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Questions tagged [comparative-review]

This tag is used for questions which present a problem and multiple solutions, where the asker wishes to know which solution is best (and why).

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6 votes
2 answers

Implementing web scraping in a function and in a class

The goal of my code is to implement a web scraping routine to obtain the name and the price of a product. I want to put this routine separated from the main program file. Sample url to scrape: https://...
AlejandroFA's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Simple beginner Rust CLI file reader that prints to stdout

Q: Am I approaching writing idiomatic Rust code correctly? Hi CodeReview, I'm a beginner Rustacean coming from Python going through Rust books (The Rust Book, Rust in Action). A lot of the beginner ...
9Q9a5QS's user avatar
  • 31
4 votes
1 answer

Finding missing void keywords in C source code

I'm writing a bash script to search C source files and find the lines where I missed the void keyword (unlike in C++, in C, empty parameter lists have to be indicated with the void keyword). I read ...
z32a7ul's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Best practice to initialize instance variables for a POJO when values are null

I am using Java 8. I haven't found another question that fits mine exactly, and I've come across some conflicting information on best practices with what I'm trying to do. I'm creating a POJO which ...
user355381's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Simple BST implementation using C++ Struct

I am trying to implement DSs in C++ and this is BST insert and search functions. I tried in two different ways, please review and see if one is advantageous over other. With pointer to pointer ...
Nothing_8484's user avatar
23 votes
11 answers

Find nth Fibonacci Number, using iteration and recursion

I'm a beginner programmer and I came upon this problem which is to find the n​th number in the Fibonacci series. I used to solve the problem using a for loop; ...
David Peterson's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Convenience function to save and load pickle objects

I want to come up with a simple convenience function to save and load pickle objects. A secondary objective is to simply execute the function without the above function. I have come up with two ...
agarg's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

generic implementation approaches for a recursive function

Let's take the famous fibonacci problem as an example but this is a generic problem. Also, taking scala as the language as it's rather feature-rich. I want to know which solution you'd prefer. we all ...
Maths noob's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

abstract base classes versus the curiously recurring template pattern [closed]

Background Apologies for "burying the lead." The questions are in the next section. In my application, the purpose of inheritance is to abstract away complicated logic in the base class template, so ...
Taylor's user avatar
  • 241
5 votes
3 answers

C# Event Manager without allocations

I'm using my own Action-based Event Manager for a while and looking for ways to improve it. Mainly it's used in game development, where excessive garbage generation can lead to severe consequences. ...
Xamtos's user avatar
  • 370
0 votes
1 answer

Schedule talks in tracks [closed]

Consider my simple business requirement as follows: There is a list of talks and they need to be scheduled in tracks. Each track has a morning session starting at 9am and an afternoon session starting ...
riki's user avatar
  • 109
3 votes
2 answers

Organise method flow

I have something like a shop. It is limited to a checkout page, which will send an email. Nothing big, but a nice thing to learn more OOP. Almost every time I develop new classes I am wondering how ...
Rever_2019's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

C++/Opengl voxel renderer

I have tried going back to C++ after long time of mainly doing C#. I realize that the code is far from perfect, however I would really appreciate if someone could point of what exactly is wrong and ...
alecie's user avatar
  • 71
5 votes
3 answers

Ask the user a number between 2 and 20

Here is my attempt: ...
Zwettekop's user avatar
  • 125
2 votes
2 answers

Implementation of the Selection Sort Algorithm

I have tried to implement the Selection Sort Algorithm in two different ways, and I was just wondering if that is considered to be a valid implementation of that algorithm. Would that be also ...
Flavio Esposito's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Comparing two simple distance calculating algorithms

Is the single method printMaxDistance_a or the two methods printMaxDistance_b AND ...
unknown_dcba's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Find the next empty column on a chessboard [closed]

I was playing around with the "eight queens" problem, just to see how I could use C++ algorithms to write less code. I figured out a way to find the next unused column using ...
user3772662's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

MySQL/MariaDB Data extraction / String manipulation / "TopN" processing => Performance of C++ vs php vs python

EDIT1: Suspicion that mariadb++ is affecting my performance results compared to the raw "mariadb/mysql Connector-C"?? EDIT2: I did a barebones C-Only implementation and it comes in at 222ms vs the ...
Oliver Schönrock's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

PHP OOP classes used for building web applications

The following classes are used for web development. And I was wondering if I'm implementing them correctly specially the Base class. This is a version 2.0 of the question the classes are as follows: ...
David Machado's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

OOP design for election board

I am trying to build an OOP design for an election system. A citizen can nominate themselves to be a contender. So all contenders are citizens. I was thinking of keeping the relation ship IS-A by ...
Zen's user avatar
  • 81
5 votes
1 answer

Linked list: removing first element

Method 1: ...
OverLordGoldDragon's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Resizable containers with VueJS

A month ago I reviewed the code in Resizable split DIVs Vue.js, suggesting that the OP use computed properties and bound styles to simplify the code (at least reducing the need to use ...
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Choosing between 2 Fibonacci alternatives [closed]

Task: Return the fibonacci value at a given index. e.g: input: 6, return: 8. Algorithm 1: ...
Elya Livshitz's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Shoe shine shop model in Rust and C++ - Follow-up

I've just refactored my Rust and C++ code which simulates the shoeshine shop model from this question. What else can be improved? C++: ...
rogday's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Shoe shine shop model in Rust

