I've added a sort function to my library of utility functions. I will need to extend its behaviour at a later time but for now it's just a replacement for the qsort()
I've implemented Yaroslavskiy's Double Pivot QuickSort which is fast and easy to implement (and has been selected as the sort of choice for Java7).
I've removed recursion via a fixed stack and randomized the choice of the pivot elements to avoid O(n^2) behaviour when the array is already sorted. I've also tested the difference of having a final insertion sort run on the entire array instead of many insertion sort runs on shorter arrays but I've seen no noticeable difference.
As for the stack depth I've tested that the average depth increase logarithmically (as expected). For example for 100 000 elements the average is 22, for 1 000 000 (10x) is 55. The chosen size should be more than enough for any realistic array.
The swap operation is dominant: any improvement will directly impact the overall speed. I tried copying one-byte-at-times and memcpy()
but they were slower.
The random number generator utl_rnd()
is surely not the best PRNG around but is fast and should be good enough for the purpose.
I'd be especially interested in any comment about speed. Currently this is just a little slower than gcc's qsort()
(e.g. 1.6ms vs 1.2ms to sort an array of 10 million random integers).
Code is below (alternatively as github gist: https://gist.github.com/rdentato/8cf8007525feacc8df519bc91e98f20d):
/* Quick and dirty PRNG (xorshift) */
static uint32_t utl_rnd()
static uint32_t rnd = 0;
while (rnd == 0) rnd = (uint32_t)time(0);
rnd ^= rnd << 13;
rnd ^= rnd >> 17;
rnd ^= rnd << 5;
return rnd;
#define utl_dpqswap(a,b) do { if (a!=b) { \
uint32_t sz = esz;\
uint8_t tmp8; \
uint32_t tmp32; \
uint8_t *pa = ((uint8_t *)a); \
uint8_t *pb = ((uint8_t *)b); \
while (sz >= 4) { \
tmp32 = *(uint32_t *)pa; \
*(uint32_t *)pa = *(uint32_t *)pb;\
*(uint32_t *)pb = tmp32;\
sz-=4; pa+=4; pb+=4;\
switch (sz) {\
case 3: tmp8=*pa; *pa=*pb; *pb=tmp8; pa--; pb--;\
case 2: tmp8=*pa; *pa=*pb; *pb=tmp8; pa--; pb--;\
case 1: tmp8=*pa; *pa=*pb; *pb=tmp8; pa--; pb--;\
} while (0)
#define utl_dpqptr(k) ((uint8_t *)base+(k)*esz)
#define utl_dpqpush(l,r) do {stack[stack_top][0]=(l); stack[stack_top][1]=(r); stack_top++; } while(0)
#define utl_dpqpop(l,r) do {stack_top--; l=stack[stack_top][0]; r=stack[stack_top][1];} while(0)
/* Dropin replacement for qsort() using double pivot quicksort */
void utl_dpqsort(void *base, uint32_t nel, uint32_t esz, int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *))
int32_t left,right;
uint8_t *leftptr, *rightptr;
uint32_t L,K,G;
int32_t stack[128][2]; // Enough for 2^31 max elements in the array
int16_t stack_top = 0;
while (stack_top > 0) {
utl_dpqpop(left, right);
if (left < right) {
if ((right - left) <= 16) { // Use insertion sort
for (int32_t i = left+1; i<=right; i++) {
rightptr = utl_dpqptr(i);
leftptr = rightptr - esz;
for (int32_t j=i; j>0 && cmp(leftptr, rightptr) > 0; j--) {
utl_dpqswap(rightptr, leftptr);
rightptr = leftptr;
leftptr = rightptr - esz;
else {
leftptr = utl_dpqptr(left);
rightptr = utl_dpqptr(right);
/* Randomize pivot to avoid worst case (already sorted array) */
L = left + (utl_rnd() % (right-left));
G = left + (utl_rnd() % (right-left));
if (cmp(leftptr, rightptr) > 0) {
utl_dpqswap(leftptr, rightptr);
L=left+1; K=L; G=right-1;
while (K <= G) {
if (cmp(utl_dpqptr(K), leftptr) < 0) {
utl_dpqswap(utl_dpqptr(K), utl_dpqptr(L));
else if (cmp(utl_dpqptr(K), rightptr) > 0) {
while ((cmp(utl_dpqptr(G), rightptr) > 0) && (K<G))
utl_dpqswap(utl_dpqptr(K), utl_dpqptr(G));
if (cmp(utl_dpqptr(K), leftptr) < 0) {
utl_dpqswap(utl_dpqptr(K), utl_dpqptr(L));
L--; G++;
utl_dpqswap(leftptr, utl_dpqptr(L));
utl_dpqswap(rightptr, utl_dpqptr(G));
utl_dpqpush(G+1, right);
utl_dpqpush(L+1, G-1);
utl_dpqpush(left, L-1);