I have a script that contains functions from login in to posting status to friend request send and receive. Pretty much a social network script. Anyways i think my security is not up to date so if anyone can check my code out or review it live on the web: iphone.hostei.com
. email is [email protected]
and password is demo123
Please if anyone can review so my code is probably harder to hack and it functions well.
$user1 = new User($con);
$is_loggedin = (isset($_SESSION['uid']))? true:false;
$is_uid = (isset($_GET['uid']) && !empty($_GET['uid']) && is_numeric($_GET['uid']))? true:false;
// Set default uid
$def_uid = ($is_uid == true)? $_GET['uid']: $_SESSION['uid'];
// User valid check
$user_valid = ($is_uid == true)? $user1->check_user($def_uid):1;
$name_id = $_SESSION['user']['uid'];
$name = $_SESSION['user']['uname'];
$fullname = $_SESSION['user']['fullname'];
$bio = $_SESSION['user']['bio'];
$time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
if(isset($_POST['logout'])) {
header('Location: index.php');
echo "<script>alert('Empty area field.')</script>";
if($_GET['uid'] == ''){
$user1 -> post($_SESSION['uid'], $_SESSION['uid'], $name, $_POST['area'], $time);
}else if($_GET['uid'] == 0){
$user1 -> post($_SESSION['uid'], $_GET['uid'], $name, $_POST['area'], $time);
$check = $con -> Fetch("SELECT * FROM follow_req WHERE user_two_req=".$_SESSION['uid']."");
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<title>Only Simple Albanian Social Network, with no ads</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/profile.css"/>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<?php if($is_loggedin !== true) {
include_once 'php/common/head.php'; ?>
<?php }?>
// If there is a propper UID available
if(($is_loggedin == true) || ($is_uid == true)) { ?>
<?php if ($is_loggedin == true){ ?>
<div id="menu">
<div id="menu_wrapper">
<div id="left_menu">
<div id="right_menu">
<div id='drop-zone'><?php
if($check == 0){
echo "<h4 class='request'>0</h4>";
echo "<a href='#' class='request_more'>".count($check)."</a>";
<form action='' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='logout' value='true' />
<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Logout' id='btn'>
<?php } ?>
<div id="profile_wrapper">
<div class="wrapper">
<div id="profile">
// If user is valid
if($user_valid == 1) {
// User is logged in user
if($def_uid == $_SESSION['uid']) {
include_once 'php/classes/profile_func.php';
include_once 'php/classes/user_info.php';
<h2>No Such User Exists</h2>
<h3>Please select a different user or <a href='index.php'>Login</a></h3>
<?php if($is_loggedin == true){ ?>
<h3>Go Back to <a href="profile.php?uid=<?php echo $name_id;?>">My Profile</a></h3>
} ?>
<?php }else{?>
<h1>Invalid User</h1>
<h3>You must be <a href="index.php">Logged IN</a> to see your profile OR you must select a profile (uid) to view.</h3>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($is_loggedin != true){ ?>
<div id="footer">
<h4>Per momentin vetem njerezit qe do perzgjidhen do kene akses.</h4>
<a href="#">
<div id="button">Kerkese Hyerje</div>
<?php } ?>
function LookUp(IdElem,URL){
$("#drop-zone").html('<div class="loader"></div>');
url: URL,
cache: false,
success: function(result) {
$(document).ready(function() {
<?php $user1->profile_photo(); ?>
<div id="friends">
echo "
<h2 class='u_name'><a href=profile.php?uid=".$name_id.">@".$name."</a></h2>
$MyFollows = $con->Fetch("SELECT * FROM follow WHERE (user_one='$def_uid') OR (user_two='$def_uid')");
$count_posts = $con->Fetch("SELECT * FROM post WHERE user_id=".$_SESSION['uid']." ");
echo "<p>Posts ".$cnt = ($count_posts !== 0)? '<a href="posts.php" class="posts_all">'. count($count_posts) .'</a>' : 0;"";
echo " - Friends: ".$following = ($MyFollows !== 0)? '<a class="frnd_a" href="friends.php">'. count($MyFollows) .'</a></p>' : 0;"";
<div id="post_wrapper">
<p>Update Status</p>
<div id='post_form'>
<form action='' method='POST'>
