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6 votes
2 answers

handle null in Comparator class

I have a class LoanAccount that contains an attributes creationDate and loanAmount. I ...
Cristian Iacob's user avatar
0 votes
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Verifying that all fields of a unit has been suitably filled in

I have unit class which have some properties, and I have acceptancePolicy table which contain values. If values (from one row) are true method should return true. The method is below. How can I ...
123498's user avatar
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Reducing code complexity for UsergridClient constructor

I'm initializing a class in JavaScript with a bunch of complex property checks. Codacy is showing that this is bad design and recommends reducing cyclomatic complexity. I'm at a loss for how to ...
brandonscript's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Validating the presence of properties in a document

How can I reduce cyclomatic complexity of validation and refactor it better way? ...
Mike S's user avatar
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Reducing cyclomatic complexity in a simple string concatenation

I have written the following function that takes an address object and builds a string using the object properties. It will later be used to display a tooltip <...
Simon Adcock's user avatar