
I'm working on an SPI in Verilog. I will post what I came up with here. This is an educational project compiled according to the general principle from Wikipedia. There is only one mode - exchange along the rising edge of synchronizing pulses. The problem is this: my code is not very good. It does not implement all functions (only the basic one); due to confusion with discontinuous/continuous assignment, a discrepancy arises between the command for selecting peripherals and signals for the slave, etc.

Please tell me how to improve it and what techniques are best to use? I deliberately did not use ready-made projects in order to understand in general how the SPI works.

Master code:

module Master(clock,AIBO,AOBI,periphery,iSS_out,rCount_out);
input clock; //Standart clock
input periphery; //Future command on "you must work with periphery!"
input [3:0] AIBO; //data to periphery
output [3:0] AOBI; //data from periphery
output [3:0] rCount_out; //Count out
output iSS_out; //SS out after //conditional processing
//Registers and starting points
reg [3:0] RA = 4'b0101;
reg [3:0] rCount = 4'b0000;
reg iSS;
always @(negedge periphery) begin //Count restart
rCount = 4'b0000;
always @(posedge clock) begin
if ((periphery == 1'b1 || periphery == 1'b0) && rCount < 3) begin //SS conditional processing
iSS <= periphery;
else if ((periphery == 1'b1 || periphery == 1'b0) && rCount >= 3) begin
iSS <= 1'b1;
if (iSS == 1'b1) begin
RA <= RA;
rCount <= rCount;
else if (iSS == 1'b0) begin
RA <= {AIBO[0],RA[3:1]}; //Exchanging
rCount <= rCount + 4'b0001;
else if (iSS == 1'b0) begin
RA <= RA;
rCount <= rCount;
assign AOBI = RA;
assign rCount_out = rCount;
assign iSS_out = iSS;

Slave code:

module Slave(clock,BIAO,BOAI,iSS);
input clock;
input iSS;
input [3:0] BIAO;
output [3:0] BOAI;
reg [3:0] RB = 4'b1110;
always @(posedge clock) begin
if (iSS == 1'b1) begin
RB <= RB;
else if (iSS == 1'b0) begin
RB <= {BIAO[0],RB[3:1]};
assign BOAI = RB;

Top code (testbench):

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module Top;
reg clock;
reg periphery;
wire [3:0] A_out;
wire [3:0] B_out;
wire [3:0] rCount_out;
wire iSS_out;
Master uut1(.clock(clock),.AIBO(B_out),.AOBI(A_out),.periphery(periphery),.iSS_out(iSS_out),.rCount_out(rCount_out));
Slave uut2(.clock(clock),.BIAO(A_out),.BOAI(B_out),.iSS(iSS_out));
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clock  = 1'b0;
periphery = 1'b1; #5;
periphery = 1'b0; #10;
periphery = 1'b1; #15;
periphery = 1'b0; #10;
periphery = 1'b1; #15;
periphery = 1'b0; #10;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
always #1 clock = ~clock;  

enter image description here

The code seems to work, information is exchanged between Master and Slave, but there is a feeling that the code can be significantly improved.


1 Answer 1



The code needs indentation. I recommend 4 spaces per indent level.

I also recommend a blank line between always blocks.

It is great that you used connections-by-name for the module instances. I recommend splitting the instantiations out over several lines, one line per port:

Slave uut2 (
    .clock  (clock),
    .BIAO   (A_out),
    .BOAI   (B_out),
    .iSS    (iSS_out)

This makes the code easier to understand and maintain.


Use ANSI-style port declarations to avoid duplicating the list of signals:

module Slave (
    input clock,
    input iSS,
    input  [3:0] BIAO,
    output [3:0] BOAI


It is never necessary to assign a signal to itself. It is customary to omit code such as the following:

if (iSS == 1'b1) begin
    RB <= RB;


You don't use consistent naming styles for your signals and modules. I recommend all lower-case and snake_case. All upper-case is typically reserved for constants, like a Verilog parameter. Here are some examples:


With some identifiers, you do use descriptive names. However, some signals such as BIAO are hard to understand. Either use a longer, more meaningful name, or add comments describing the name.

periphery sounds like a good name, but I don't understand what it means in an SPI context.