<textarea id='area' name='area'></textarea>
<input type='submit' name='area_sub' id='sub_btn' value='Update'/>
if($_GET['uid'] == 0){
$user1 -> getResults();
$user1 -> getResults();
<?php if($def_uid != $_SESSION['uid']) {
$info = $con->Fetch("SELECT * FROM users WHERE uid='$def_uid'"); ?>
<h1>User Profile: <?php echo $info[0]['fullname']; ?></h1>
$action = ($user1->check_req($_SESSION['uid'], $def_uid))? true : false;
$friends = ($user1->check_friends($_SESSION['uid'], $def_uid))? true: false;
$c = ($user1->checking($def_uid, $_SESSION['uid']))? true: false;
$post = $con->Fetch("SELECT * FROM `post` WHERE rec_id=".$_GET['uid']."");
if($friends == true){
echo "Welcome to ", $info[0]['uname'],"'s wall";
if($is_loggedin == true){
echo "<br/>Go Back to <a href='profile.php?uid=".$_SESSION['user']['uid']."'>My Profile</a><br/>";
<form action="" method="POST">
<textarea id='area' name='area' placeholder="Say something nice <?php echo $name;?>"></textarea>
<input type='submit' name='area_sub' value='Go'/>
if($_GET['uid'] == $post[0]['rec_id']){
echo "<br/>".$user1 -> getResults();
echo "<br/><a href='actions.php?action=unfriend&uid=".$def_uid."'/>Unfriend</a><br/>";
if($is_loggedin == true){
<a href="actions.php?action=
<?php if($action == true){ $un = "cancel";echo $un;}else{echo "send";}?>&uid=
<?php echo $def_uid; ?>">
<?php if($c == true){
echo"<a href='actions.php?action=accept&uid=".$def_uid."'>ADD</a><br/>";
echo "<a href='actions.php?action=ignore&uid=".$def_uid."'>Ignore</a>";
}else if($action == true){
echo $un;
echo "send";
<br/>Back to my <a href="profile.php?uid=<?php echo $_SESSION['user']['uid']; ?>">Profile</a>
echo "Not Logged In. Log in <a href='index.php'>Here</a>";
class User
public $db;
public $error;
public function __construct($con){
$this->db = $con;
/*** for login process ***/
public function check_login($username='', $password=''){
// Validate that your email is a real one
if(filter_var($username,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false) {
$password = md5($password);
$sql = "SELECT uid from users WHERE (uemail='$username' or uname='$username') and upass = '$password'";
$result = $this->db->Fetch($sql);
if ($result !== 0) {
// this login var will use for the session thing
$_SESSION['emailusername'] = $result[0]['uemail'];
$_SESSION['uid'] = $result[0]['uid'];
$_SESSION['user'] = $this->get_fullname($result[0]['uid'],0);
$_SESSION['login'] = true;
$this->error['Invalid Account'] = '<h3 id="error">Invalid Username or Password</h3>';
$this->error['Email'] = '<h3 id="error">Invalid Email Address</h3>';
return (!isset($_SESSION['emailusername']))? false:true;
/*** for showing the username or fullname ***/
public function get_fullname($uid, $write = 1){
// --> You can prepare, bind, and execute your values here replacing what you have now....<--
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE uid = '$uid'";
$user_data = $this->db->Fetch($sql);
if($user_data !== 0) {
$user['uname'] = $user_data[0]['uname'];
$user['fullname'] = $user_data[0]['fullname'];
$user['uemail'] = $user_data[0]['uemail'];
$user['uid'] = $user_data[0]['uid'];
$user['bio'] = $user_data[0]['bio'];
// This gives the option of returning an array (setting session array) or echoing
if($write == 1)
echo implode("<br />",$user);
return $user;
public function check_user($uid)
$sql = "SELECT * from users WHERE uid= $uid ";
$result = $this->db->Fetch($sql);
$count_row = ($result !== 0)? count($result): 0;
return $count_row;
/*** starting the session ***/
public function get_session()
return $_SESSION['login'];
public function user_logout()
$_SESSION['login'] = FALSE;
public function check_req($is_uid, $def_uid){
$sql = "SELECT * from follow_req WHERE user_one_req = '$is_uid' AND user_two_req = '$def_uid'";
$result = $this->db->Fetch($sql);
$count_row = ($result !== 0)? count($result): 0;
return $count_row;
public function insert($is_uid, $def_uid){
