I'm just starting to learn website coding with html, css, and JavaScript. To get a bit of a hang for it, I'm trying to build a complete web page.
So far, I've only done the navbar. I started with a basic Bootstrap 5 navbar and modified it to get it to look and behave like I want. It took me three days, but it looks good now.
Or at least, on the outside it does. I can't, however, shake the feeling that this could've been done way easier, with a lot less code.
Could anyone point out some examples of where I may have gone about it way too roundabout and what I could've done better?
I've pasted my code in a CodePen:
$(window).scroll(function() {
var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
var width = $(window).width();
if (scroll >= 50 && width <= 1000) {
document.querySelector(".navbar").style.paddingTop = "0";
document.querySelector(".navbar").style.paddingBottom = "0";
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.fontSize = "28px";
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.paddingTop = "0.4%";
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.paddingBottom = "0.3%";
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.height = "40px";
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.lineHeight = "40px";
document.querySelector("#navhome").style.paddingTop = "15px";
document.querySelector("#navabout").style.paddingTop = "15px";
document.querySelector("#navport").style.paddingTop = "15px";
document.querySelector("#navteam").style.paddingTop = "15px";
document.querySelector("#navcont").style.paddingTop = "15px";
document.querySelector("#navhome").style.paddingBottom = "14px";
document.querySelector("#navabout").style.paddingBottom = "14px";
document.querySelector("#navport").style.paddingBottom = "14px";
document.querySelector("#navteam").style.paddingBottom = "14px";
document.querySelector("#navcont").style.paddingBottom = "14px";
} else if (scroll >= 50 && width >= 1001) {
document.querySelector(".navbar").style.paddingTop = "0";
document.querySelector(".navbar").style.paddingBottom = "0";
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.fontSize = "28px";
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.paddingTop = "0.4%";
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.paddingBottom = "0.3%";
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.height = 'initial';
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.lineHeight = 'initial';
document.querySelector("#navhome").style.paddingTop = "15px";
document.querySelector("#navabout").style.paddingTop = "15px";
document.querySelector("#navport").style.paddingTop = "15px";
document.querySelector("#navteam").style.paddingTop = "15px";
document.querySelector("#navcont").style.paddingTop = "15px";
document.querySelector("#navhome").style.paddingBottom = "14px";
document.querySelector("#navabout").style.paddingBottom = "14px";
document.querySelector("#navport").style.paddingBottom = "14px";
document.querySelector("#navteam").style.paddingBottom = "14px";
document.querySelector("#navcont").style.paddingBottom = "14px";
} else {
document.querySelector(".navbar").style.paddingTop = "8px";
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.fontSize = "40px";
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.paddingTop = "0.6%";
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.paddingBottom = "0.6%";
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.height = 'initial';
document.querySelector(".navbar-brand").style.lineHeight = 'initial';
document.querySelector("#navhome").style.paddingTop = "28px";
document.querySelector("#navabout").style.paddingTop = "28px";
document.querySelector("#navport").style.paddingTop = "28px";
document.querySelector("#navteam").style.paddingTop = "28px";
document.querySelector("#navcont").style.paddingTop = "28px";
document.querySelector("#navhome").style.paddingBottom = "28px";
document.querySelector("#navabout").style.paddingBottom = "28px";
document.querySelector("#navport").style.paddingBottom = "28px";
document.querySelector("#navteam").style.paddingBottom = "28px";
document.querySelector("#navcont").style.paddingBottom = "28px";
body {
height: 200vh;
@media (min-width: 1001px) {
.navbar-brand {
color: white;
font-family: 'Julius Sans One';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 40px;
padding-left: 67px;
margin-left: 1.9%;
transition: 0.4s;
.navbar {
background-color: #105565;
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
transition: 0.4s;
@media (max-width: 1000px) {
.navbar-brand {
color: white;
font-family: 'Julius Sans One';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 40px;
height: 52px;
line-height: 52px;
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 2.5%;
transition: 0.4s;
.navbar {
background-color: #105565;
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
padding-top: 0px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
transition: 0.4s;
.fas {
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.00);
.navbar-nav {
margin-right: 4.4%;
.nav-item {
font-family: 'roboto';
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 300;
#navhome {
color: white;
background: #105565;
padding-top: 28px;
padding-bottom: 28px;
padding-left: 12px;
padding-right: 12px;
#navabout {
color: white;
background: #105565;
padding-top: 28px;
padding-bottom: 28px;
padding-left: 12px;
padding-right: 12px;
#navport {
color: white;
background: #105565;
padding-top: 28px;
padding-bottom: 28px;
padding-left: 12px;
padding-right: 12px;
#navteam {
color: white;
background: #105565;
padding-top: 28px;
padding-bottom: 28px;
padding-left: 12px;
padding-right: 12px;
#navcont {
color: white;
background: #105565;
padding-top: 28px;
padding-bottom: 28px;
padding-left: 12px;
padding-right: 12px;
#navhome:hover {
color: #105565 !important;
background: white;
padding-top: 28px;
padding-bottom: 28px;
padding-left: 12px;
padding-right: 12px;
#navabout:hover {
color: #105565 !important;
background: white;
padding-top: 28px;
padding-bottom: 28px;
padding-left: 12px;
padding-right: 12px;
#navport:hover {
color: #105565 !important;
background: white;
padding-top: 28px;
padding-bottom: 28px;
padding-left: 12px;
padding-right: 12px;
#navteam:hover {
color: #105565 !important;
background: white;
padding-top: 28px;
padding-bottom: 28px;
padding-left: 12px;
padding-right: 12px;
#navcont:hover {
color: #105565 !important;
background: white;
padding-top: 28px;
padding-bottom: 28px;
padding-left: 12px;
padding-right: 12px;
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark m-0 p-0">
<div class="container-fluid"> <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Navbar Inc.</a> <button class="navbar-toggler" style="color: rgba(0,0,0,0.00);" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#navbarSupportedContent" aria-controls="navbarSupportedContent" aria-expanded="false"
aria-label="Toggle navigation"> <span class="fas fa-bars"></span> </button>
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent">
<ul class="navbar-nav ms-auto mb-2 mb-lg-0">
<li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link active" id="navhome" style="color:white;" aria-current="page" href="#">HOME</a> </li>
<li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link active" id="navabout" style="color:white;" aria-current="page" href="#">ABOUT</a> </li>
<li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link active" id="navport" style="color:white;" aria-current="page" href="#">PORTFOLIO</a> </li>
<li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link active" id="navteam" style="color:white;" aria-current="page" href="#">TEAM</a> </li>
<li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link active" id="navcont" style="color:white;" aria-current="page" href="#">CONTACT</a> </li>
I had the most trouble with getting the white selection boxes (that appear when you hover over each of the nav-links) to cover the entire height of the navbar and the entire width of the nav-item in each responsive size, and with the position of the text in each size. (There are basically four size states: scrolled up or down in a narrow (<1000px) or a wide window.)
By posting this question in the wrong section (I'm new here), I already got some great suggestions, but more tips to improve this code are very welcome.
It's true that I couldn't find a way to solve the padding conflicts without !important
, so if someone can point me in the right direction there, I'd be much obliged.