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Questions tagged [cyclomatic-complexity]

Cyclomatic Complexity is a metric of the complexity of a program or a section of a program.

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2 votes
1 answer

Semi-generic data loading utility class

The following implements a relatively generic and modular data loading utility. It loads images from a local storage given a lookup table. The data loader is parametrized via dependency injection to ...
lo tolmencre's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Comparison of lists of intervals

From the following script, the "similarity" function should be callable to compare two sets of lists and return a certain similarity score. The elements of the lists represent intervals, so [...
Pimsel's user avatar
  • 25
1 vote
2 answers

Parse string using character value for Unicode characters

I added the getCValue method to reduce the cyclomatic complexity, but the cyclomatic complexity still persists. How can I reduce it? Can I change this code using ...
stromboli's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

C# Tool to Generate MS Word Document Mailbox List From MS Excel

There is now a Follow up question to this question. Abstract The VBA solution didn't work on the clients computer because Office 2010 Starter Edition doesn't support VBA. I decided to try a C# ...
pacmaninbw's user avatar
  • 24.8k
3 votes
2 answers

Simplify 2D point angle comparator

I have a comparison function for comparing two points in 2 (or more) dimensions based on the angle of each point in standard polar coordinates. In other words, a point ...
hacatu's user avatar
  • 462
0 votes
2 answers

Optimizing methods with multiple if checks on getter values

I have a method where I fetch user input, check if certain values exist, and based on that build my own custom input object that I would use to search in a database. The code for the search method is ...
AnOldSoul's user avatar
  • 121
5 votes
1 answer

Hand Coded State Driven Lexical Analyzer in C With Unit Test Part C

This review is presented in 3 questions due to the amount of code: Part A contains the Lexical Analyzer and the main portion of the unit test code. Part B contains the lower level unit tests called ...
pacmaninbw's user avatar
  • 24.8k
4 votes
1 answer

Hand Coded State Driven Lexical Analyzer in C With Unit Test Part B

This review is presented in 3 questions due to the amount of code: Part A contains the Lexical Analyzer and the main portion of the unit test code. Part B (this question) contains the lower level ...
pacmaninbw's user avatar
  • 24.8k
9 votes
2 answers

Hand Coded State Driven Lexical Analyzer in C With Unit Test Part A

This code review is presented in 3 questions due to the amount of code: Part A (this question) contains the Lexical Analyzer and the main portion of the unit test code. Part B contains the lower ...
pacmaninbw's user avatar
  • 24.8k
1 vote
2 answers

Parser for file made up of sections

I'm parsing a file made up of various sections. I have a current_section variable that tracks which portion of the file I'm currently processing and the following <...
Neils Christoffersen's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Case of Cyclomatic Complexity

I'm trying to recreate the method inject (Works like Reduce) from ruby Enumerable Module. Using Rubocop (A Linter) I got the error: ...
Sevila's user avatar
  • 111
4 votes
1 answer

Method that filters a list parameters based on different fields

I have this code which is a callback for Filter in WPF ICollectionView. When I run code analysis, the cyclometic complexity is reported to be 11. I consider this ...
Code Name Jack's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Files.walkTree is causing Assignment Branch Condition too high [closed]

My code is working correctly, but is resulting in a "Assignment branch condition too high" warning with a score of 12.08 on CodeBeat. Codebeat is an automated code review utility that helps ...
Jean-Pierre El Ghafary's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

handle null in Comparator class

I have a class LoanAccount that contains an attributes creationDate and loanAmount. I ...
Cristian Iacob's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Get the encrypted payload from an unencrypted wrapper PDF document

This is code, written by our dev team, and SonarQube tells me that the Cognitive Complexity is too high: 21, and the current (default, out of the box) metric limit is 15. I've had a go at reducing the ...
Amedee Van Gasse's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Automatically select the table rows between two selected rows

The code is to check the rows in a table. If in a table two non consecutive rows are checked then all the in between rows should be selected by itself. Also, after selecting two rows, on selection of ...
96rashijain's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Work command handler for an economy system

I have been working on this code, which is the part of an economy system that handles the work command. This lets the user pick a role and if they have enough level then they will get it by updating a ...
Axisnix's user avatar
  • 123
3 votes
2 answers

Descending selection sort in JavaScript

I wrote a simple sort algorithm in JavaScript, but code climate is complaining its complexity being too high (currently sitting on 6 instead of 5, which is code climate wants). I personally cannot ...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
  • 707
3 votes
1 answer

JavaScript function to categorize data by their "styles" attribute, and store the key-"unicode" pair

I have a JavaScript function to categorize data by their "styles" attribute, and store the key-"unicode" pair. Here's my current code: ...
zypA13510's user avatar
  • 133
4 votes
1 answer

Culling strings from a list that are substrings of other list elements

I'm bothered by my answer to this SO question. I'm pretty sure it's more efficient than the sort-and-cull implementations, but I'm having trouble expressing that in a way that I trust. Also, it's ...
ShapeOfMatter's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Checks user level and limit the data before saving it to mongoDB

I have a function that checks user level and limits the data before saving it to mongoDB database (pre 'save' middleware for mongoose). It have been getting complexity warnings and tried to rewrite it,...
Arootin Aghazaryan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Keep ABC size down for conditional string concatenation in Ruby

This method takes a comment object and displays it correctly depending on what columns are available. EVENT_TEXT and REASON_TEXT ...
willlma's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Poker Game: Refactor method to evaluate poker hands

Preface: I've perused the other related questions before creating this one but I believe that those solutions weren't applicable to my situation. I'll concede that its possible that I may not have ...
asathkum's user avatar
  • 255
0 votes
1 answer

