A naïve quicksort will take O(n^2) time to sort an array containing no unique keys, because all keys will be partitioned either before or after the pivot value. There are ways to handle duplicate keys (like one described in Quicksort is Optimal). The proposed solution only works for the Hoare partition, but I've implemented the Lomuto partition. To deal with duplicate keys, I alternated between moving duplicates to the left of the pivot and moving duplicates to the right of the pivot. Here's my quicksort (ignore the lack of generics):
public static void swap(Comparable[] sort, int a, int b){
Comparable temp=sort[a];
public static void quicksort(Comparable[] sort, int start, int end){
while(end-start>1){//normal case
int pivot=gen.nextInt(end-start)+start;//random pivot
swap(sort, pivot, start);
int index=start;//walking index
boolean dupHandler=false;//init to true works also
for(int i=start+1; i<end; ++i){//Lomuto partition
int val=sort[start].compareTo(sort[i]);
if(val>0 || ( val==0 && (dupHandler=!dupHandler) ) )
swap(sort, ++index, i);
swap(sort, start, index);
if(index-start<end-index-1){//recurse into smaller partition
quicksort(sort, start, index);
start=index+1;//use iteration for other partition
quicksort(sort, index+1, end);
Is there a better (more efficient) way to handle duplicate keys? If not, is there any way to significantly improve my code?