In order to complete one of my assignment I needed to include a quicksort so I was wondering if this is correct and acceptable.
The code:
private ArrayList<String> sort(ArrayList<String> ar, int lo, int hi){
if (lo < hi){
int splitPoint = partition(ar, lo, hi);
sort(ar, lo, splitPoint);
sort(ar, splitPoint +1, hi);
return ar;
private int partition(ArrayList<String> ar, int lo, int hi){
String pivot = ar.get(lo);
while (true){
while (lo<hi && ar.get(lo).compareTo(pivot) < 0){
while (hi>lo && ar.get(hi).compareTo(pivot) >= 0){
if (lo<hi){
swap(ar, lo, hi);
}else {
return hi;
The additional swap method:
private ArrayList<String> swap(ArrayList<String> ar, int a, int b){
String temp = ar.get(a);
ar.set(a, ar.get(b));
ar.set(b, temp);
return ar;
If this is incorrectly done can you please give me some pointers and tell me why. Otherwise I would gladly accept any suggestions you have.