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Questions tagged [authentication]

Authentication is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it is declared to be.

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Nostr OAuth 2 authentication using Fastapi

I liked the idea of being able to authenticate using your own private key using Nostr protocol. The idea is based on events, so you prove your identity by signing an event. It's close to Wallet ...
uak's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

JavaFX app with User Authentication and SQL Persistence

This JavaFX program is just supposed to allow a user to register a username and password and then have it stored in an SQL database. There's been some criticism that it's not clean, readable or ...
Soco's user avatar
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0 votes
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Custom ASP.NET Core CookieAuthenticationHandler

I wrote a CustomCookieAuthenticationHandler because I don't like the way CookieAuthenticationHandler.HandleForbiddenAsync() ...
iKingNinja's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Springboot - Authentication Service

I am developing a Web application using Spring boot (I am a beginner). How can I make my code better? This code is from "". I first made an interface for defining ...
RudraSama's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Type-state pattern and state management for credentials struct used with Spotify web API

I am implementing authentication with the Spotify web API as part of a larger project. Yes I know there are already crates that can handle it for me but that is no fun. I am implementing the auth code ...
flakpm's user avatar
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Kotlin Compose authentication with Google and Facebook using a CircularProgressIndicator for UI loading

I had this problem: Now after fixing it, I want to make sure that this is ...
Cipri's user avatar
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Django Google Authentication App using OAuthLib and DRF

Context I've been working on a Django-based Google Authentication application, designed to manage OAuth authentication without relying on libraries such as ...
Grajdeanu Alex's user avatar
0 votes
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Seeking Feedback on React Authentication System Implementation

I've developed a React authentication system for my application and would like to receive feedback on its correctness and potential improvements. Below is an overview of the key components and ...
Avishka Dambawinna's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Simple authentication server

Here's a simple authentication server. It's pretty basic but has the core functionality of sign-up and log-in handling. Your best bet is to simply run the ...
Sergey's user avatar
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Flexible AuthenticationExtractionWebFilter

I decided to share with you a portion of my gateway project. It's an authentication extraction filter that extracts authentication claims without being coupled to any specific authentication mechanism....
Sergey's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

A Python terminal

This is the code for Pylect, a Python terminal I worked on a while ago which also caused my Desktop to get destroyed because of bad code. I use it infrequently but I would like a review for the code ...
192927376337929292283737373773's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

logging in using cookie authentication/authorization in C#

How safe is Cookie based Authentication/Authorization in ASP.NET C#? Take a look at the example below, don't worry about password hashing, All this code does is that it takes a username and a password ...
Newbie's user avatar
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Session-based authentication using Express.js

I'm currently learning Express.js and I wrote this authentication code. I'm unsure if what i have is correct, how to improve it and if it's secure. For user and session data storage I'm using ...
Krneki123's user avatar
3 votes
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MVVM signing in using firebase

I'm new to MVVM architecture. I want to have authentication with email + password, google and Facebook. I'm not sure if there should be separate view models for each authentication way: ...
Edziu Kowalski's user avatar
3 votes
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System to automatically login to my university's Wi-Fi network using HTTP request

What is this? My university's Wi-Fi network requires students to visit a specific URL and login to the network before we can use the actual internet. This project replicates that same process by ...
eccentricOrange's user avatar
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NextJS NextAuth Implementation using Custom Token Source

I am new to NextJS, it has somewhat been forced on me and the existing code was not authenticating correctly (after a period the site would hang - not return to login - this was due to the way we were ...
MoonKnight's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Basic node authentication system

I built a basic authentication system for a node application and I have some security concerns. The username and password the user enters when they log in are stored as plaintext using express-...
HDawG's user avatar
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1 answer

Simple Secure Python Login Example

I'm trying to determine I missed something here since python isn't my native language. Python app starts Python creates a cert.pem and key.pem running this command ...
DotNetRussell's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Python Tkinter UI Pattern Password Code

This post is less of a question and more of a hope for people to see my code which I know is far from great and give me some direction or simple tips on improving the quality of it. Normal Stud: ...
Jack's user avatar
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1 answer

Password policy with regex and zxcvbn

This code snippet shows an implementation of a password policy check. - The method composition uses regex to verify that the password meets composition criteria (at least one number, one special ...
questıoner's user avatar
2 votes
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Password hashing for safe storage with Argon

This code snippet implements password hashing for safe storage. It uses Argon2 as hashing algorithm. The method hash_password() is used to hash and salt a password. ...
questıoner's user avatar
3 votes
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User registration and login service using JWT

I have created service to communicate with my backend for user registration and login. I use the JS fetch API and send all data through HTTPS. I use JWT tokens to authenticate queries once I have ...
ekke's user avatar
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Login and Register program

This is my first program i write after i finished the c++ tutorials, that program can login and register, the program ask the user to choice login or register after user choice and write his username ...
soufiane's user avatar
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React Native login, sign up and sign out using Firebase project

I have built a basic app which uses firebase for authentication. The app is pretty simple. Sign up the user to firebase using email and password. Sign in the user Sign out the user Also, I have ...
DeveloperLV's user avatar
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Authenticate and login script updated

How can I improve/secure my login script and how to check for any possible injection? PS. the script must run on multiple platforms, so I need empty arrays for cases such as the Android ones. UPDATES ...
Taa Lee's user avatar
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Authenticate and login script

How can I improve/secure my login script and how to check for any possible injection? PS. the script must run on multiple platforms, so I need empty arrays for cases such as the Android ones. ...
Taa Lee's user avatar
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Authentication middleware using Dart Shelf

I'm using the shelf package from Dart to implement a backend for the realworld-example-app. According to the specs, some routes require authentication, some don't, and in others the authentication is ...
Marcus Vinícius Monteiro's user avatar
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Authenticate and log in users

How can I improve my login script and how to check for any possible injection? PS. the script must run on multiple platforms, so I need empty arrays for cases such as the Android ones. user_table: <...
Taa Lee's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Is my PHP login system following best practices? Is the code really OOP?

