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19 votes

Concurrent HashSet

General Stuff Would be nice to have inline documentation (///) on classes and public members, but everything is pretty simple and understandable. Some might ...
VisualMelon's user avatar
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14 votes

Porting C-style socket to CPP class

Avoid using malloc() in C++ There are much better ways to allocate memory in C++ that are simpler and safer. First, in C++ you should use ...
G. Sliepen's user avatar
  • 61.7k
7 votes

Wrapping libusb library in C++

It is kind of hard to say without seeing the whole code but at a glance the whole thing seems kind of pointless to me. You're not making it object oriented but rather just adding your own "flavor" API ...
Emily L.'s user avatar
  • 16.6k
7 votes

MongoDB Perl Wrapper

I'm the lead engineer for the MongoDB Perl driver with a couple of thoughts for you: you're using 'authenticate', which is for a very old version of the driver which is not recommended for use. In ...
xdg's user avatar
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7 votes

Auctionsite API Wrapper in Python

In API.__init__, you're assigning a value to self.base_url. However, that value is never changed and thus is the same for every ...
Daniel Walker's user avatar
6 votes

C++ Wrapper for cURL: Multithreading and serializing asynchronous ops

Design Issue Creating a new thread for every connection is not a good idea. Creating a thread is expensive. Also a single thread can easily handle thousands of connections, so utilizing a single ...
Loki Astari's user avatar
  • 96.6k
5 votes

PHP MySQLi wrapper class

This is not much a wrapper. Rather call it a wannabe Query Builder. I don't know the reason, but many people are constantly trying to write something like this. And I don't understand why. Okay, for ...
Your Common Sense's user avatar
5 votes

C++ wrapper class for array of OpenGL buffer objects -- just the constructors

Some specific questions I have about this code/approach are, if applicable, OK. Error handling design decision: should the constructors throw, or should I leave error checking, if desired, to the ...
Loki Astari's user avatar
  • 96.6k
5 votes

Auctionsite API Wrapper in Python

Payload This code is pretty hard to read (and possibly prone to encoding errors): ...
Kate's user avatar
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4 votes

Wrapping COM objects with IDisposable

There is two things that caught my attention. Every public method / property of all implementing classes needs to call ThrowIfDisposed(). Always. That's the ...
Vogel612's user avatar
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4 votes

Wrapping COM objects with IDisposable

Just a flying review: Have you tested this? The equality code isn't at all right. Firstly, never override == and != without ...
RobH's user avatar
  • 17k
4 votes

Random generator extension for VSCode

As for the architecture it seems good to me. As for the TypeScript I have a few minor suggestions: Avoid using var, use const ...
Dan Homola's user avatar
4 votes

Array whose first element is arbitralily indexed – writing a container wrapper

I believe that you are expending way too much energy trying to solve something that should be a non-problem. Simply always let your containers be zero based, if you have for example 1-based indexes as ...
Emily L.'s user avatar
  • 16.6k
4 votes

Enum wrapped in a struct

To use static instances of value types instead of plain enum isn't a strange thing. I can't discuss its merits because each case ...
Adriano Repetti's user avatar
4 votes

TweetResolver class, to be used in a graphql project

If all your catch is doing is re-throwing the error, there is no reason to have the try/catch in the first place. If you find ...
loganfsmyth's user avatar
4 votes

Proxy/Wrapper class for a dynamic object from a SOAP API

this.BasketResponse = new SoapSimplifier(basketResponse).ToJObject(); At this point you know you have a JObject: by ...
Peter Taylor's user avatar
  • 24.2k
4 votes

F# wrapper to generate SHA256 signature for a file

The use binding is usually better than the using function. The object is disposed when leaving the scope of the ...
TheQuickBrownFox's user avatar
4 votes

usart driver wrapper

Consider using enum class Instead of having a regular enum inside its own namespace, use an ...
G. Sliepen's user avatar
  • 61.7k
4 votes

Functions in PHP to run basic MySQL crud

Just from a pure useability stand, I don't find these types of wrappers very useful. They work fine for the simplest test cases, but as soon as you want to do a basic join you're back to writing the ...
waterloomatt's user avatar
4 votes

SNTPv4 server based on rfc 4330 in C++

General It's better to present the files in a more logical order - headers before implementation files, and lower-level utilities before the higher-level code that depends on them. Address.cpp The <...
Toby Speight's user avatar
  • 81.7k
4 votes

OO simple network time server with changes from a previous code inspection and added Windows support

Answers to your questions Is creating a Makefile to work under Windows a fools errand? No, it can work fine under Windows. However, installing GNU make on Windows might be an annoying step for some. ...
G. Sliepen's user avatar
  • 61.7k
3 votes

Wrapper class for executing database queries

You have 4 unused variables: ...
Denis's user avatar
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3 votes

Linux/Mac hashing SHA-1

There's not a huge amount to review here. It looks like the Apple code is intended to be a drop-in replacement for OpenSSL, so you could probably just rename to match, rather than creating a new name:...
Toby Speight's user avatar
  • 81.7k
3 votes

OpenGL 4.5 Core Buffer wrapper

template<GLenum target> As I've explained elsewhere, buffer objects are not typed. There's no such thing as a "vertex buffer object", "transform feedback ...
Nicol Bolas's user avatar
3 votes

Short header file for safe CLI input handling in C

I see some things that I think could help you improve your code. Eliminate unused definitions The top of the code includes this line: #define TRUE 1 However, ...
Edward's user avatar
  • 66.6k
3 votes

Wrapper Connection PDO PHP

Honestly, you can improve your application by discarding this wrapper. You are not going to derive any value from it. You can find similar discussion around this very common Codereview topic in ...
Mike Brant's user avatar
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3 votes

C++ Dirent.h "Wrapper"

Parameter names This is one of my pet peeves: Inode(const std::string &); The point of a header file / class definition at least in my head is to separate the ...
forsvarir's user avatar
  • 11.7k
3 votes

Using dynamic to avoid code duplication when wrapping an API

I'd say no, this is not a good use of dynamic. This looks like a problem that can be easily solved by generics. ...
Nikita B's user avatar
  • 13k
3 votes

MongoDB Perl Wrapper

Please check comments in the code, ...
mpapec's user avatar
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