I'm writing a method that writes the code for a loading routine. Given an object from the database, I want to put its properties in the right control on a userform. I have the list of the properties and I have the names of the controls.
For each property, I want my code to search in the controls' name and find the most similar.
It doesn't have to be perfect, it's just something to avoid to rewrite the code over and over for every userform of each project. If it can guess 75%-80% it's ok.
I wrote the code below. The idea is:
- Check the presence of each character in the original string in each of the words in the list. If we are able to find it add 1 point to the score else subtract 1 point.
- Check if the position of the character is the same in both the words (+1/-1)
- Check if the closest characters - left and right - are the same (both match +1, 1 match 0, 0 match -1)
You can use the function as a worksheet one and you can see the scores in the immediate window.
The code does work. I mean, the results make sense.
For example:
Original string: michele
List to check: marta, elehcim, valerio, txtmichele, miche
Most similar according to the code: miche
Is this the most similar? How good developers approach this problem?
I'd like to have your opinion on the idea and if there is a better way to achieve the goal. The code is a mess but it's just a draft, doesn't matter at the moment.
Thank you for your time!
Public Function GetMostSimilar(toString As String, between As Variant) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim ch As String
Dim o As Long
Dim comparison As Variant
Dim positionScore As Double
Dim presenceScore As Double
Dim am As ArrayManipulation
Dim index As Long
Dim bestScore As Double
Dim bestComparison As String
Dim closeCharatersScore As Double
Dim score As Double
' range to array
between = between.value
Set am = New ArrayManipulation
' a low number
bestScore = -1000
For o = LBound(between) To UBound(between)
comparison = GetArrayOfCharacters(CStr(between(o, 1))) ' returns 1 based array
positionScore = 0
presenceScore = 0
closeCharatersScore = 0
' loop in characters
For i = 1 To Len(toString)
ch = Mid(toString, i, 1)
' array manipulation is an object to do stuff with arrays. In this case find the index of something in an array
index = am.FindIndex(comparison, ch, 0, , False)
' method that check for match in left and right characters of the current character. +- 0.5 for each character depending if match
closeCharatersScore = closeCharatersScore + GetCloseCharactersScore(CStr(between(o, 1)), index, toString, i)
If index = -1 Then
presenceScore = presenceScore - 1
positionScore = positionScore - 1
presenceScore = presenceScore + 1
positionScore = positionScore + IIf(i = index, 1, -1)
comparison(index) = vbNullString
End If
Next i
score = positionScore + presenceScore + closeCharatersScore
Debug.Print between(o, 1) & ": " & score & "| POS: " & positionScore & " | Pres: " & presenceScore & " | Close: " & closeCharatersScore
If score > bestScore Then
bestScore = score
bestComparison = between(o, 1)
End If
Next o
GetMostSimilar = bestComparison
End Function
Private Function GetCloseCharactersScore(comparison As String, index As Long, toString As String, i As Long) As Double
Dim leftOriginal As String
Dim rightOriginal As String
Dim leftComparison As String
Dim rightComparison As String
On Error Resume Next
leftOriginal = Mid(toString, i - 1, 1)
rightOriginal = Mid(toString, i + 1, 1)
leftComparison = Mid(comparison, index - 1, 1)
rightComparison = Mid(comparison, index + 1, 1)
On Error GoTo 0
GetCloseCharactersScore = IIf(leftOriginal = leftComparison, 0.5, -0.5) + IIf(rightOriginal = rightComparison, 0.5, -0.5)
End Function
Private Function GetArrayOfCharacters(str As String) As Variant
Dim i As Long
ReDim temp(1 To Len(str)) As Variant
For i = 1 To Len(str)
temp(i) = Mid(str, i, 1)
Next i
GetArrayOfCharacters = temp
End Function
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