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8 votes

Facebook coding interview

I am %100 sure that this is the correct answer, I'm not so sure... I dumped your code into an online compiler*. I made very minor adjustments, moving target to a parameter and adding semicolons which ...
butt's user avatar
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7 votes

River Flood Warning system in Python

Improving Data-mining Using a list of dictionaries What if you, instead of keeping and supporting multiple data structures, would construct a list of dictionaries where each dictionary correspond to ...
alecxe's user avatar
  • 17.3k
5 votes

Parser for Facebook friend list

I would improve the following things: implement a "crawler" class that will store the "driver" instance as a variable and will also have a better separation of concerns - a separate method to log in, ...
alecxe's user avatar
  • 17.3k
3 votes

Web scraping job postings from Facebook

Some quick suggestions: The requests module can urlencode strings for you if you use the params keyword: ...
Graipher's user avatar
  • 41.1k
2 votes

Facebook coding interview

I don't know Java, but I still found your challenge interesting! So I translated your code to Python and tried to beat it: ...
KaPy3141's user avatar
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2 votes

Attaching Facebook messenger bot to all pages of the user logging in

Overall this feels like a lot of code thrown together. It isn't totally unorganized but feels like a lot to process when reading it. I do notice that most every try/...
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ's user avatar
1 vote

Groups/Communities in Facebook snap dataset using networkx in python

After searching and researching to find the solution to this question i came up with this answer: To find/detect communities in facebook snap dataset: ...
Abdullah Ahmed Ghaznavi's user avatar
1 vote

Log in to Rails app using Facebook SDK

I've implemented a few social apps before. What you've done is pretty standard practice when it comes to oauth authentication and is secure. The one thing you could change: ...
Cameron Barker's user avatar
1 vote

Rails5/Devise/Omniauth (Multiple Providers)

Here's an option for removing redundancy: replace the the provider specific defs with a single one like the following: ...
Lawrence Sproul's user avatar
1 vote

Crawler for scraping and approving friend requests in Facebook

VBAs selenium bindings are not as rich in functionality as other language bindings, but I would improve the following: use the "by id" locators whenever possible: ...
alecxe's user avatar
  • 17.3k
1 vote

Login with facebook, store data in MySQL, render profile and admin panel

At the beginnig: im providing this answer for PHP 7.2. You should switch to the latest version (7.3 was released days ago. Also 7.0 will reach EOL soon). Keep in mind to stick to the latest or LTS ...
Spears's user avatar
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