I'm learning Rust and a few questions did arise during translation of my C++ code to Rust. There are comments in Rust code I'd like to be answered. Is there an idiomatic way to solve this task? The ...
rogday's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

Assign a variant to a variant

Quick review: I've been writing API code which receives user input that can come as either an object or a value type - a problem outlined here. In order to write an unknown data type to a variable, ...
Greedo's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Snake string implementations

This snippet uses a string as an output. As we iterate through the input string, I just keep appending a character to the string and I know this just pretty much creates a new string everything I add ...
Dawn17's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Rotate a matrix, using transposition and reflection

I want to compare two solutions to the following question from Cracking The Coding Interview by Gayle Laakman McDowell : 1.7 Rotate Matrix - Given an image represented by an NxN matrix, where each ...
Emile Papillon-Corbeil's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Extraction of value from a dict-tree, given a path of arbitrary length

Problem: We read a complex json-file which grants us a tree in terms of a python "dict of dicts". We're then requested to retrieve a specific path from the tree, represented by a list of elements. The ...
Wololo's user avatar
  • 223
1 vote
1 answer

Filter string with min distance in r

I have the following sample data: target <- "Stackoverflow" candidates <- c("Stackflow", "Stackflow", "Stckoverfow") I would like to filter the string from ...
BigDataScientist's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Random password generator that ensures diversity of character types and absence of confusing characters

I wrote the following password generator, to generate a password in which each character group appears at least at once. ...
CyborgBeta's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

A function that returns all letters in the Alphabet except the ones in a pre-defined list

This function should return a string that is comprised from all the letters in the Alphabet except the letters in a pre-defined list in alphabetical order. Assuming all letters in the pre-defined ...
Elbasel's user avatar
  • 602
4 votes
1 answer

Decoding of binary data (AIS) from socket

I am currently working on a AIS message decoder written in pure Python. It's just a little project to teach me some things about binary data, decoding, etc. Because I am only programming for about a ...
M0r13n's user avatar
  • 43
5 votes
1 answer

BitBoard class In TypeScript for chess logic

I'm working on writing a Chess Logic Library in JavaScript for learning purposes and was wondering how good these two slightly different implementations of a BitBoard are. The first stores the board ...
casual234's user avatar
  • 152
10 votes
4 answers

Shuffling multiple iterators in order

I have a Python function w/ specified functionality, and two proposed approaches - which do you prefer, and why? (performance, simplicity, clarity, etc) (both use ...
OverLordGoldDragon's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Fast matrix transpose

I would like to improve the naive matrix transpose algorithm by using a cache friendly algorithm. So far there are 4 variants. Iterate over the source matrix: ...
Catree's user avatar
  • 121
4 votes
1 answer

The best way to unwrap the optional in java [closed]

Instead of using the null checks I tried using Optional and safely unwrapping the optional. Approach 1 My first approach of unwrapping the ...
Siddharth Eswaramoorthy's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Classifying integers as "weird" or "not weird"

Problem Statement Given an integer N, perform the following conditional actions: If N is odd, print Weird If N is even and in the inclusive range of 2 to 5, print Not Weird If N is even ...
Subba Lakshmi's user avatar
2 votes
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Angular forms - reactive vs. [(ngModel)]

I am developing this angular app and it has big forms with 100 + fields. I was thinking about using [(ngModel)] without reactive forms, so that it's easier to do ...
pavithra rox's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

A simple game that keeps track of the number of questions asked

This is just a simple counter, i was able to code it in two different ways but i want to know which way is more efficient and which way is more readable. and which set of code is more "correct" in ...
Elbasel's user avatar
  • 602
1 vote
1 answer

LeetCode: House Robber I C# You are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a street. Each house has a certain amount of money stashed, the only constraint stopping ...
Gilad's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

SageMakerTrainingOperator in Airflow

I have made an operator (surrounded by others operators) for training a model in sagemaker in airflow and I have doubts how would it be more readable or more pythonic. First I did this: ...
Javier Lopez Tomas's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

LeetCode: Symmetric Tree C# Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center). For ...
Gilad's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to differentiate web fonts font-face font-weights?

What do you guys think: OPTION #1 (same font-face name and change font-weight) ...
cbdeveloper's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Get the encrypted payload from an unencrypted wrapper PDF document

This is code, written by our dev team, and SonarQube tells me that the Cognitive Complexity is too high: 21, and the current (default, out of the box) metric limit is 15. I've had a go at reducing the ...
Amedee Van Gasse's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Polling an SFTP server to list files in a directory

When is it better to instantiate the sftp client globally vs inside a function as shown below? What considerations favor one method over the other? For a long ...
trivial_tasks's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Resolving Git conflicts with Javascript

Challenge: Resolve git conflict by resolveGitConflict(linesArray, resolveMode), where linesArray is an array of strings Example: ...
NCM's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Store tweets to a local MongoDB server

I use NodeJS along with the MongoDB NodeJS Driver to store tweets into my local MongoDB server. In the following setup, mongos insertOne method gets invoked quite ...
Aley's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

PHP classes with functions used for building a web application

The following class is set of functions I use for web development(examples below) and I was wondering how to structure it. Examples: ...
David Machado's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Fast algorithms in Javascript for shortest path queries in directed unweighted graphs - follow-up

(See the previous iteration.) Now I have reworked my pathfinder program, and I ended up with this: ...
coderodde's user avatar
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