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Questions tagged [callback]

Callback is facility to save a piece of code so that it may be invoked later in the current environment (Typically in response to an event)

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4 votes
1 answer

Is this a sane (as in lacking UB) implementation of a ref-counted subscription cleanup?

AutoCancel is a class which wraps a Cancel (aka void()) function. The purpose of wrapping ...
smac89's user avatar
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Member (virtual or not) function to C callback by generating static version at compile time

I've started to write a header-only implementation of callback for member functions : ...
hl037_'s user avatar
  • 141
1 vote
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C++ Structural Requests System with Payload Management

First things first, I'd thank Mr. G. Sliepen and Mr. Davislor regarding their help in the previous questions (C++ System data transfer design) (C++ System data transfer design - Following 1), given ...
Hamza Hajeir's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

c++ multithreaded message broadcaster with link lifetime management v3

note: This is v3 of code that was previously reviewed. I have written a class that handles listeners registering callbacks to receive messages. Link lifetime is managed (or is it? See below). Code is ...
Diederick C. Niehorster's user avatar
2 votes
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An NVIDIA Jetson Nano GPIO Wheel Encoder Message Publisher using ROS2

Although this code uses ros2 my concern is about C++ code quality, because I still struggle when it comes to making good design ...
Sam Hammamy's user avatar
1 vote
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Delphi - did I understand callbacks correctly?

I am trying to learn callbacks in Delphi (7). Could not find a complete simple tutorial, so I puzzled together a few bits here and there. This is my first attempt, of course trivial. My form contains ...
MyICQ's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Wait for a callback and then using the result

I'm using Frida to run a script on a process, and I want to wait for it to send the result back to me, as a callback. My current code looks like this: ...
JJTech's user avatar
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7 votes
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TFunction: std::function replacement for event system

I've been trying to implement delegate for my event system. I thought that maybe std::function can do the trick for me, but it turned out to be not comparable, so what i have end up doing is this - ...
Lex's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Event callbacks library

This is a small library I wrote to make event callbacks with variadic templates work like C#'s event system (placeholder template by "dyp" at Just like ...
FatalSleep's user avatar
1 vote
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c++ multithreaded message broadcaster with link lifetime management v2

note: This is v2 of code that was previously reviewed. I have written a class that handles listeners registering callbacks to receive messages. Link lifetime is managed (or is it?). Code is ...
Diederick C. Niehorster's user avatar
1 vote
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c++ multithreaded message broadcaster with link lifetime management

note: A version of this code without link lifetime management was previously reviewed. Adding lifetime management actually made the code simpler, and the class simpler to use. I have written a class ...
Diederick C. Niehorster's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Generic Event class

C++ Event class From the desire of having a callback function which includes a void* userdata argument, I've made this generic event class. It is tested and working, but some desired features are ...
Shigoto Shoujin's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

C++ Observer Pattern with std::function

I am/we are using the observer pattern for many things in our application. I think it's time to create a reusable base class for these situations. Most implementations I could find only do something ...
Michael's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Simplify 2D point angle comparator

I have a comparison function for comparing two points in 2 (or more) dimensions based on the angle of each point in standard polar coordinates. In other words, a point ...
hacatu's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

C++ Generic Callback class with removable listeners by unique id

I'm quite new to the STL. Does this make sense? Is there a better way of removing the listeners instead of using shared_ptr while keeping the code short and simple? Is there something in the STL to ...
fededevi's user avatar
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1 vote
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c++ multithreaded message broadcaster using callbacks

note: This is an updated design after a previous review round. I have written a class that handles listeners registering callbacks to receive messages. Registered callbacks can be replaced or removed. ...
Diederick C. Niehorster's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

C++ callback multithreaded, can unregister itself

update: a new version of this code is posted here With this post, i would like to 1) ask for feedback on below code as it stands: do i apply all best practices for c++20? is it safe? is my way to ...
Diederick C. Niehorster's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Cyclic generator with access to current local state and executes callback after each cycle

I'm working on a Python class that is a cyclic generator, like itertools.cycle, but it offers access to its current state and executes a callback after the ...
Кафка's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Error Code Stack Trace and Propagation Library in C

I've been programming in Go and I enjoy how easy it is to create descriptive errors and propagate them up the call stack. I wanted that sort of ease and consistency in C so I created a small error ...
Ollie's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Supplying parameterless callback to function expecting void * param

I have to register different callback functions to a scheduler. The callback signature defines a void * parameter. Some callbacks don't use a parameter. This works, ...
robsn's user avatar
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Login system using callbacks in android

I wrote a login system for an app I am developing, but I'm not really happy with the code I have at the moment. I feel like there is a better way at tackling a problem like this. In particular I'm not ...
RuuddR's user avatar
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Stateful function pointer for passing C++ capturing lambdas / std::functions to C style callbacks

demiralp's user avatar
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Callback C++ Class method from C

I am trying to callback C++ class methods from C. Now I have got something working, but am not sure if this is the best solution. I am looking for feedback, as to if there is something wrong with this ...
mmcblk1's user avatar
  • 33
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Registering a user and login

I have these following controller functions for registering a user and login, in my app, and I want to make it more clean and maintainable. Probably by using ...
ubuntu7788's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Message Broadcaster

