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60 votes

Python web-scraper to download table of transistor counts from Wikipedia

Is there a way to simplify this code? Yes. Don't scrape Wikipedia. Your first thought before "should I need to scrape this thing?" should be "Is there an API that can give me the data I want?" In ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 65.4k
51 votes

Python web-scraper to download table of transistor counts from Wikipedia

Let me tell you about IMPORTHTML()... So here's all the code you need in Google Sheets: ...
Eric Duminil's user avatar
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41 votes

Web scraping the titles and descriptions of trending YouTube videos

Why web-scrape, when you can get the data properly through the YouTube Data API, requesting the mostpopular list of videos? If you make a ...
200_success's user avatar
20 votes

Financial website scraper

Here a few suggestions (in no particular order) for improvements on your code: Make variables have locality The line: items = 1 is at the top of the method, ...
Stephen Rauch's user avatar
16 votes

Financial website scraper

In addition to what @StephenRauch wrote in his excellent answer, let me add one more comment: Your class is completely useless. Not its functionality, which is fine, but it being a ...
Graipher's user avatar
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16 votes

Python web-scraper to download table of transistor counts from Wikipedia

Make sure to follow naming conventions. You name two variables inappropriately: ...
Carcigenicate's user avatar
15 votes

Web scraping the titles and descriptions of trending YouTube videos

Context manager You open a file at the beginning of the program and close it explicitly at the end. Python provides a nice way to allocate and release resources (such as files) easily: they are ...
SylvainD's user avatar
  • 29.3k
12 votes

Comic Image Web Scraper

This seems like a cool project, and a nice first introduction to web scraping! I'll cover some general advice first, and then address your main concern: speed. General You use two spaces for ...
Daniel's user avatar
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11 votes

Simple Python job vacancies downloader

A couple of suggestions: Use requests instead of urllib. This is mostly a matter of preference but I think you'll find it ...
Grajdeanu Alex's user avatar
11 votes

Items derived from one function are getting printed within another for loop in another function

First of all, usual things (I feel like I'm suggesting these things in most of the web-scraping related discussions): initialize session as ...
alecxe's user avatar
  • 17.3k
10 votes

Web scraping the titles and descriptions of trending YouTube videos

I'd definitely look into using an API directly as @200_success suggested to avoid any web-scraping or HTML parsing, but here are some additional suggestions to improve your current code focused mostly ...
alecxe's user avatar
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9 votes

A web scraper that looks for pre-defined words in news articles

At first glance, I'd say that this code isn't bad. I am particularly impressed by this line: regex = r"\b"+ re.escape(word) + r"\b" because you took the care to ...
200_success's user avatar
9 votes

AniPop - The anime downloader

I have no familiarity with any of the libraries used here, so I can't comment on their usage. What I will mention though is the giant chunk of ...
Carcigenicate's user avatar
9 votes

Webscraping application that collects metal prices and converts them from USD to MXN real-time using BeautifulSoup

Check for failure metals = requests.get('').text should be ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 65.4k
8 votes

Downloading images from URLs

Notes about your code You can also simplify the way you look for the links to follow: ...
alecxe's user avatar
  • 17.3k
8 votes

Items derived from one function are getting printed within another for loop in another function

I would use requests.Session, which allows re-using the connection. This speeds up successive requests (as you are doing here). I would factor out the getting and ...
Graipher's user avatar
  • 41.1k
8 votes

Financial website scraper

You should also split the code in functional parts, and not mix the IO (print(...)) with generating the result base_url First you generate the base_url ...
Maarten Fabré's user avatar
7 votes

River Flood Warning system in Python

Improving Data-mining Using a list of dictionaries What if you, instead of keeping and supporting multiple data structures, would construct a list of dictionaries where each dictionary correspond to ...
alecxe's user avatar
  • 17.3k
7 votes

Console based Weather forecasting app

One of the big issue with this program is the variable names. Variable names like a, b, c, <...
Ashwini Chaudhary's user avatar
7 votes

Archives xkcd comics

First of all, you have multiple PEP8 code style violations, like using camel case styled variable naming instead of a "lower case with underscores"; organizing, grouping imports, comments not ...
alecxe's user avatar
  • 17.3k
7 votes

Web-scraping a list of lawyers

Don't use a bare except statement if it's not absolutely necessary. Catch the errors you anticipate and explicitly want to handle. Also, there's no reason for the ...
scnerd's user avatar
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7 votes

Web-scraping a list of lawyers

As @scnerd already discussed avoiding the use of a bare try/except clause, I'll focus on removing it entirely. After inspecting website source, you will notice ...
Luke's user avatar
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7 votes

Python web-scraper to download table of transistor counts from Wikipedia

Using the Wikipedia API As mentioned in another answer, Wikipedia provides an HTTP API for fetching article content, and you can use it to get the content in much cleaner formats than HTML. Often ...
Jack M's user avatar
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7 votes

OOP Web-scraper w/ Python and BeautifulSoup

Bugs Lines 32 and 42: for titles, info in zip(self, titles, self.comicinfo): for dol_amount in comic_prices: both have unresolved variable ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 65.4k
7 votes

code format and steps web scraping using beautiful soup

I agree here is little to review. Two tips though: use requests.Session() and always check the status code. If it's not 200, the request has not succeeded. You should not proceed with parsing. In the ...
Kate's user avatar
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6 votes

Simple Python job vacancies downloader

Building on @Dex'ter answer, I think that using a dictionary to store your results call for the wrong iteration patterns. I would store them in a list and grab them directly with a ...
301_Moved_Permanently's user avatar
6 votes

Webscrape Podcast site for mp3s to (legally) add to collection

There is a space for multiple improvements, here are some of the high-level ideas: the code itself is long and "complex" and should definitely be "cut" into pieces logically - apply "Extract Method" ...
alecxe's user avatar
  • 17.3k
6 votes

Webscrape Podcast site for mp3s to (legally) add to collection

Comments inline. usr = 'real usr removed' pwd = 'real pwd removed' Get these from a configuration file. Never store credentials in your code. Check out the ...
Snowbody's user avatar
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6 votes

Comic Image Web Scraper

I'm adding a few points to what @Coal_ wrote in his excellent answer. You can use lxml instead of html.parser as it is faster (...
Keyur Potdar's user avatar
6 votes

Python - Iterating over contents of BeautifulSoup element very slow

It seems like you have the following: ...
Bailey Parker's user avatar

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