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Gracefully shutting down a HttpListener

I have worked out a code for graceful shutdown of a httplistener. However, I am not sure if its foolproof. Below I provide c# code and the powershell (v3.0) scripts I've used to run my tests... C# ...
deostroll's user avatar
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11 votes
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Using build event to run Powershell script to run built DLL

As a rule, whenever I find myself doing something that nobody else is doing, I have to be quite suspicious about what I'm doing. This is why I want to get code review to verify I'm not doing something ...
this's user avatar
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Adding some properties to an Active Directory user

I was writing the below section of code which adds some user properties to an Active Directory user, and got wondering - surely we can improve the readability of this : ...
Bassie's user avatar
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Task based PowerShell cmdlet

I am learning about Tasks and also writing PowerShell cmdlets in C#. I found that connecting to remote machines was very slow, so I wrote this bit of code to speed it up using Tasks. I am hoping to ...
hsimah's user avatar
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Powershell cmdlet authenticating to Aerohive API

After dipping my toes in PowerShell for over a year i think it is time for creating a real cmdlet. My first mission was creating a regular PS script to take in a .csv and create a wifi account using ...
Adamar's user avatar
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Creating & reading CSV with system own tools

There are lot libraries for creating/parsing CSV but how about not using any of them and instead use Windows own tools like PowerShell? I thought I'll try and create some extensions for that purpose ...
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