I've created a minimal PHP-MySQLi database wrapper class that can be used to run insert, select, update and delete queries via prepared methods with ease.
Here's the wrapper class:
* MySQLi Database Class
* @category Database Access
* @package Database
* @author AashikP
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 AashikP
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License
* @version 0.1
namespace database;
class MySQLiDB
// Mysqli instance.
private $mySqli;
// Save Prefix if defined.
private $prefix = '';
// Generate an array from given $data values for bindParam
private $bind_arr = array(''); // Create the empty 0 index
// Set type to use in bindPar function
private $type;
// Set table with prefix if exists
private $table;
// array to generate bind_results
private $result_arr = array('');
// array to catch multiple rows of results
private $multi_result_arr = array();
// array to fetch values
private $fetch = array();
public function __construct()
// Create a connection
// Check if a database prefix is defined. If defined, set prefix value
defined('DB_PREFIX') ? $this->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX) : null;
// Connect using a mysqli instance
private function connect()
$this->mySqli = new \mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
// Is there an issue connecting to the database?
if ($this->mySqli->connect_errno) {
echo '<br/>', 'Error: Unable to connect to Database.' , '<br>';
echo "Debugging errno: " . $this->mySqli->connect_errno , '<br>';
echo "Debugging error: " . $this->mySqli->connect_error , '<br>';
// Set prefix for the table name if there's a prefix setup in the config file
private function setPrefix($value = '')
$this->prefix = $value;
// Function to insert data into table
public function insert($args)
// set type
$this->type = 'insert';
// set table and configure prefix, if available
// generate insert query
$query = $this->genQuery($args);
// prepare query statement
$stmt = $this->mySqli->prepare($query);
if ($this->mySqli->errno) {
die('Unable to insert data:<br /> '.$this->mySqli->errno .' : '. $this->mySqli->error);
// generate the bind_arr to be used to bind_param
// bind parameters for statement execution
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $this->returnRef($this->bind_arr));
// execute the statement (return error if execution failed)
if (!$stmt->execute()) {
die('Error : ('. $this->mySqli->errno .') '. $this->mySqli->error);
// close statement
// Function to update data
public function update($args)
// set type for use in query generator
$this->type = 'update';
// set table and configure prefix, if available
// generate update query
$query = $this->genQuery($args);
// prepare query statement
$stmt = $this->mySqli->prepare($query);
if ($this->mySqli->errno) {
die('Unable to insert data:<br /> '.$this->mySqli->errno .' : '. $this->mySqli->error);
// generate the bind_arr to be used to bind_param
// bind parameters for statement execution
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $this->returnRef($this->bind_arr));
// execute the statement (return error if execution failed)
if (!$stmt->execute()) {
die('Error : ('. $this->mySqli->errno .') '. $this->mySqli->error);
// close statement
// Function to select data from the table
public function select($args)
// set type for use in query generator
$this->type = 'select';
// set table and configure prefix, if available
// generate select query
$query = $this->genQuery($args);
// prepare query statement
$stmt = $this->mySqli->prepare($query);
if ($this->mySqli->errno) {
die('Unable to select data:<br /> '.$this->mySqli->errno .' : '. $this->mySqli->error);
// generate the bind_arr to be used to bind_param
// bind parameters for statement execution if bind_arr is not empty
// bind_arr will be empty if you're trying to retrieve all the values in a row
if (!empty($this->bind_arr)) {
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $this->returnRef($this->bind_arr));
// execute the statement (return error if execution failed)
if (!$stmt->execute()) {
die('Error : ('. $this->mySqli->errno .') '. $this->mySqli->error);
// if you've manually defined the data that you need to retrieve, generate result set
if (is_array($args['data'])) {
// generate the result set as an array to be
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_result'), $this->returnRef($this->result_arr));
if ($this->mySqli->errno) {
die('Unable to select data:<br /> '.$this->mySqli->errno .' : '. $this->mySqli->error);
$this->fetch = array(); // making sure the array is empty
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
$this->multi_result_arr = array_combine($args['data'], $this->result_arr);
