I created the below script to help break apart large flat files; to save myself effort opening files which are several gigs in a text editor and manually split them.
So far I've only tested on sample files, so I can't yet comment on the performance, but wanted to share my work so far / get feedback on whether I've missed any good opportunities for optimisation.
In the process
section of the Split-FlatFileSub
routine I've used writeline
in several places; I could have put this statement later on, but would have had to add additional statements to handle potential header rows; which I did not want to do in the interests of performance (i.e. I've tried to ensure that the standard loop has as little as possible to do; with more involved operations only happening when the next file's required, as this will be less often).
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.IO") | out-null
function Split-FlatFile {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$NoHeader #assume header by default
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[int]$PageSize = 1048576 #includes the header row / is the excel 2007+ row count
begin {
[long]$LinesPerPage = $PageSize
if (-not $NoHeader.IsPresent) {
if ($LinesPerPage -le 0) {
throw "You need to be able to have at least 1 line per page! Current lines per page is: $LinesPerPage"
if (-not (test-path -Path $Filename)) {
throw "File '$Filename' does not exist"
$file = Get-Item $Filename
[string]$OutputFilenameFormat = join-path -path ($file.PSParentPath -replace 'Microsoft\.PowerShell\.Core\\FileSystem\:\:(.*)','$1') -ChildPath ("{0}.{1}{2}" -f $file.BaseName,'{0:000000}',$file.Extension)
process {
[System.IO.File]::ReadLines($sourceFN) `
| Split-FlatFileSub -OutFilenameFormat $OutputFilenameFormat -NoHeader:$NoHeader -LinesPerPage $LinesPerPage
#not called directly by the user; but invoke via the parent routine above
function Split-FlatFileSub {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$NoHeader #assume header by default
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[int]$LinesPerPage = 1048575 #excludes the header row / is the excel 2007+ row count - 1
begin {
[string]$header = $null
[long]$currentLineNo = $LinesPerPage + 1
[long]$currentFileNo = 1
[string]$fn = ($OutputFilenameFormat -f $currentFileNo)
[System.IO.TextWriter]$writer = [System.IO.File]::CreateText($fn) #assumption: filename does not exist
process {
if($currentLineNo -lt $LinesPerPage) {
$writer.WriteLine($Line) #would writelineasync be better? Experiment later
} else {
if($currentLineNo -eq $LinesPerPage) {
$fn = ($OutputFilenameFormat -f $currentFileNo)
[System.IO.TextWriter]$writer = [System.IO.File]::CreateText($fn) #assumption: filename does not exist
} else {
if (-not $NoHeader.IsPresent) {
$header = $Line
$currentLineNo = 0
#I could do the $writer.writeline here, but that would mean more logic to check if already written (i.e. for first line)
#probably a cleaner way to skip the header line; but for now not worth worrying about
end {
[string]$SourceFn = 'c:\temp\raw\FlatFileSplitterTestDoc.dat'
Split-FlatFile -Filename $SourceFn -PageSize 10 #simple demo to test with before throwing huge docs at this