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ASP.NET MVC 5 is the fifth major version of the ASP.NET Model-View-Controller platform for web applications.

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Managing invalid cookie when 2 users use the same computer and therefore share the same cookie

I have asked this question on stackoverflow... here, I am asking for some feedback on the solution that I have implemented. I am using ASP.NET MVC default template to logout user: ...
Hooman Bahreini's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Caching lookup values in an e-commerce website

I am working on an e-commerce website. I have a CarMake dropdown which contains car make names and their corresponding Id, for example: { 1:Alfa romeo }, { 2:Audi },...
Hooman Bahreini's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer
94 views service that sends email whenever an entity is updated [closed]

I have an MVC5 project which involve different domain services, and one of it are EmailService which will send email if entity is updated. ...
calendarw's user avatar
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1 answer

Making EmployeeHistory ViewModel immutable as code analysis suggested

I want to display on a view the EmployeeHistory view model sorted by elements.assignEffDateNext and I want to instantiate and ...
ckb888's user avatar
  • 41
5 votes
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Display all files in a folder (object) along with nested subdirectories part 2

Previous post: Display all files in a folder (object) along with nested subdirectories Task: Given a main directory/folder, list all the files from it and if this directory contains nested sub-...
Alexander Lawaetz's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Display all files in a folder (object) along with nested subdirectories

Follow-up question: Display all files in a folder (object) along with nested subdirectories part 2 Task: Given a main directory/folder, list all the files from it and if this directory have other ...
Alexander Lawaetz's user avatar
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Handler for jQuery DataTable search with filters and pagination

This AjaxCompound is invoked every time when the user types a key for search or click to sort. It contains 1million data 10 distinct rows by compound name. It takes 1.1 minutes and return only 1-5 KB ...
Ujwal Neupane's user avatar
1 vote
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ASP.NET Identity 2.0 UserManager alongside with UnitOfWork and Service-Locator anti-pattern

I was wondering whether it is a good aproach to have Identity 2.0 UserManager next to UnitOfWork pattern? I am using ...
Marek's user avatar
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Member management of Active Directory groups via an ASP.NET MVC website

Background One of the projects I'm working on is an Intranet website which is a front-end for several kinds of data, each aimed at a different set of users. Access to the website is handled through ...
BCdotWEB's user avatar
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Multilingual website with a database

I created a multilingual site in MVC and I reached the current results, but I'm not sure it's the right way. I have created a class named changeLanguage to change ...
Elxan's user avatar
  • 53
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Entity Framework MVC updating db using a repository method [closed]

I have inherited this code from a legacy project, and it is throwing a New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session. error. Now I know the problem here is ...
kolin's user avatar
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Creating a simple unit of work with Entity Framework and no repository

I've been trying to implement a .NET MVC Unit of Work API (rather than creating a separate repository), but it doesn't feel right. Am I going about this the correct way? Following advice from here. ...
kolin's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Handing "Others" option in dropdown in ASP.Net MVC 5

Business Logic I have a company referral form, and in that form I have dropdown to select from a company list. But when a company is not found in the dropdown, the user can select option as "others", ...
Unbreakable's user avatar
3 votes
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Display a dropdown based on another dropdown change

I have a dropdown and when that dropdown changes I want to display/render another dropdown. Can someone help me improve it? So, a person requests for getting referred in a company for a job. When ...
Unbreakable's user avatar
4 votes
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Refactoring ViewModel and mapping from multiple sources

I need to refactor and tidy the following controller below, it's my first MVC application. I've successfully used AutoMapper as I began refactor controllers but I am not sure how to approach a ...
Troublesome Junior's user avatar
6 votes
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"Forgot password" functionality

I want to implement the "forgot password" functionality in Asp.Net MVC 5. Here is the code flow: Take user email ID Let the user enter the token received in his email inbox If the token matches then ...
Unbreakable's user avatar
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Navigation Menu Code went from mvc controller into the view model

Sometimes code seems to write itself (kinda like a donut seems to eat itself) and that happened in this case, but I have thought that UI view models (MVC models folder) were supposed to be stupid to ...
toddmo's user avatar
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1 vote
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Good Unit Tests when ReSharper bugs for null checks

I have the latest version of ReSharper installed and I am trying to write a Unit Test for my MVC controller. I need the Unit Test to: Ensure the ViewModel passed to the View is of the correct type. ...
J86's user avatar
  • 414
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Website to Track Project's Progress

This ASP.NET MVC website is for my professor to track my progress on my Checkers app. This is the first time I have build an ASP.NET website entirely on my own, and I would like a review to make sure ...
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Scraping HTML via async controller & classes + HTML agility pack

I've developed a simple application to grab golfer index scores from a website that has no API. The application works but is very slow, with 6 users that require updating takes 60 seconds. I've tried ...
jon.r's user avatar
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Logging requests on a separate thread

I have an ASP.NET MVC 5 application that needs to log to the database every request for a specific controller action and every link click that happens on the view of that action. Since the user ...
Yoav's user avatar
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ASP.NET MVC - server-side Ajax result conversion

I am currently in the process of creating a website which requires it to work with and without JavaScript enabled. All callbacks to the server with JavaScript enabled will be made through Ajax ...
J. Thompson's user avatar
3 votes
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An Edit action in ASP.NET MVC, with handling for missing id parameter

I have a standard Edit action in Asp.Net MVC 5 and I want to avoid throwing the unhandled exception when is made a get request without the id like ~/food/edit, so I did this. ...
Pedro S Cord's user avatar
-2 votes
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Data paging for a forum website in Asp.Net MVC [closed]