Php: how to lower complexity of method [closed]

I have this method rated B on Scrutinizer (direct link:
sineverba's user avatar
  • 111
2 votes
2 answers

Express.js handler to update user fields

I have an express handler which i thought was pretty simple, but CodeClimate flagged this method as having a Cognitive complexity of 6 (5 is the max by default without flagging something) Curious how ...
Catfish's user avatar
  • 123
5 votes
1 answer

Convert to UTF-8 all files in a directory

1. Summary I can't find, how I can to refactor multiple with open for one file. 2. Expected behavior of program Program detect encoding for each file in the ...
Саша Черных's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Set an image sprite depending on the lowest common number in a set [closed]

In my game you can earn either a bronze, silver or gold medal. There is 4 difficulties which you can earn a medal on. I want to display a medal depending on the lowest common medal earnt if that ...
Rachel Dockter's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Calculating total size of player data

I am writing a function to calculate the total size of a "player appearance". There are various "item slots" the player has, and if they are empty then 1 byte will be sent, otherwise there will be 2. ...
James Monger's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Group Anagrams Together approach in Java

Given an array of words, print the count of all anagrams together in sorted order (increasing order of counts). For example, if the given array is {“cat”, “dog”, “tac”, “god”, “act”}, then grouped ...
Anirudh Thatipelli's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Convenience function for writing files in CSV, JSON, etc

The McCabe code complexity of the following function is 19 as found by pytest --mccabe (from my toy-project mpu). While ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Marking projects as done when all tasks' progress are 100%

We have project.task model, where each task has many lines and each line has progress field indicating how much work has been done and how much still remaining (...
Tessnim's user avatar
  • 163
2 votes
2 answers

Masking user input passwords

I have a method that accepts user input. Additionally, it masks passwords then the input is a password. It also bypasses the prompt of if an env variable supplies the needed input. Apparently, my ...
american-ninja-warrior's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Most popular element with count in Array with Java

Here is the input array of int values Example: { 5, 4, 6, 5, 1, 0, 7, 7, 3, 5 } Find the most repeated element with its count, example output; ...
srk's user avatar
  • 608
0 votes
2 answers

Verifying that all fields of a unit has been suitably filled in

I have unit class which have some properties, and I have acceptancePolicy table which contain values. If values (from one row) are true method should return true. The method is below. How can I ...
123498's user avatar
  • 11
3 votes
2 answers

Parsing command line arguments in Go

I've written a reimplementation of the redis-benchmark in Go and part of that is parsing options from the command line. I evaluated several libraries but nothing I found seem to do what I had in mind. ...
Richard Nienaber's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

DNS Zone file parser

I've coded this FileDNSParser class. It parses a BIND (RFC 1033) zone file and gets its resource records into an array. Scrutizer CI says it too complex, and I'm sure there is too much nested ifs and ...
Paco Orozco's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Apache POI and cyclomatic complexity of code

I have an Excel file, which I am reading using Apache POI APIs; which gives me control over cells/columns in my Excel. I have around 17 columns in my Excel and these are with different datatypes. I ...
Akshay Lokur's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Function to determine the appropriate dimensions for a close button

How can I reduce the cyclomatic complexity of this CloseButtonDimensions function? ...
Abhishek Sharma's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Collision detection method

I think everyone has some code they are embarrassed and not proud of and today I have decided to show mine. I'm not sure how to go about making this more efficient. At the time I was just happy it did ...
SJJ's user avatar
  • 51
4 votes
3 answers

Check for Scrabble double letter bonus

This function checks if the cell of a Scrabble board is a double letter bonus. It has a 23 cyclomatic complexity, which is higher than the threshold of 20. I don't know how to do it another way, I ...
CycComp's user avatar
  • 41
7 votes
1 answer

Python script to execute a Bash script and send a notification

I've written a Python script that given a few arguments executes a build process bash script. ...
dsafa's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Bubble sort code

I tried avoiding nested loops and usage of too many variables. This is up for review and comments. ...
OverflowJoe's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

play_card() method in an Exploding Kittens card game

I wrote a library for card games. To demonstrate how it can be used, I also wrote an Exploding Kittens card game as an example. I'm using CodeClimate to determine cyclomatic complexity. This method ...
iScrE4m's user avatar
  • 123
4 votes
1 answer

Finding the difference between postal addresses

I have to compose an email where I have to list a list of difference between old and new value of a list of addresses. Only a subset of properties have to be listed, so the first thing that pops into ...
invernomuto's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Preview method for multiple types of panels

Using Rubocop, pretty much any case statement is caught by the Cyclomatic Complexity cop, often the Assignment Branch Condition and method length cops as well. To get around this, I've been ...
Shaun's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Factory to construct a FineTime out of many kinds of objects

Any suggestions to help refactor this method? I thought maybe some kind of factory to allocate the right type? ...
user1472672's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Establishing parameters for a sales report, with default boolean and date values

The idea is that I am getting the params from a GET request in the form of a Hash (symbol→str) and I want to transform them into dates and booleans. For that reason,...
Daniel's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Adding genres and themes from work

Codacy is telling me this method has a complexity of 13. I need some tips on how to reduce it, more specifically inside the forEach loop. I've already changed it ...
JCRamires's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

File parsing and data management - follow-up

This is part of a two-part post (Part 1). Here, I have two recent projects that parse a file. The first uses a loop that's kind of hard to follow, and the second uses "modes" to decide what to do. ...
Braden Best's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

File parsing and data management

This is part of a two-part post (Part 2). Here, I have two recent projects that parse a file. The first uses a loop that's kind of hard to follow, and the second uses "modes" to decide what to do. ...
Braden Best's user avatar