
I have a very large JSON Lines File with 4.000.000 Rows, and I need to convert several events from every row. The resulted CSV File contains 15.000.000 rows. How can I optimize this script?

I'm using Powershell core 7 and it takes around 50 hours to complete the conversion.

My Powershell script:

$stopwatch =  [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
$totalrows = 4000000

$encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8    
$i = 0
$ig = 0
$output = @()

$Importfile = "C:\file.jsonl"
$Exportfile = "C:\file.csv"

if (test-path $Exportfile) {
    Remove-Item -path $Exportfile

foreach ($line in [System.IO.File]::ReadLines($Importfile, $encoding)) {
    $json = $line | ConvertFrom-Json

    foreach ($item in $json.events.items) {
    $CSVLine = [pscustomobject]@{
    Key = $json.Register.Key
    CompanyID = $json.id
    Eventtype = $item.type
    Eventdate = $item.date
    Eventdescription = $item.description
    $output += $CSVLine

    if ($i -ge 30000) {
        $output | Export-Csv -Path $Exportfile -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";" -Encoding UTF8 -Append
        $i = 0
        $output = @()

        $minutes = $stopwatch.elapsed.TotalMinutes
        $percentage = $ig / $totalrows * 100
        $totalestimatedtime = $minutes * (100/$percentage)
        $timeremaining = $totalestimatedtime - $minutes

        Write-Host "Events: Total minutes passed: $minutes. Total minutes remaining: $timeremaining. Percentage: $percentage"

$output | Export-Csv -Path $Exportfile -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";" -Encoding UTF8 -Append


1 Answer 1


There's a good article about performance to get your started: Slow Code: Top 5 ways to make your Powershell scripts run faster; at first sight, here are applicable both parts of Problem #2 & #3: Appending stuff:

  • Appending to files: Export-CSV -Append repeats roughly 133 times (= 4E+6/30E+3 i.e. 4E+6 rows written in chunks of 30E+3 rows each) which could considerably worsen performance for big output file;
  • Appending to arrays: (heart of the matter) when the += operator is used, it's actually destroying the array and creating a new one (source).

To eliminate appending to arrays, you can use .NET array list object as follows (merely a hint): replace

  • $output = @() with $output = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new(), and
  • $output += $CSVLine with [void]$output.Add($CSVLine).

Note: do not compute one-purpose variable $CSVLine at all; instead, use

        Key = $json.Register.Key
        CompanyID = $json.id
        Eventtype = $item.type
        Eventdate = $item.date
        Eventdescription = $item.description

Read the remark about the generic List<T> class and Performance Considerations as well:

In deciding whether to use the List<T> or ArrayList class, both of which have similar functionality, remember that the List<T> class performs better in most cases and is type safe. If a reference type is used for type T of the List<T> class, the behavior of the two classes is identical.


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