We would like to perform n-fold non-stratified cross-validation on a model, say an lm
or glm
We have a list of quality metrics we would like to evaluate, which we wrap in a function:
fn_rmse <- function(v_pred,v_true) sqrt(mean((v_true-v_pred)^2))
fn_mae <- function(v_pred,v_true) mean(abs(v_true-v_pred))
l_q <- list(fn_rmse, fn_mae, fn_smdape)
fn_q <- function(v_pred, v_true) {
return(sapply(l_q, function(f)f(v_pred,v_true)))
Now we set up a cross-validation routine:
# Set up n-fold non-stratified cross-validation routines
# fn_fold: Run cross validation on a fold
# Input:
# df_train = training data
# df_test = testing data
# mdl = model to test
# fn_q = quality metrics to try
# Output: list of qualities for this fold
fn_fold <- function(df_train, df_test, mdl, fn_q) {
mdl_fold <- update(mdl, data=df_train)
v_predictions <- predict(mdl_fold, newdata=df_test, type="response")[[1]]
fmla <- formula(mdl$call["formula"])
s_regressand <- all.vars(fmla[[2]])
v_quality <- sapply(v_predictions, fn_q, v_true=df_test[[s_regressand]])
# fn_cv: Perform n-fold cross validation
# Input:
# df = sample
# mdl = model
# n_folds = number of folds
# fn_q = quality metrics to try
# Output: ([# of metrics] x n_folds)-matrix containing cross validation results
fn_cv <- function(df, mdl, n_folds, fn_q) {
v_folds <- cut(seq(1,nrow(df)), breaks=n_folds, labels=FALSE)
v_folds <- sample(v_folds)
v_results <- sapply(1:n_folds,
function(n_f) fn_fold(
To run 10-fold cross-validation on a model, I call:
mtx_cv_results <- fn_cv(df=df_my_sample,
This feels a bit like reinventing the wheel. Can anything be done to make this code nicer?