I've written a basic event messenger broadcasting service. This is meant to allow for broadcasting events between loosely coupled areas of code where you may not have or care about a direct reference ...
M2tM's user avatar
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callback function with no dynamic memory allocation

I tried to make a callback type for embedded, I know std::function and lambda but I know that there is some dynamic memory allocation that I want to avoid, I came ...
shangaoren filehunter's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

It's Teetime; adding tee like functionality to Popen

I recently needed to run some command line applications from Python. Whilst this is fairly simple with subprocess.Popen. I wanted to be able to properly pipe the ...
Peilonrayz's user avatar
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2 answers

Bitmask, How to abstract those callbacks in this implementation

I've made an POC about a bitmask implementation in order to replace a huge if/else statement. Those statements are about strings and I have almost 15 /20 string to test. Depends on values the if/else ...
Hooli's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Simple replacement for Redux in ES6

The idea about this code is that it's a full replacement of Redux — in 22 lines of code. ...
Merc's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Implementation of a Thread Pool in C++

I wanted to implement a thread pool to test my knowledge of various modern C++ features. The end result could be better, but I need a review as I'm not sure about delicate things especially regarding ...
KeyC0de's user avatar
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Customizable unidirectional questionaire in javascript

I wrote the below answer for the following question on SO a couple of days ago, and I was curious if the usage of the generator function is an acceptable one. I choose the generator function, because ...
Icepickle's user avatar
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Callback usage with custom Stack Exchange Flair

Today I decided to continue refining my JavaScript skills and utilized the Stack Exchange API (v2.2) to write a "user flair" replica. In case you don't know what the flair that SE provides is: The ...
Taco's user avatar
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1 answer

Ajax function with a callback

I have Ajax function with a callback which fetches all the Patient data however I have some perfomance issues and trying to figure out what it might be, does anyone have idea? That's my Code ...
Mike J's user avatar
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1 answer

std::function alternative with no dependencies

An alternative to std::function for when compile time is more important than runtime performance. Doesn't pull in any headers. (...
Taylor's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Wrap a callback method in an awaitable method

I'm using a .NET library which uses a pre-async/await type of asynchronicity. That is, it provides asynchronous (non-awaitable) method with a callback parameter. I'm trying to write awaitable ...
41686d6564's user avatar
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Chaining ConstrainableSet<T> [closed]

Based on feedback on my previous question, I made many small adjustments to the code, added more APIs and tried to follow through with delivering on the excellent advice I have received in regards to ...
BanMe's user avatar
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Constraining a property setter fluently

The below code is aimed at providing you the most amount of control and flexibility with control which value gets set to a property. I Introduce to you, the ...
BanMe's user avatar
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6 votes
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C# asynchronous notification vector

The purpose of this class is to efficiently notify another thread when data is available with minimal blocking to access/pass the data. The data reader/producer thread processes data in bulk which ...
sfanjoy's user avatar
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UI Event Flow class

Purpose: I wanted a way to improve event clarity and event code organization. I observed that every single event flow went through the following steps: Trigger -> UI Change -> (Async) ...
Shelby115's user avatar
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2 answers

Function to call a list of callables with retry

This script is designed to be run via windows task scheduler once per day. All callables passed to this function should only return a bool. The callables are called until either the maximum number of ...
Dave's user avatar
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Updating one model field based on the associated model's field

I'm wondering if there is any way we can optimize the following code. Scenario is Library's active field should be ...
Bibek Sharma's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Simple Publisher Subscriber in Java

I am new to Java and had some difficulty creating this simple Publisher Subscriber class. It finally seems to be working and I wanted to check if I have been following best practices and see if there ...
KNejad's user avatar
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C++ wrapper for GLFW window object

I'm creating a window class in C++ to provide a bit of abstraction for a GLFW window. window.h ...
Cortex's user avatar
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1 answer

pass argument to jQuery .on() event handler callback [closed]

In my web application, a user will click a button which will call a function that triggers an AJAX call. That function accepts a single argument. I would like to be able to put that function in ...
Aaron Goldsmith's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Event emitter npm module

I was asked to complete the task described below: Event Emitters are objects that serve as the core building block in event-driven architectures. They simplify the process of handling asynchronous ...
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ's user avatar
3 votes
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jQuery handler to update map UI based on AJAX response

I am working on a university project that consists of creating a map application with openlayers as well as the necessary User-Interface. I am using jQuery, native JavaScript, PHP and of course HTML/...
phloose's user avatar
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Simple event dispatcher

Here is my very first event dispatcher. I would like to get both, style and code review, as well as some ideas to improve this implementation (new features etc.) I tried to write code in C++17 style ...
NutCracker's user avatar
1 vote
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Class that provides callback execution at a specified rate

Here is a class I wrote to provide a user a way to have a callback function executed at some defined frequency: Task.hpp ...
Clay Brooks's user avatar
2 votes
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Extracting data from vue-chartjs into an array of datasets

I have a function which returns an array of datasets for a chart written with vue-chartjs. The getter getChartData returns an array with three objects with nested ...
Olga B's user avatar
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Controller to execute AJAX requests for a client

I have been developing this structure or pattern (I don't really know how to call it). It's my first time doing something like this, and I'm a bit worried about the future, if it becomes unmanageable. ...
Vistor's user avatar
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