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Microsoft Azure (formerly Windows Azure) is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform by Microsoft. Users of the platform can deploy their applications onto cloud hosting benefiting from on-demand service, elastic scale, and a highly managed environment on a pay-as-you-go basis.

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4 votes
1 answer

Create/Edit Commands for Finance Agreements that involve document upload

I'm working on commands for creating and updating FinanceAgreement records in a .NET application. The goal is to streamline and clean up the document-handling logic. Problem Description: In our ...
nop's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Azure pipeline YAML: check out Git submodules in latest HEAD version

Azure pipeline: checkout latest version (HEAD) of a linked Git submodule, default or specific branch, instead of the initially linked commit version. Issue: different versions of scripting repository ...
Erik Hart's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

React Native (expo) mobile application publishing to stores in Azure DevOps pipeline using different backends for different app versions

Mobile development is quite new for me, and I would like to ask about a solution review. I'm not sure the way I publish the application is correct, I think good companies may do it differently. I have ...
alcohol is evil's user avatar
1 vote
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Making my code shine and pro: Python in Azure Function Retrieveing the Data From Rest API

The code retrieves the data from PBI API - it's my first one and I would like to learn how to make it pro. Here is the list of my questions: Can you please analyze 2 functions: GetReports and ...
user1956634's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Spring Boot Azure Service Bus Listener

I would greatly appreciate your feedback and review of our Spring Boot Azure Service Bus listener implementation. Your insights and suggestions will help us ensure its efficiency and reliability. ...
Siyamcela Nxuseka's user avatar
0 votes
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Upload large image files to Azure

I am currently writing a program that takes image files from my data base and uploads them to Azure storage here is what I have written: ...
Adil15's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Azure AD Role Based Authorization : Allow specific roles for all GET methods and another set of roles for POSTS

There is a need to authorize the Users based on their Roles, particularly a set of roles that should allow all GET operations and a second set that should allow all POST operations. Eg: All Get ...
Mugil Karthikeyan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

PowerShell function for provisioning a new Active Directory user

I created a function for creating a new user in AD, assigning an o360 license and enabling mailbox, however, my code is very chaotic and I do not have a much experience with PowerShell. Could you ...
Alex Karapetian's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

C# duplicated attributes on Azure Functions with OpenAPI specifications

I'm developing a REST API using Azure Functions with .NET 5 (Isolated) and I want to add an OpenAPI spec for each route. But it looks like this: ...
phwt's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Add effective error handling to Python Notebook in Azure Synapse Analytics

I have some Python code that runs as part of an Azure Synapse Analytics Apache Spark Notebook (or Synapse Notebook) and would like to add effective error handling. The code simply executes a given ...
wBob's user avatar
  • 103
2 votes
1 answer

Simplify a complex KQL Query

The situation is, I have two fields in a database (or that can be derived) - when the message was received (Received, of type ...
simonalexander2005's user avatar
2 votes
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Scalability of azure redis example

I built an auction site with a dynamic caching layer after I seeing how expensive a dbaas is. The site is now done, but like any site that grows, my caching solution grew too. The cache currently ...
user6680's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How do I make multithreading in sending large file from FTP to Azure large files faster

Currently, I have a code which downloads a file from FTP to local hard disk. It then uploads a file in chunks to Azure. Finally, it deletes the file from local and ftp. This code is very slow though. ...
Gauravsa's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Creating a Constructor used only for testing: anti-pattern? [closed]

I have a class which uses the Azure SDK. The class has two constructors, shown in pseudo code below: ...
FoxDeploy's user avatar
2 votes
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Stream JSON from Azure Cosmos DB to browser in Web API

I have an HTTP endpoint for returning data directly from Azure Cosmos DB. The endpoint is basically a database access point (this seems like a common case). Since I'm returning the data unmodified, ...
Scotty H's user avatar
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Sending device data of 10k items with Parallel.ForEach

I have a deviceList of more than 10k items and want to send data by calling another method. I tried to use Parallel.Foreach but I'm not sure is this the correct ...
Neo's user avatar
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4 votes
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Python UDP server to relay CSV or JSON data to cloud for analysis

What am I doing? UDP/TCP server in Python (2.7 / 3.7) How am I doing? Using threads Where am I going to execute it? In a virtual machine running linux in AWS or Google Cloud or Azure () ...
IoT user's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Azure Storage Table using Repository Pattern

I converted my .net MVC, Entity Framework and SQL server website into .Net with Storage Table as the cheapest database option in Azure. I followed a repository pattern same as Entity Framework, ...
Pankaj Rawat's user avatar
1 vote
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ServiceBus QueueClient and TopicClient object resue

I'm writing an Azure function using Visual Studio (multi-layers project), where I'm managing all Azure ServiceBus related code in one class. (follow-up) ...
Pankaj Rawat's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Text extraction of document files

I have this script that pulls text out of .docx, .doc and .pdf files and uploads that text to an Azure SQL Server. This is so users can search on the contents of those documents without using Windows ...
Owain Esau's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Web-App for to determine gender, age, emotions of a person (shown on an image)

I have made an app using Microsoft's Face API: Face API JavaScript Quick Start It shall analyze an image, showing a person's portrait, concerning the gender of the person, her/his age and emotions. ...
michael.zech's user avatar
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Replacing DataContract serialization with Binary one in Azure Service Fabric

Azure Service Fabric uses DataContract serialization, which is a total disaster – it violates LSP (wiki) - see all those ...
Dmitry Nogin's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Downloading blobs asynchronously

We have a working implementation that is doing I/O operations, returning data from blobs in an async/await manner from Azure Blob Storage. ...
Mihai Neagoe's user avatar
2 votes
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Depersonalisation via redis cache

In an Azure Function, I have a c# program that processes tab delimited data into JSON entries. I'd like to improve it in terms of performance and the connection management. I want to remove personal ...
Steph Locke's user avatar
1 vote
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Multi-threading upload tool

We have about 14G files and each is about 150k. I'm writing a script to upload them to Azure Blob storage and would like to run an upload() function (each with own ...
setevoy's user avatar
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Simple and reusable system for user registration and tracking and auto-updates

I created a bunch of small and mostly internal WPF applications for my company - usually for some file manipulation etc. For these programs, I would like to start collecting user info - who uses them, ...
Bartosz's user avatar
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Web job logger implementation

Interface for logger: ...
Raskolnikov's user avatar
3 votes
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Safely storing Azure Topic clients in concurreny dictionary

I am trying to optimize the usage of TopicClients in my app. The instance is originally covered by interface and passed by IoC, so the IoC will dispose it at the end of the program life cycle. This ...
Ognyan Dimitrov's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Check if an entity exists in a Azure Table Storage

I want to check as fast as possible if an entity, based on PartitionKey and RowKey, exists in an Azure Table Storage. I can do a standard TableOperation.Retrieve and check the result, like: ...
Linefeed's user avatar
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2 answers

Users and friends query with retry, returning JSON

I am new to Azure and SQL. I have the following function that is part of a larger Web-API which is hosted on Azure and is querying an SQL Server database that is also hosted on the Azure platform: <...
Jack Nutkins's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Azure cache getoradd (without locking)

Inspired by the non-locking implementation proposed in this post, the following code is an attempt to (about) do the same using the azure cache. As I'm totally green on the Azure cache I'd appreciate ...
Tewr's user avatar
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Using and repository pattern in Azure websites

I'm currently on Azure Websites & Azure SQL, some documentation recommends using Async as much as possible as cloud services higher latency and have chances of dropping traffic, but it's also ...
Lee Gary's user avatar
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