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Questions tagged [memory-optimization]

Memory Optimization is a subset of Optimization: it is the goal of reducing the memory consumption (the amount of memory used during compile or run time) of your program or of a specific algorithm

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Optimizing MJPEG stream handling in Service Worker

Background: I'm implementing a small react app in which an MJPEG stream transmitted by HTTPS is displayed. The stream is only accessible if the user is authorized (using Basic Auth). Therefore, I can ...
nimrod42's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Memory-optimizing arduino code to be able to print all files from SD card

I started an Arduino project that could execute instructions from an SD card file on the screen. I managed to do it, but another problem appeared: I can't print all the files from the SD card to the ...
ArtyomTop1gg's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Check which sinks are connected in the pipe system using Python

It would be very helpful to me as a beginner if I could get feedback on my code, specifically about the efficiency of algorithm used and potential improvements in code quality. Code context: There is ...
Silah's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

HackerRank, Haskell simple "compression" algorithm

The question asked is very straight-forward and is simple enough to solve. What I am looking for is that hopefully I can get some understanding for using the constructs and built-ins of the Haskell ...
tijko's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Optimizing a Function to Generate a Row of Consecutive Odd Numbers in a Triangle

I've written a JavaScript function that generates a row of consecutive odd numbers in a triangle. The triangle looks like this: ...
XMehdi01's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Generic container wrapper type with a default underlying buffer (2nd rev)

This is a revision of the previous question. I was told to ask an additional question with more context for the modified code to be reviewed. The changes: changed from ...
digito_evo's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Autocompletion trie for English words in zig

I am trying to write a program that creates a Trie from a list of all English words, and then when run provides completions for a given prefix. Basically for each node I allocate a list of 255 null ...
Joe Liotta's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Optimized Python Solution for Determining if an Array Contains All Possibilities

Problem: You have been tasked with writing a method named is_all_possibilities (or IsAllPossibilities, as per your preference) ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

A collection based on a bitset to store a set of unique integers from a given range (rev. 3)

All right, let's do this one last time. This is continuation of this review. I applied most of the proposed changes, making interface of my container very close to that of ...
Piotr Siupa's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

A collection based on a bitset to store a set of unique integers from a given range (rev. 2)

This is a continuation of this review. I applied most of the proposed changes. These changes were focused mostly on decoupling the class from the rest of the program and making its interface more like ...
Piotr Siupa's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Collection that uses a bitset to store a huge set of unique integers from a given range (rev. 1)

Some (skippable) context: I'm writing program that minimizes an arbitrary logical function. Such function takes an unsigned integer as an argument and returns either ...
Piotr Siupa's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Construct a performant sieve of Atkin in Rust

I have implemented the sieve of Atkin in Rust. It can find all primes till 1,000,000,000 in 4.5 s using 34.4 MiB on my 1.4 GHz machine. This is a direct implementation (with some optimisations made ...
tfpf's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Prevent stack memory usage for recursive function in C

This C code does DBSCAN - Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise. It's a cluster algorithm for turining unsupervised (no labels) data to become ...
euraad's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Find median value of two Sorted Arrays

To improve my coding knowledge can you please give me suggested changes on my code? ...
Subha Rajagopal's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Comparison of two excel files ignoring line order

Below is a simple method which compares contents of two excel files ignoring the line order. This method is working as expected. But, one of my peers in their code review mentioned that initializing ...
AutoTester999's user avatar
0 votes
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Aggregate transactions in slips

I wrote code to aggregate transactions in slips. I'm concerned with the performance of my code because it uses 3 loops that are nested so the time complexity will be cubic. This code won't scale well ...
bit's user avatar
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6 votes
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Simple stack allocator in C

My plan is to allocate a fixed amount of static memory at initialization (a few MBs), and use a stack allocator for quick temporary buffers. The idea is to avoid calls to ...
KTSnowy's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Construct mesh from a point cloud

I have been developing a program with C lately, its purpose over the top is to reconstruct meshes from point clouds which are generated by finding the intersection points of numerous rays fired at the ...
Di0n's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Doubly-linked list functions

This is my first time implementing a doubly-linked list. I would like some feedback on my code. Any comment would be appreciated regarding the quality of the code, bad implementation, memory ...
Toideki's user avatar
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1 vote
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Comparison of lists of intervals

From the following script, the "similarity" function should be callable to compare two sets of lists and return a certain similarity score. The elements of the lists represent intervals, so [...
Pimsel's user avatar
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Large file log parser with less memory footprint

This is a variation of an interesting problem I am currently dealing with. We have a large input file which is being continuously written (size: 10-20G). We need to write a log filter which reads ...
Rohith Uppala's user avatar
-2 votes
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Default food property wording when translation not available

I have food table having number of foods, each food can have specific properties in multiple languages (en, es) like name, description etc. But it is not sure if all of the properties are always ...
Ketan Upase's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Generate the number of partitions of each integer

I've coded a program that calculates the number of partitions of n into at least two distinct parts, and is relatively quick too (about N^1.5 complexity). For input 30 000 it takes roughly 4 seconds. ...
svok's user avatar
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4 votes
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Solar System simulation with real values in pygame

Inspired by TechWithTim, I built up the solar system including Pluto. I have added a camera feature, zoom feature and displaying information about the selected planet. Zoom in and out using arrow keys,...
RandomCoder59's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

