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Nodejs async with express server

Comments While the code is mostly simple to follow, it would be good to add comments to document what decisions you made. Even if you are the only one maintaining this code your future self might not ...
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ's user avatar
3 votes

Login system in PHP using AJAX

Your querying practices look secure to me. Your are using a prepared statement with bound parameters and using password_hash() and ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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2 votes

Slack App OAuth flow in golang

Well, when you decide to something as a learning exercise it's normal to tackle just one problem at a time. In your program you have databases, object-relational mapping, JSON encoding, OAuth ...
rolfl's user avatar
  • 97.5k
1 vote

Algorithm to compare OAuth2 Rich Authorization Requests

The naming of the parameters in the original implementation is not very descriptive and should be clarified, I think it's requested and ...
Johnbot's user avatar
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OAuth implementation for Puredata

Almost certainly, Coverity is simply looking for all uses of strcat, strcpy, sprintf, etc., ...
Quuxplusone's user avatar
  • 19.4k
1 vote

Instagram Basic Display API Full Example PHP

Overall feedback It might be wise to put all the functions and constants into a class for the sake of encapsulation. That way the constants can be namespaced. Perhaps it would be wise to have a ...
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ's user avatar
1 vote

Prevent multiple async calls from all attempting to refresh an expired OAuth token

What about modifying the return of _fetch()? Inside the if statement that checks you could have it return ...
Xandor's user avatar
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1 vote

Script that saving most relevant Youtube video for each database object

Don't repeat yourself This: ...
Reinderien's user avatar
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1 vote

Node.js command line app to init a repo

A few comments about your use of the api Make authentication easier The api supports using a username/password pair to login. This might be easier to implement and also easier for the user rather ...
smac89's user avatar
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