The names of the modules should be more unique. Slave could be spi_slave, for example. We typically connect many designs together to form a larger design, and we need the design names to be unique.


Add comments to describe each module:


SPI slave

add details of functionality here


module spi_slave (

It is great that you added comments for each port in the master module.

Some comments are unnecessary, like:

// Registers

It is obvious from the reg keyword that it is a register.


It is a good design practice to use a dedicated reset input signal to initialize the registers. While I believe FPGA design flows allow you to reset the logic in an initial block as you are doing, ASIC flows tend not to support that.

Another benefit is that you are not relying on hidden simulator features like:

// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish

Clock domains

Always strive to use a single clock signal for all logic. Your usage of clock is good, but the following can introduce a second clock domain:

always @(negedge periphery) begin //Count restart
    rCount = 4'b0000;

That should be reworked to be sensitive to clock.

Unreachable code

In the master module, the code in the 2nd else if is unreachable because the condition matches the 1st else if:

  if (iSS == 1'b1) begin
     RA <= RA;
     rCount <= rCount;
  else if (iSS == 1'b0) begin
     RA <= {AIBO[0], RA[3:1]}; //Exchanging
     rCount <= rCount + 4'b0001;
  else if (iSS == 1'b0) begin
     RA <= RA;
     rCount <= rCount;

As I mentioned earlier, self-assignments are unnecessary, so the code can simply be deleted.

Also, if the code is intended to be synthesised (RTL), then it is conventional not to explicitly compare 1-bit signals to both 1 and 0. In fact, in this case, the comparison to 0 can be omitted, simplifying the code to:

  if (iSS) begin
     RA <= RA;
     rCount <= rCount;
  else begin
     RA <= {AIBO[0], RA[3:1]}; //Exchanging
     rCount <= rCount + 4'b0001;

Or, more simply:

  if (iSS == 1'b0) begin
     RA <= {AIBO[0], RA[3:1]}; //Exchanging
     rCount <= rCount + 4'b0001;

Similarly, the following expression can be omitted:

(periphery == 1'b1 || periphery == 1'b0)

This is simpler:

if (rCount < 3) begin //SS conditional processing
    iSS <= periphery;
else if (rCount >= 3) begin
    iSS <= 1'b1;


There is no need to cram all your code into a single always block. I recommend using 2 always blocks in the master module:

always @(posedge clock) begin
    if (rCount < 3) begin //SS conditional processing
        iSS <= periphery;
    else begin
        iSS <= 1'b1;

always @(posedge clock) begin
    if (iSS == 1'b0) begin
       RA <= {AIBO[0], RA[3:1]}; //Exchanging
       rCount <= rCount + 4'b0001;


Consider using a loop to drive the input in the testbench:

initial begin
    clock = 0;
    repeat (3) begin
        periphery = 1;
        periphery = 0;
    // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish

Also, use one statement per line.

In a testbench, it is simpler to omit the size for 1-bit constants: 0 is simpler than 1'b0.


Your code is not currently taking advantage of any SystemVerilog features, but you should eventually consider doing so. Tools offer varying ways to enable these features (if they are not enabled by default); refer to your simulator documentation, for example.

In the testbench, you could use constants with time units which makes the code easier to understand:

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you very much! I will keep these recommendations in mind when writing FPGA devices in the future. There is only one question about clock domains - in this case, I can use a clock and inside the condition for a high level of the SS signal. Does it happen that different clock domains (in other devices) are unremovable? \$\endgroup\$
    – ayr
    Commented Jul 16 at 5:17
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @ayr: You're welcome. This was just a general recommendation; your results may vary depending on what design tools you use. \$\endgroup\$
    – toolic
    Commented Jul 20 at 17:22

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