

I created a script to import several CSV files from various sources and one CSV file with a list of systems in it. the script searches each CSV file to see if the system exist in the file and if it ...
texnoob's user avatar
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powershell md5 compare too slow

I'm trying to compare several files using md5 hash with powershell 2.0. The code works, the problem is that it's to slow. It takes longer in step 3. It's about 500 files to compare. Can you see a way ...
Pedro Sales's user avatar