// Get the values and append it to fetch array $i denotes the row number
foreach ($this->multi_result_arr as $arr => $val) {
$this->fetch[$i][$arr] = $val;
// if there's just one row of results retrieved, just reset the array
// so that you can directly call the value by $fetch['column_name']
if (count($this->fetch) == 1) {
$this->fetch = $this->fetch[0];
} elseif ($args['data'] == '*') {
// Generate a result metadata variable to be used to fetch column names in the array
$res = $stmt->result_metadata();
// Copy the column tables as an array into the fields variable to generate bind_result later
$fields = $res->fetch_fields();
// Field count for iteration
$count = $res->field_count;
// row count to chose type of array (multidimensional if more than one row found)
$row = $res->num_rows;
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$this->multi_result_arr[$i] = $this->result_arr[$i] = $fields[$i]->name;
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_result'), $this->returnRef($this->result_arr));
if ($this->mySqli->errno) {
die('Unable to select data:<br /> '.$this->mySqli->errno .' : '. $this->mySqli->error);
$this->fetch = array(); // making sure the array is empty
// create a fetch array that combines the required db column names with the retrieved results
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
$this->fetch[$i] = array_combine($this->multi_result_arr, $this->result_arr);
// if there's just one row of results retrieved, just reset the array
// so that you can directly call the value by $fetch['column_name']
if (count($this->fetch) == 1) {
$this->fetch = $this->fetch[0];
// reset values for next query
return $this->fetch;
// Function to delete values from a Database
public function delete($args)
// delete function must not be used to truncate tables
if (!isset($args['where'])) {
echo 'If you really want to delete all the contents, use truncate() method.';
} elseif (isset($args['data'])) { // if you're just deleting fields, use update statement instead
echo 'If you want to delete certain column in a row, use the update statement instead';
// set type for use in query generator
$this->type = 'delete';
// set table and configure prefix, if available
// generate delete query
$query = $this->genQuery($args);
// prepare query statement
$stmt = $this->mySqli->prepare($query);
if ($this->mySqli->errno) {
die('Unable to delete data:<br /> '.$this->mySqli->errno .' : '. $this->mySqli->error);
// generate the bind_arr to be used to bind_param
// bind parameters for statement execution
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $this->returnRef($this->bind_arr));
// execute the statement (return error if execution failed)
if (!$stmt->execute()) {
die('Error : ('. $this->mySqli->errno .') '. $this->mySqli->error);
// close statement
// Deletes all the data and resets the table. Please use with caution
public function truncate($table)
// set table and configure prefix, if available
// query to truncate the entire table
// NOTE: This is irreversible
$query = 'TRUNCATE ' . $this->table;
// prepare query statement
$stmt = $this->mySqli->prepare($query);
// execute the statement (return error if execution failed)
if (!$stmt->execute()) {
die('Error : ('. $this->mySqli->errno .') '. $this->mySqli->error);
// close statement
// prefix table name if db prefix is setup
private function setTable($table)
$this->table = $this->prefix . $table;
// Generates the mysqli query statement
private function genQuery($args)
switch ($this->type) {
case 'insert':
$query = "INSERT INTO `" . $this->table .'` ';
$query .= $this->genInsert($args['data']);
$query .= " VALUES " . $this->genInsval($args['data']);
case 'select':
$query = "SELECT " . $this->genSelect($args) . " FROM " . $this->table;
if (isset($args['where'])) {
$query .= $this->genWhere($args);
if (isset($args['order'])) {
$query .= $this->genOrder($args);
if (isset($args['group'])) {
$query .= $this->genGroup($args);
if (isset($args['limit'])) {
$query .= " LIMIT " . $args['limit'];
case 'update':
$query = "UPDATE `" . $this->table . "` SET";
$query .= $this->genUpdate($args['data']);
if (isset($args['where'])) {
$query .= $this->genWhere($args);
case 'delete':
$query ="DELETE FROM `" . $this->table . '` ';
if (isset($args['where'])) {
$query .= $this->genWhere($args);
$query ='';
return $query;
// Generate insert query
private function genInsert($data)
$ins_query = '( ';
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if ($data[$key] == end($data)) {
$ins_query .= ' ' . $key . ' ';
$ins_query .= ' ' . $key . ', ';
$ins_query .= ')';
return $ins_query;
// generate the value part of the insert query to be used as a prepared statement
// Eg (? , ?, ?)