I'm learning about OOP and putting my knowledge into practice. I created a login system in PHP, so I wish someone could tell me if I'm on the right track. I feel like I'm getting better at coding, but ...
Warlock's user avatar
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Login using two-factor authentication

I want to make the code below prettier but I don't know what to change and how to change. I know that the controller should be easy, delegating actions related to models or to services or something ...
skoryi-romb's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Account signup/login program in Python

This is my first program that I wrote on my own. Is there something I can improve upon? There are a few things that still need to be added, such as: Confirm password while registering Adding a way to ...
user avatar
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Making my login function more readable and maintainable

I recently wrote a login function in my express application that does the following: Verifies the user's email and password are correct Generates a JWT Access Token with a short expiry date, and then ...
Tony's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Login system using bcrypt and MySQL, to be used for any future projects

Main function will ask what the user wants to do. LoginSystem class will handle the sign up and login process as well with the checking if password is right. passwordHashing will use bcrpyt to salt ...
drakebakincake's user avatar
4 votes
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Security of the login code on the website

I wrote the code to log in php to the admin panel. Everything works as it should. But I am not sure if it is well written code and if it is safe. I care about security. I have read a lot about it but ...
test's user avatar
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A wrapper for user authentication using cURL in PHP

So I created a wrapper class to authenticate user via POST HTTP request. ...
Anurat Chapanond's user avatar
1 vote
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Private desktop and mobile WebSocket connections with Node.js

Background info To learn a new branch of my dev career, I've started a new project in my spare time (I've never used WebSockets before and I also want to learn more about common authentication flows). ...
htmn's user avatar
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6 votes
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Basic login system with 2 factor authentication

What I try to achieve I need to create a administration-panel for a website. Therefore, I need a possibility to protect the content of the panel via a password. The functionality doesn't have to be ...
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Angular Frontend login logic

This is a follow-up to this question Node.js backend login logic. I wrote the following login Angular frontend logic for my Node.js Backend (see the previous question above). Is it any good in terms ...
Munchkin's user avatar
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9 votes
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Node.js backend login logic

So I wrote a rather primitive login logic in Node.js, which authenticates the user and handles JWT. Is it any good in terms of security, efficiency, building, async/sync, logging. SECURITY is my main ...
Munchkin's user avatar
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3 votes
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Basic authentication with session ID

I'm quite new to web development. I want to implement basic session ID authentication. Here's the implementation ...
Yura's user avatar
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Security of cookie based authorization Golang

I still write login system in Go(Golang) using cookies.But my system is still not secure enough.Can you review my code and provide some suggestions on how to improve the security?Previous question. ...
Honor 373's user avatar
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C++ Crypto: Part 4- Scram

Looking around for modern Crypto libraries. Could not find anything good. I know I probably did this all wrong so work with me here. There will be four different reviews for four structures that build ...
Loki Astari's user avatar
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C++ Crypto:Part 3-pbkdf2

Looking around for modern Crypto libraries. Could not find anything good. I know I probably did this all wrong so work with me here. There will be four different reviews for four structures that build ...
Loki Astari's user avatar
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C++ Crypto: Part 2- HMAC

Looking around for modern Crypto libraries. Could not find anything good. I know I probably did this all wrong so work with me here. There will be four different reviews for four structures that build ...
Loki Astari's user avatar
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C++ Crypto: Part 1- Hash

Looking around for modern Crypto libraries. Could not find anything good. I know I probably did this all wrong so work with me here. There will be four different reviews for four structures that build ...
Loki Astari's user avatar
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Cookie authorization Golang

I'm writing login system in Go(Golang) using cookies.I think it's isn't safe enough. Can you provide some suggestions on how to improve the security. Main file: ...
Honor 373's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

WinForm Logon Best Practices

I have a working logon for a WinForms Project. I use the program.cs file to launch the login form. I am not so sure there isn't a better way of implementing this. ...
Randy's user avatar
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Login function with python and SQLite

I'm a new programmer who is currently working on a personal project. It is supposed to be a login program which stores user data in a SQLite database. I was wondering if anyone could look at my code ...
Louie's user avatar
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ASP.NET Web API Authentication For Xamarin App

I've recently been learned how to implement a token based authentication with ASP.NET and I would love to get some input on how my code & structure is as well as how I can make it better. The code ...
AcePilot10's user avatar
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JWT authentication system login through API

This is my first time writing an authentication system. Here's how it works, first client needs to send credential within authorization header like { Authorization : 'Basic ' + credential } through ...
Patrick's user avatar
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