$sql = "INSERT INTO follow_req (user_one_req, user_two_req) VALUES (:user_one_req, :user_two_req)";
$q = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$q -> execute(array(':user_one_req'=>$is_uid, ':user_two_req'=>$def_uid));
return $q;
public function delete($is_uid, $def_uid){
$sql = "DELETE FROM follow_req WHERE user_one_req = :user_one_req AND user_two_req = :user_two_req";
$q = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$q -> execute(array(':user_one_req'=>$is_uid, ':user_two_req'=>$def_uid));
return $q;
public function checkimg($img_id){
$sql = "SELECT * from users WHERE img_id = '$img_id'";
$result = $this->db->Fetch($sql);
$count_row = ($result !== 0)? count($result): 0;
return $count_row;
public function img($img_id, $part){
$sql = "UPDATE users SET img_id='$img_id', image='$part' WHERE uid=".$_SESSION['uid']."";
$q = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$q -> execute(array(':img_id'=>$img_id, ':image'=>$part));
return $q;
public function check_friends($is_uid, $def_uid){
$sql = "SELECT * from follow WHERE (user_one = '$is_uid' AND user_two = '$def_uid') OR (user_one = '$def_uid' AND user_two = '$is_uid')";
$result = $this->db->Fetch($sql);
$count_row = ($result !== 0)? count($result): 0;
return $count_row;
public function del_friends($is_uid, $def_uid){
$sql = "DELETE FROM follow WHERE (user_one = :user_one AND user_two = :user_two) OR (user_one = :user_two AND user_two = :user_one)";
$q = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$q -> execute(array(':user_one'=>$is_uid, ':user_two'=>$def_uid));
return $q;
public function checking($def_uid, $is_uid){
$sql = "SELECT * from follow_req WHERE user_one_req = '$def_uid' AND user_two_req = '$is_uid'";
$result = $this->db->Fetch($sql);
$count_row = ($result !== 0)? count($result): 0;
return $count_row;
public function accept_req($def_uid, $is_uid){
$sql = "INSERT INTO follow ( user_one, user_two) VALUES ( :user_one, :user_two)";
$q = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$q -> execute(array(':user_one'=>$def_uid, ':user_two'=>$is_uid));
return $q;
public function delete_req($def_uid, $is_uid){
$sql = "DELETE FROM follow_req WHERE user_one_req = :user_one_req AND user_two_req = :user_two_req";
$q = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$q -> execute(array(':user_one_req'=>$def_uid, ':user_two_req'=>$is_uid));
return $q;
public function post($a_id='', $r_id='', $name, $area='', $time){
$sql = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (user_id, rec_id, user, area, time) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
$sql -> bindParam(1, $a_id);
$sql -> bindParam(2, $r_id);
$sql -> bindParam(3, $name);
$sql -> bindParam(4, $area);
$sql -> bindParam(5, $time);
$sql -> execute();
public function profile_photo(){
$get_name = $this->db->Fetch ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE img_id=". $_SESSION['uid']."");
if($get_name[0]['img_id'] == $_SESSION['uid']){
echo "<img id='profile_img' src='test/upload/".$_SESSION['uid']."_".$get_name[0]['image']."'/>";
echo "<img id='profile_img' src='classversiondontdelete/images/default/profile_icon.gif'/>";
//echo "<img src='test/upload/".$_SESSION['uid']."_".$get_name[0]['image']."'/>";
public function getResults(){
if($_GET['uid'] == ''){
$result = $this->db->Fetch("SELECT * FROM post WHERE rec_id = ".$_SESSION['uid']." ");
}else if($_GET['uid'] == 0){
$result = $this->db->Fetch("SELECT * FROM post WHERE rec_id = ".$_SESSION['uid']." ");
$result = $this->db->Fetch("SELECT * FROM post WHERE rec_id = '".$_GET['uid']."'");
foreach ($result as $row) {
?><div id="post"><?php
$get_name = $this->db->Fetch("SELECT * FROM users WHERE img_id = ".$row['user_id']."");
if($get_name[0]['img_id'] != 0){
echo "<img id='post_img' src='test/upload/".$row['user_id']."_".$get_name[0]['image']."'/>";
echo "<img id='post_img' src='classversiondontdelete/images/default/profile_icon.gif'/>";
echo "
<h3 id='text'>".$row['area']. "</h3>