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12 votes

Python script to scrape and parse the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Add a hashbang at the top of your script since it's expected to be executable. There is no function but I didn't think it was worth adding Functions are worth adding: the visual and performance ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 65.4k
10 votes

Repeatable HTTP requests in Python

If you are making many requests, it is worth it to have a look at requests.Session. This re-uses the connection to the server for subsequent requests (and also the ...
Graipher's user avatar
  • 41.1k
10 votes

Python network manager class using exec()

sending_request is not a great name for an event; similar to your other signals, it should describe something that happened i.e. ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 65.4k
10 votes

Python network manager class using exec()

You don't need to use exec(). requests has a requests.request() function that takes the name ...
jwodder's user avatar
  • 402
7 votes

Web scraping Google Trends in Python

The idea behind your script is pretty cool and there's a couple ways to polish it up! While it certainly wouldn't cause a headache, I think that creating an entire class just to measure how long the ...
Luke's user avatar
  • 1,100
7 votes

Repeatable HTTP requests in Python

I'll start with the obvious: while submissions > 0: ... submissions -= 1 can be transformed into: ...
Cristian Lupascu's user avatar
6 votes

Python script to POST requests to a networking device

Disable hard certificate failures, fine (temporarily). But do not disable_warnings. They're there to remind you that you're doing a bad thing. You're a network ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 65.4k
6 votes

Scraping web data with Python 3

I assume is_good_response is just checking for a 200 response code. Merge is_good_response, ...
Peilonrayz's user avatar
  • 43.5k
5 votes

Python: Handling different HTTP status codes using the requests library

I suggest you implement exponential back-off. For example, first try after x seconds and then twice as long as the last wait time. This is the common practice for retries. Recursion often looks ...
Bindestrich's user avatar
4 votes

Python Web scraping

Naming Variable names should be snake_case, and should represent what they are containing. I would also use req instead of <...
Linny's user avatar
  • 10.4k
4 votes

Python script to scrape and parse the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

General style Use normal comments instead of triple quoted strings. Actually """ sep2epub """ doesn't really convey anything useful ...
qwr's user avatar
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4 votes

Printing a JSON/HTTP response from a Cisco endpoint

Since this is the entire script, it doesn't need to exist and you can just invoke curl directly; and we can be a little more forgiving on exception-handling best ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 65.4k
4 votes

Python: Handling different HTTP status codes using the requests library

First, you should reduce to one call to request. You don't need to separate by method; just pass type to the method argument. ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 65.4k
3 votes

Config Variables Initialization | Python

With no usage shown, no implementation for LookupDict shown and nothing other than your network type values, this is overdesigned and offers nothing beyond ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 65.4k
3 votes

Search for providers of TV Shows

PEP-8 Your code is mostly compliant with the Style Guide for Python Code. A few deviations should be corrected. Function names should be in snake_case. So ...
AJNeufeld's user avatar
  • 34k
3 votes

Scrape webelements

Naming confusion First of all there is something that is confusing in your code: bs4 does not actually represent an instance of BeautifulSoup. Pretty much any Python code that is based on ...
Kate's user avatar
  • 7,578
3 votes

Python Web scraping

I think you can even get rid of the regular expressions. I prefer to use the BS4 functions. Instead of: ...
Kate's user avatar
  • 7,578
3 votes

Single API call with authentication in Python

Instead of using: esx_name = sys.argv[1] prefer the argparse library which is more flexible and allows for variable argument positioning. In ...
Kate's user avatar
  • 7,578
2 votes

Python requests downloading big files in slower speed than wget

By using time.sleep(1) on get_net_speed you are limiting your download speed to the block size per second, since your block has ...
Lucas Zampieri's user avatar
2 votes

Python program that gets basic information on a Github user

Just a note: instead of using string.split() to check for spaces, you can directly check with in. From: ...
Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer's user avatar
2 votes

Python scraping tables

You're just looping on the rows, but not on the cells: for row in all_tables[table].find_all("tr"): Rather than using multiple ...
TwiN's user avatar
  • 453
2 votes

PyCryptoScraper to scrape currency rates

Awesome job overall, it is a breeze to review a structured code like this. Here are some of notes I've come up with: optparse was deprecated long time ago, you ...
alecxe's user avatar
  • 17.3k
2 votes

Scraping webpage elements using Python

My take, in short: in programming there is nothing worse than silently swallowing exceptions :) And the fact that you are catching any exception, and not just those related to those specific ...
Kate's user avatar
  • 7,578
2 votes

Scrape webelements

You have not described the purpose of payload. If this is a JSON payload going to some other web service, Not found is a poor ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 65.4k
2 votes

Run python File With get request flask API

To be honest this code looks pretty dangerous. exec is dangerous in its own right, and using it in conjunction with user-provided input makes an explosive ...
Kate's user avatar
  • 7,578
2 votes

Python script for Web scraping

When using Requests to fetch JSON content, it's usually more convenient to use the resonse.json() method instead of manually passing ...
Sara J's user avatar
  • 3,737
2 votes

Compare between two dictionaries

Most of this code should be deleted and replaced with API calls. Sign up for a free access token to increase your rate limit. I doubt threading will help. Beyond that, the algorithm itself is ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 65.4k
2 votes

python: requests -> unzip -> fix -> filter ->gunzip

I would probably just delete these constants: GZ = ".gz" READ = "r" WRITE_BINARY = "wb" They're pretty obvious. These two parameters:...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 65.4k
2 votes

Create URL's, then download and print each RSS feed text

Your topics should be a tuple and not a list, and if you want they can be moved to a global constant. Add PEP484 type hints. I don't think that feedparser is able ...
Reinderien's user avatar
  • 65.4k
2 votes

Python: Handling different HTTP status codes using the requests library

1: Is a try/except block like I have an acceptable way of handling error codes? By default, requests library does not raise exceptions based on HTTP status codes. ...
el.pescado - нет войне's user avatar

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