private function genInsVal($data)
$ins_value = '(';
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
if ($data[$k] == end($data)) {
$ins_value .= '?';
$ins_value .= '?, ';
$ins_value .=')';
return $ins_value;
// generate update query
private function genUpdate($data)
$update_query = '';
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$update_query .= ' ' .$key .' =?,' ;
$update_query = rtrim($update_query, ',');
return $update_query;
// Generate select query
private function genSelect($sel_array)
$sel_string = '';
if (is_array($sel_array['data'])) {
foreach ($sel_array['data'] as $value) {
$sel_string .= $value . ', ';
$sel_string = rtrim($sel_string, ', ');
} elseif ($sel_array['data'] == '*') {
$sel_string = '*';
return $sel_string;
// Generate where condition for query generator (genQuery)
private function genWhere($where_arr)
$where_query = ' WHERE';
if (isset($where_arr['whereOp'])) {
$opr = $where_arr['whereOp'];
} else {
$opr = '=';
// Check if the given array is associative
if ($this->isAssoc($where_arr)) {
foreach ($where_arr['where'] as $key => $value) {
$where_query .= ' ' . $key . $opr . '? ';
} else {
foreach ($where_arr['where'] as $value) {
$where_query .= ' ' . $value . $opr . '? ';
if (isset($where_arr['and']) && !empty($where_arr['and'])) {
$where_query .= $this->andWhere($where_arr);
if (isset($where_arr['or']) && !empty($where_arr['or'])) {
$where_query .= $this->orWhere($where_arr);
return $where_query;
// Generate and condition for query generator (genQuery)
private function andWhere($and_arr)
$and_query = ' AND';
if (isset($where_arr['andOP'])) {
$opr = $where_arr['andOP'];
} else {
$opr = '=';
foreach ($and_arr['and'] as $key => $value) {
$and_query .= ' ' . $key . $opr . '? ';
return $and_query;
// Generate OR condition for query generator (genQuery)
private function orWhere($or_arr)
$or_query = ' OR';
if (isset($or_arr['orOP'])) {
$opr = $or_arr['orOp'];
} else {
$opr = '=';
foreach ($or_arr['and'] as $key => $value) {
$or_query .= ' ' . $key . $opr . '? ';
return $or_query;
// Generate order by condition
private function genOrder($args)
$order_query = ' ORDER BY ' . $args['order'] .' ';
if (isset($args['oType']) && (($args['oType'] == 'ASC') || ($args['oType'] == 'DESC'))) {
$order_query .= $args['oType'];
return $order_query;
// Generate group by conditions
private function genGroup()
$grp_query = ' GROUP BY ' . $args['group'] .' ';
if (isset($args['gType']) && (($args['gType'] == 'ASC') || ($args['gType'] == 'DESC'))) {
$grp_query .= $args['gType'];
return $grp_query;
// Check the input array and forward it to bindParam for further processing
private function bindPar($args)
if (isset($args['data']) && $this->type != 'select') {
if (isset($args['where'])) {
if (isset($args['and'])) {
if (isset($args['or'])) {
if ($this->type == 'select' && !isset($args['where']) && !isset($args['and']) && !isset($args['or'])) {
// Organize generation of bind_arr in the below method based on $data
private function bindParam($data)
if (is_array($data)) {
if ($this->isAssoc($data)) {
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
} else {
foreach ($data as $value) {
} else {
// Detect type and push values inside the bind_arr to be submitted as bind parameters
private function bindValues($value)
$this->bind_arr[0] .= $this->detectType($value);
array_push($this->bind_arr, $value);
// Detect value type to generate bind parameter
protected function detectType($value)
switch (gettype($value)) {
case 'string':
return 's';
case 'integer':
return 'i';
case 'blob':
return 'b';
case 'double':
return 'd';
return '';
protected function returnRef(array &$arr)
//Referenced data array is required by mysqli since PHP 5.3+
if (strnatcmp(phpversion(), '5.3') >= 0) {
$refs = array();
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
$refs[$key] = & $arr[$key];
return $refs;
return $arr;
// Generate a result array with selected values from database for given data
private function genResultArr($args)
$this->result_arr = array();
foreach ($args['data'] as $value) {
array_push($this->result_arr, $value);
// Check if an array is associative
private function isAssoc(array $array)
$keys = array_keys($array);
return array_keys($keys) !== $keys;
// Reset to default values after an operation
private function reset()
$this->type = null;
$this->table = '';
$this->bind_arr = array('');
$this->result_arr = array();
$this->multi_result_arr = array();
// Disconnects the active connection
private function disconnect()
if (isset($this->mySqli)) {
// Making sure we don't have open connections
public function __destruct()
if (isset($this->mySqli)) {
// if there's an active connection, close it
if ($this->mySqli->ping()) {
Here's the optional config.php
file that goes with it:
* This is an example configuration file. Even though the file is optional,
* the constants defined below are required for the wrapper class to work.
