Okay, so I'm a self-taught programmer and have been brushing up on all the 'boring' bits that CS students do that most of us self-taught ignore. Things like Algorithms and Data Structures (particularly). So I found a nice exercise book that explains how algorithms work, but then leaves the implementation to the reader.
This works well for me as I'm the kind of person for whom knowledge 'sticks' better if I can "figure it out for myself".
So, I've just finished the Chapter on Sorting and quite easily managed to implement working Bubble Sort, Radix Sort, Mergesort etc. I really struggled getting Quicksort to work though - lots of out of bounds errors that I found hard to track down. So, now I do have it working - I'm wondering whether I just set about coding the algorithm (I'm using C#) the wrong way in the first place.
So, my question, I'll post my code below, and I'd really appreciate it if you guys could tell me (mentor style I guess) how I could have done a better job if I did it again. What I don't want is a long discussion of "you chose a silly pivot value", remember I implemented this from an exercise and that told me explicitly to use the left-most value of each sub-array as the pivot for each partition.
So, here's the code that basically creates the object and calls the sort method:
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Exercise 24.10 - Quicksort\n\n");
Quicksort sort = new Quicksort(12);
Console.WriteLine("Unsorted: {0}\n", sort);
Console.WriteLine("\n Sorted: " + sort);
Console.Write("\nPress any key to continue . . . ");
and here's the object that implements the Quicksort & the partitioning:
class Quicksort
private int[] data;
private Random rng = new Random();
public Quicksort(int size)
data = new int[size];
//Test Data from TextBook:
//data = new int[] {37, 2, 6, 4, 89, 8, 10, 12, 68, 45};
// Generate some Random Data
for(int i=0; i<data.Length;i++)
} // end constructor
public void Sort()
// Calls the 'private' recursive Quicksort method
recSort(0, data.Length-1);
private void recSort(int left, int right)
// Recursively calls itself until the pointers collide
// And as the partitioning works in-place there's no
// writing at the end, the array is already sorted
if(left<right) {
int pivot = Partition(left, right);
recSort(left, pivot-1);
recSort(pivot+1, right);
private int Partition(int left, int right)
// Takes the leftmost value of our input array
// and puts it in its correct final position
// ie. all values larger than it above and all values
// lower than it below
int i=left; // i is our bot->top travelling "pointer"
int j=right+1; // j if our top->bot travelling "pointer"
while(i<j) {
do {
} while (data[i]<data[j]);
do {
} while (data[j]>data[i]);
return j;
private void Swap(int i, int j)
int temp=data[i];
// DEBUG: Uncomment to show swap details
//Console.WriteLine ("SW {0:00}/{1:00}: {2}",data[j],
public override string ToString()
// Display a pretty version of the array
// Make sure SB doesn't have to increase capacity as it appends
StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder((data.Length*6)+1);
for(int i=0; i<data.Length; i++)
temp.AppendFormat("[{0:00}] ", data[i]);
return temp.ToString();
} // end class
Sample output (with debugging turned on) looks like this:
Exercise 24.10 - Quicksort
Unsorted: [64] [48] [79] [43] [75] [54] [81] [94] [75] [66] [57] [61]
SW 64/61: [61] [48] [79] [43] [75] [54] [81] [94] [75] [66] [57] [64]
SW 79/64: [61] [48] [64] [43] [75] [54] [81] [94] [75] [66] [57] [79]
SW 64/57: [61] [48] [57] [43] [75] [54] [81] [94] [75] [66] [64] [79]
SW 75/64: [61] [48] [57] [43] [64] [54] [81] [94] [75] [66] [75] [79]
SW 64/54: [61] [48] [57] [43] [54] [64] [81] [94] [75] [66] [75] [79]
SW 61/54: [54] [48] [57] [43] [61] [64] [81] [94] [75] [66] [75] [79]
SW 54/43: [43] [48] [57] [54] [61] [64] [81] [94] [75] [66] [75] [79]
SW 57/54: [43] [48] [54] [57] [61] [64] [81] [94] [75] [66] [75] [79]
SW 81/79: [43] [48] [54] [57] [61] [64] [79] [94] [75] [66] [75] [81]
SW 94/81: [43] [48] [54] [57] [61] [64] [79] [81] [75] [66] [75] [94]
SW 81/75: [43] [48] [54] [57] [61] [64] [79] [75] [75] [66] [81] [94]
SW 79/66: [43] [48] [54] [57] [61] [64] [66] [75] [75] [79] [81] [94]
SW 75/75: [43] [48] [54] [57] [61] [64] [66] [75] [75] [79] [81] [94]
Sorted: [43] [48] [54] [57] [61] [64] [66] [75] [75] [79] [81] [94]
I really am hoping for some guidance on how I could have done things better, perhaps things I've done well, and general stuff like how I've designed my class/methods, general style etc.