I'm wondering if some PS gurus can advise on whether my method for sorting and recombining some data fields by using an array of PSCustomObjects is as efficient as it might be.
I'm importing a CSV file that contains a number of person details, including Full Names in a single field that have a variety of separators between first and last names (e.g. comma, space, comma + space, semicolon, etc). Last name comes first. Sanitising those variants is also an objective.
The dataset needs to be sorted by last name and reassembled with a single FullName field. Doing a simple sort by the FullName field doesn't work reliably given the variety of delimiters between the name parts.
I've attempted it creating an array of new PSCustomObjects that comprises of all the original fields from the CSV plus the Full Name field split into two new name fields. It's then sorted by the last name, and the results are stored in a new array ready for output, joining the previously-split name fields back together with a comma and space.
Any suggestions for better efficiency welcome.
$data = import-csv .\Cust.csv
# CSV fields: FullName, StreetAddress, City, Postcode
# Create a temporary array for sorting
$splitNames = @()
# Split "FullName" into separate name parts and add all to temp array
$data | foreach {
$spltName = $_.FullName -split '[\s|,|;]+'
$splitNames += [PSCustomObject]@{
Last = $spltName[0]
First = $spltName[1]
StreetAddress = $_.StreetAddress
City = $_.City
Postcode = $_.Postcode
# Create an output array to hold the final result
$sortedNames = @()
# Sort the temporary array by lastname, rejoin name field and add to output array
$splitNames | Sort Last | foreach {
$FullName = $_.Last, $_.First -join ', '
$sortednames += [PSCustomObject]@{
FullName = $Fullname
StreetAddress = $_.StreetAddress
City = $_.City
Postcode = $_.Postcode
Sample data - first row is the header:
"Bloggs,Joe","1 Some Street","City","1001"
"Bloggs Jane","1 Some Street","City","1001"
"Bloggs;Jill","1 Some Street","City","1001"
"Bloggs, Jo","1 Some Street","City","1001"