/** MySQL database name */
/** MySQL database username */
/** MySQL database password */
/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
/** [Optional] MySQL database prefix */
define('DB_PREFIX', '');
How it works:
Available functions
Please note
You'll either need to define the required configs in the class file or include the config.php file along with this code in order to make a successful db connection as shown below:
$db = new MySQLiDB;
To insert content, create an array with table and the data to be inserted
and then call the insert function
'table' => 'table name';
is an array with the 'keys' as field names and 'values',
as the values that need to be entered in the fields
$args = [
'table' => 't1',
'data' => [
'f11' => '123',
'f12' => 'hello'
// Calling the below function will submit f11 = 123, f12 ='hello' etc into the table 't1'
To update content, create an array with table and the data to be inserted
and then call the update function
'table' => 'table name';
is an array with the keys as field names and values as the values that need to be updated in the database fields
if you need to update specific values, you can specify where
, and
and or
$args = [
'table' => 't1',
'data' => [
'f11' => '123',
'f14' => '456',
// [Optional] However, if you do not define a where condition, fields in every row will
// be overwritten with the arg contents.
'where' => [
'id' => 10
// [Optional] where operator is '=' by default, you only need to specify
// this if you would like to use a different operator.
'whereOp' => '=',
// [Optional] 'and' condition, works the same way as where condition
// andOp is '=' by default
'and' => [
'andOp' => '=',
// [Optional] 'or' condition, works the same way as where condition
// orOp is '=' by default
'or' => [
'orOp' => '',
Calling the below function would update value of 'f1' to 'test' where id = 10 and 'f2' = 'foo'
$args = [
'table' => 't1',
'data' => [
'f1' => 'test',
'where' => [
'id' => 10,
'and' => [
'f2' => 'foo',
You can even set value to empty if you want to delete certain value from a row.
The below code will set the value of field one to ''
and field two to 'foo' where id = 1
(f1 and f2 are the fields)
$args = [
'table' => 'test',
'data' => [
'f1' => '',
'f2' => 'foo'
'where' => [
'id' => 1
To select content, create an array with table and the data to be selected
and then call the select function
'table' => 'table name';
is an array with the keys as field names that need to be retrieved
if you need to select everything, you can use 'data' => '*'
// available options
$args = [
'table' => 'table_name',
// data can either be an array with values defining field names that need to be retrieved, or just 'data' => '*'
'data' => [
'field1', 'field2'
'where' => [
'field3' => 'foo'
'whereOp' => '!=', // (only need to be defined if its anything other than =)
'and' => [
'andOp' => '', // (only need to be defined if its anything other than =)
'or' => [
'orOp' => '', // (only need to be defined if its anything other than =)
'limit' => 2, // this will limit the rows returned
'order' => '', // order by
'oType' => '', // ASC or DESC
'group' => '', // group by
'gType' => '', // ASC or DESC
// Example
$args = [
'table' => 't1',
'data' => [
'where' => [
'f1' => 'hi',
$fetch = $db->select($args);
foreach ($fetch as $res) {
// below code will dump all the rows. If you want a specific output,
// check the echo statement below
// Or you can chose to display them row wise
echo $fetch[0]['f2'];
- In the above code, we're displaying the value of field f2 from the first row of returned result set
If there's only one row in the result set, you can access it directly as shown in the below echo statement
This is used to delete a row. If you only want to remove a single field from a row, use the update statement instead and set the value of that field to ''
(empty string)
$args = [
'table' => 't1',
'where' => [
'or' => [
// Below statements should delete the row where id = 10, in table 'test'
$args = [
'table' => 'test',
'where' => [
'id' => 10
If you want to delete an entire table, you will need to use the truncate function instead.
Improvements I'm unsure about:
Minimize connection: Should I remove the disconnect option from my
and then make a check in the connect function to see if there's an active connection and only if there's none at the moment, make the connection? Would it be any better performance wise or in terms of code readability?<?php // Example private function connect() { if (!$this->mySqli->ping()) { // make the connection } } ?>
Unnecessary comments: I've repeated the comments in multiple cases where there are same functions. I personally believe these comments are unnecessary, but I want to know if this is the recommended method
This is not currently used in production. I'm still learning the art of PHP and I wrote the piece of code as a learning experience. As of now the code works as intended. However, what I would like to know is, if the code can be used in production environment?
Link to repo: Github