StringPool in C++

I wrote a simple string pool for my compiler in C++ and want to hear your thoughts on its design. String pool has 2 functions: intern and ...
gavrilikhin.d's user avatar
3 votes
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Create a forecast matrix from time series samples

I would like to create a matrix of delay from a time series. For example, given y = [y_0, y_1, y_2, ..., y_N] and W = 5 I need to create this matrix: ...
graille's user avatar
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Python classes which can be used as arrays with any number of bits per index As a personal project, I wanted to try to make Snake Game in pygame where the grid can be arbitrarily large. I made these ...
my_stack_exchange_account's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Optimize memory and disk usage for sequences of n-bit values

Motivation: I am working with sequences of n-bit values coming from an ADC. I was initially using a std::vector<unsigned short> to store these values (12 bit ...
lobis's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

LeetCode 126: Word Ladder II -- Memory limit exceeded

I am trying to solve LC126, and got a memory limit exceeded for the following solution. I've seen the answer here -- so I'll try to use Dijkstra as well, but I would like to understand why I get the ...
Mircea's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Virtual memory manager in C

Virtual Memory manager that has functions, mappage, unmappage, remappage If the physical ...
runningupthatroad's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Bitmap page allocator in C

Bitmap page allocator that scans the bitmap linearly looking for size amount of pages. Everytime it founds a free page, it check if the next ...
runningupthatroad's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Discussing approaches for converting Enum to String

I need to convert the ENUM to a respective string value for which I came up with two approaches and I'm trying to see why would a second approach be better than the first one if even in terms of ...
xyf's user avatar
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2 answers

"Frequency Counter Pattern", Can we get other better algorithm having like, O(n) or O(n log n)

Problem Statement : Write a function called matchSquare, which accept two arrays (arr1, arr2) Criteria: The function should return true, if every value in the arr1, has its corresponding values ...
RONE's user avatar
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0 votes
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Improving multiple FirstOrDefault statements on same collection

I'm having multiple FirstOrDefault() statements, in this case 2, on a collection. ...
juFo's user avatar
  • 103
0 votes
1 answer

An algorithm that minimizes the number of ingredients necessary

I am working on a code that will minimize the number of ingredients necessary to make some dishes. Each dish can be prepared in an arbitrary large number of ways, with combinations of two ingredients. ...'s user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do I increase the memory efficiency of this longest substring implementation? (C++)

I'm practicing my coding on leetcode. I implemented the following algorithm to solve the longest substring problem: ...
MrSynAckSter's user avatar
4 votes
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Golang function that reads S3 files and populates maps with strings as keys

I have a below read function which is called by multiple go routines to read s3 files and it populates two concurrent map as ...
AndyP's user avatar
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Minimize memory allocations while calculating the matrix representation of a Hamiltonian

I am writing a script using Julia (calling my functions from the REPL) to compute the matrix representation of certain Hamiltonian. After I run my script I see that the memory allocations count is ...
Leo Flores's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Discount calculations on customer purchases

Chinmay's user avatar
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Memory leak I can't identify using Bitmap and Graphics classes

I have some parallel.for one inside another. the last parallel.for have a normal for that ...
Bloodday's user avatar
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3 answers

Fixed-size memory allocator

I've been trying to implement a simple Boost PMR allocator that has a fixed amount of memory. My first implementation (which can be found here) had undefined behavior and did not handle memory ...
Kory's user avatar
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7 votes
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Find all possible ways a rook can move to a diagonally opposite corner without going back to an already visited square

This question seems similar to this one: Find number of unique paths to reach opposite grid corner but is entirely not. For moving from upper-left corner to lower-right corner we are not restricted to ...
Prince Singh's user avatar
2 votes
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iterating a big list of objects throws a memory issue

I'm writing a function which iterate through a list of objects and should return: true if all the items have the attributes (cp and type). false if all the items haven't the attributes (cp and type). ...
Slim's user avatar
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Segmented Sieve of Eratosthenes with wheel factorisation

Problem I have a project in which I implemented variants of the Sieve of Eratosthenes as well as benchmarking and profiling harnesses for these (which can be ran with ...
nicoty's user avatar
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C# screen recording

I'm developing a screen recording as an application log. The recording should capture a full HD screen at 25fps and on request it should save last 60 seconds of record. It is for embedded app, but the ...
Jirka Picek's user avatar
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screen recording application

I'm developing a screen recording application using java. I've modified code from where all the external jars required for this application are ...
Harry's user avatar
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Here is some php code which i think is optimized but still want to optimize it more but not sure how to do it. ...
newtophp's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

Implementation of itoa which allocates the string

This is my implementation of itoa() (Integer to Alpha), which converts an integer to a string. Memory management and optimization is important. The caller is not ...
toni's user avatar
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6 votes
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Python script which sends telegram message if Raspberry Pi's temperature crosses 60 °C

I need to know if there is any way I can optimize my code so that it does not use 0.6% of my total memory - which is approx. 22.4MB. This is a really small script that runs for as long as the ...
Aditya Sahu's user avatar
0 votes
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Enter the randomly displayed letter console game

The below code segments compose a simple console game where the user is prompted to enter a randomly generated letter displayed in the console. It also saves and loads user data through a .txt file. ...
mastmartelli's user avatar

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