I would like to know what you think:
$nav_normal = array("1. Home","2. Read Me","3. License Agreement","4. General Information","5. Database Installer","6. Create an Account","7. Create Config","8. Successfully installed"
$last_normal = array_pop(array_keys($nav_normal));
foreach($nav_normal as $name){
if($Nav_ID == $name){
$Nav_Type = "Selected";
$Nav_Type = "Unselected";
?><li class="<?php echo($Nav_Type); ?>"><?php echo($name); ?></li><?php
//this part is only for the (google chrome) view-source:\\
//this will not be shown into the normal layout/output\\
if($name != $last_normal){
echo("\n ");
On each page I write at the place of the navigation bar:
$Nav_ID = "1. Home"; //etc. etc.\\
I hope you can give me a review on what you think is either good or bad. Just give your opinion.