I've struggled with this for quite some time. Today I finally wrote the following code. The ViewModel contains an int property which later tells the view how many ...
Ortund's user avatar
  • 531
6 votes
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Ensuring specific columns in an ExcelWorksheet format as ShortDate

For a while, I have worked with the Nuget Epplus package to export MVC models to fresh Excel documents. While the code I show below works correctly, I have a feeling that either I can make this code ...
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7 votes
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Using Identity to create user administration page

I'm developing an ASP.Net web application, using MVC 5. This application authenticates via LDAP and will assign an Identity Role of "Admin" to a designated user. The Admin user will be able to go to ...
Joe Cuevas's user avatar
2 votes
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Calling Web API from MVC generic way of approach

Our Project architecture is AngularJS + MVC + WebAPI. Angular JS would call MVC action and MVC action further calls API methods. Below are some of the action methods we used for calling api methods. ...
SivaRajini's user avatar
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ASP.NET WebAPI `In` Validation Attribute

I've created custom validation attribute that will be used to validate model. It allows me to specify values that are valid for specific field. Here is my code: ...
Misiu's user avatar
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Get host ip address behind load balancer or without lb

Description Aplication type: WEB API .NET Framework: 4.5 MVC: 5 I need caller host ip in my custom action filter and then in action. On some enviroments we have configured load balancer which ...
BWA's user avatar
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Login system using a persistent cookie

I want to be sure that my code below properly secures the website based on all of the information provided. Login System Overview When a user logs in, the following user info is saved to a ...
Ortund's user avatar
  • 531
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Refining an ASP.Net MVC VeiwModel for a Table to display worked hours

I am writing an ASP.Net MVC app which has a page that will display a standard table which will contain a person's hours for the week. The basic structure of the table would be a 7 column, muti-row ...
Matthew Verstraete's user avatar
1 vote
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Bundling JavaScript resources for an MVC app

This is my first MVC app. I'm looking for best practice feedback on how to best bundle the files that I need, the order to bundle them, the placement of the @render ...
Ivan's user avatar
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AngularJS client side logging in a MVC web application

Being a newbie into AngularJS, I have overlooked the importance of client side logging until some non-reproducible client-side errors occurred and I realized that they were not logged. My web ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Create "refresh token" action filter

I am using idenity server 3 authentication. I have to implement refresh token logic. AccessTokenLifetime is 1 hour, and after that time I want to update access token with refresh token. I want do ...
Raskolnikov's user avatar
3 votes
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Using viewmodel create comper and edit

I have this really long httppost action results that I add and update 3 db tables I think it's too long and can get shorter and smarter. ...
Danny's user avatar
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4 votes
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Joining tables with EF

Here is my database: Here is my viewModel: ...
Oli's user avatar
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Keeping data processing out of controllers

I would like to start by mentioning that I am LAMP stack guy who happens to be making my first ever .NET C# web app and I'm seeking general advises for best practices and to see how more experienced ...
Mcgri's user avatar
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8 votes
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Saving data in MVC

We have a lot of Controller ActionResults like this in our MVC project. The controllers get really cluttered up. This is a simple example, but we have much more ...
Mark Kenyon's user avatar
7 votes
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Clean call api from client, with good practice

I am working on architecture where I can have any client + server API. I need to call API as clean as possible and get, post, put any object I want to. For me, it is important to have clean secure ...
Raskolnikov's user avatar
1 vote
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Using custom negotiator and custom formatter in Web API 2

Here's my custom formatter which I want to use for "application/x.product" content type: ...
amplifier's user avatar
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MVC.Net View Model

I'm nearing the end of my first MVC project which uses VB.Net and MVC5. I've started writing all my view models in a very similar fashion. This has been working well for me, but being the first ...
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Configuring MVC 5 project with service layer and DI and UOW

In the past I have always called the repositories directly from the controller, but that is a bad practice and now I am implementing a "Business Layer" to my project. Would I have two UnitOfWorks? ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Formatting MVC 5 Razor link as a string

MVC 5 doesn't seem to like JavaScript that much. I am creating link in JavaScript to a success method in my Ajax call. Razor: ...
stig's user avatar
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Redirecting a user

When the user clicks the first button ('Back to List' button), I redirect the user to the Employee List page. Can you please review this and suggest if there is any better way of achieving the same? <...
iniki's user avatar
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5 votes
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Support ticket application: ticket listing index with sorting and filtering

I am new to ASP.NET (C#) and MVC 5. I'm really enjoying it so far, but want to take a step back and make sure that I'm following best practices here. My controller seems like it may be getting too fat,...
scrapcode's user avatar
6 votes
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Searching school data

I am running a test load using Telerik Test Studio using 100 users at once entering search filters on a page that calls a stored procedure. My application that calls the stored procedure is an ASP....
DavidJS's user avatar
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4 votes
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N-layered application structure in ASP.NET MVC 5

I've been trying to set up an n-layered application in ASP.NET MVC 5. I've converted my account controller to look like this. I would like some feedback as to whether this is going in the right ...
Ivo Coumans's user avatar
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WebApi synchronize database (EF 6) access

I'm working on an ASP.Net MVC 5/WebApi 2 project. I'm using EF 6 code first for my database access. I have a WebApi action method in which I've to update some data in my database based on the request....
user1320170's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Simple authentication in ASP.NET MVC 5

I am building an ASP.NET MVC 5 application and, for reasons which are irrelevant at this point, I am attempting to build my own means of authenticating users. I'm still very new to programming, ...
Jason's user avatar
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Web application using the repository pattern

I have an ASP.NET MVC 5 web application using the repository pattern, and I have several controllers that need to call my _loggingService (queries audit logs) to ...
BeeTee2's user avatar
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