Amongst the lesser-known unstable sorting algorithms is the QuickXsort family of algorithms, as described in QuickXsort: Efficient Sorting with n log n - 1.399n +o(n) Comparisons on Average by Stefan Edelkamp and Armin Weiß. This family of sorting algorithms tries to exploit the technique of internal buffering that we will describe below before presenting our algorithm.
Internal buffering & QuickXsort
Internal buffering is a technique which allows to use algorithms that generally need additional memory without actually having to use any additional memory: when applying an algorithm to a sequence of elements, one can decide that the algorithm will first operate on a part of the sequence, and use the other part as a « buffer » with which it will swap elements instead of storing them in additional memory and retrieving them later. Then it can operate on the remaining part of the sequence until completion. Algorithms such as block sort use internal buffering to avoid allocating extra memory.
QuickXsort is a family of algorithms designed to take advantage of quicksort and internal buffering as follows:
- Choose a pivot and partition the original sequence, leaving two partitions A and B.
- If possible, apply another sorting algorithm that generally requires additional memory (such as mergesort) on the biggest partition, and use the second partition as an internal buffer: considering that A is the biggest partition, it can swap elements with B instead of allocating temporary memory to store the values and retrieve them back in A.
- Apply the technique again on the remaining partition until the original sequence is sorted.
Quicksort partitions are an excellent choice here: once a sequence is partitioned, sorting both halves yields a sorted sequence, so any sorting algorithm can be used, and using one of the unsorted partitions as an internal buffer isn't a problem since it isn't supposed to be sorted yet.
QuickMergesort applies a partition just like quicksort on the whole sequence, then applies mergesort as follows:
We sort the larger half of the partitioned array with Mergesort as long as we have one third of the whole array as temporary memory left, otherwise we sort the smaller part with Mergesort.
As we can see from the explanation, mergesort can only be used to sort the bigger partition if the smaller partition is at least one third of the sequence to sort. It's that way because mergesort needs a buffer whose size is up to half the size of the sequence to sort (the bigger partition).
A new flavour of QuickMergesort
Instead of partitioning the original sequence with a usual median-of-three pivot selection, I decided that I could use std::nth_element
instead for the partition step, always choosing a pivot that splits the sequence to sort into two partitions whose sizes are respectively two thirds and one third of the size of the partition to sort. That way, it ensures that mergesort can be performed on the biggest possible partition at each step.
For the sake of simplicity, we use an almost trivial top-down mergesort that switches to an insertion sort when there are fewer than 32 elements. Anyway, we've talked enough, here is the code:
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>
// Number of elements to sort under which we perform insertion sort
static constexpr int insertion_limit = 32;
typename BidirectionalIterator,
typename Compare = std::less<>
auto insertion_sort(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last,
Compare compare={})
-> void
if (first == last) return;
for (BidirectionalIterator cur = std::next(first) ; cur != last ; ++cur) {
BidirectionalIterator sift = cur;
BidirectionalIterator sift_1 = std::prev(cur);
// Compare first so we can avoid 2 moves for
// an element already positioned correctly.
if (compare(*sift, *sift_1)) {
auto tmp = std::move(*sift);
do {
*sift-- = std::move(*sift_1);
while (sift != first && compare(tmp, *--sift_1));
*sift = std::move(tmp);
typename InputIterator1,
typename InputIterator2,
typename OutputIterator,
typename Compare = std::less<>
auto half_inplace_merge(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
OutputIterator result, Compare compare={})
-> void
for (; first1 != last1; ++result) {
if (first2 == last2) {
std::swap_ranges(first1, last1, result);
if (compare(*first2, *first1)) {
std::iter_swap(result, first2);
} else {
std::iter_swap(result, first1);
// first2 through last2 are already in the right spot
typename BidirectionalIterator,
typename Compare = std::less<>
auto buffered_inplace_merge(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator middle,
BidirectionalIterator last, BidirectionalIterator buffer,
Compare compare={})
-> void
if (middle - first <= last - middle) {
auto buffer_end = std::swap_ranges(first, middle, buffer);
half_inplace_merge(buffer, buffer_end,
middle, last,
first, compare);
} else {
auto buffer_end = std::swap_ranges(middle, last, buffer);
using rev_iter = std::reverse_iterator<BidirectionalIterator>;
half_inplace_merge(rev_iter(buffer_end), rev_iter(buffer),
rev_iter(middle), rev_iter(first), rev_iter(last),
typename BidirectionalIterator,
typename Compare = std::less<>
auto internal_mergesort(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last,
BidirectionalIterator buffer, Compare compare={})
-> void
if (std::distance(first, last) <= insertion_limit) {
insertion_sort(first, last, compare);
auto middle = first + (last - first) / 2; // make sure left is smaller
internal_mergesort(first, middle, buffer, compare);
internal_mergesort(middle, last, buffer, compare);
while (first != middle && not compare(*middle, *first)) {
if (first == middle) return;
buffered_inplace_merge(first, middle, last, buffer, compare);
typename RandomAccessIterator,
typename Compare = std::less<>
auto quickmergesort(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
Compare compare={})
-> void
auto size = std::distance(first, last);
while (size > insertion_limit) {
auto pivot = first + 2 * (size / 3) - 2;
std::nth_element(first, pivot, last, compare);
internal_mergesort(first, pivot, pivot, compare);
first = pivot;
size = std::distance(first, last);
insertion_sort(first, last, compare);
The original version of insertion_sort
comes from Orson Peters' pdqsort; the original versions from half_inplace_merge
and buffered_inplace_merge
come from libc++'s implementation of std::inplace_merge
. They have been adapted for the purpose of internal buffering.
Complexity and performance
runs in \$\mathcal{O}(n)\$, and top-down mergesort in \$\mathcal{O}(n \log{n})\$. To be honest, I don't know whether the whole thing actually runs in \$\mathcal{O}(n \log{n})\$ or in \$\mathcal{O}(n \log^{2}{n})\$. I'd say \$\mathcal{O}(n \log{n})\$, but then again I'm not sure. Since I choose to use a top-down mergesort for the sake of simplicity, the algorithm takes \$\mathcal{O}(\log{n})\$ space, but it could use \$\mathcal{O}(1)\$ space with a bottom-up mergesort.
I didn't run benchmarks in a while, but the algorithm seemed to run more or less as fast as libstdc++ std::sort
(which implements an introsort, at least at the time of benchmarks), except in a few situations: it's a bit slower for truly random data and when there's only a small number of different elements, and it's way better for std::sort
's worst distributions (when it falls back to heapsort). It's almost always twice as fast as heapsort.
The only benchmarks I have were performed on a vector of 106 integers though. Its running time is probably different in other situations.
I think that the algorithm is quite elegant and rather fast without being too clever for its own good, and a is pretty good example of what can be done with internal buffering without being as complex as a block sort. It also allowed me to finally find a good use for std::nth_element
(I was pretty disappointed by the speed of the \$\mathcal{O}(n \log{n})\$ quicksort that uses std::nth_element
for its partitioning step), which is also quite nice :)
As usual, do you think that something could obviously be improved with this code, be it from a coding style, performance, elegance of correctness perspective (that said, note that some things have been simplified for Code Review, such as the lack of a namespace to hide the internals)?