I want to write code that does backward stepwise selection using cross-validation as a criterion.
I have only started learning R a month ago and I have almost zero programming experience prior to that. Hence, I would appreciate any comments on the code.
(I understand that there are issues with the backward stepwise selection process itself.)
score <- credit$score
log.savings <-log(credit$savings+1)
log.income <-log(credit$income+1)
log.address<- log(credit$time.address+1)
log.employed <- log(credit$time.employed+1)
full.model<- score ~ log.savings + log.income + log.address + log.employed + x1 +x2
# 1. Start with the full model
full <- lm(full.model)
scopevars<- attr(full$terms, "predvars") # list of model predicotrs
n <- length(full$residuals); # sample size
current_best <- full #what is the currenly the best model ? that would be our full model for now
while(T){ #process until we break the loop
best_cv <- CV(current_best)[1] #the CV of the current_best model
temp <- summary(current_best) #summary output of the current_best model
p <- dim(temp$coefficients)[1] # current model's size
rnames <- rownames(temp$coefficients) # list of terms in the current model
compare <- matrix(NA,p,1) # create a matrix to store CV information
rownames(compare) <- rnames #name the matrix
#create a loop that drops one predictor at a time and calculates the CV of the regression when that predictor is dropped
#put all the information into "compare"
#drop the variable that has the lowerst CV when it is dropped.
for (i in 2:p) {
drop_var <- rnames[i] #variable to be deleted
f <- formula(current_best) #current formula
f <- as.formula(paste(f[2], "~", paste(f[3], drop_var, sep=" - "))) # modify the formula to drop the chosen variable (by subtracting it)
new_fit <- lm(f) # fit the modified model
remove_var <-rownames(compare)[which.min(compare)] #drop is the varibale that is associate with the lowerst CV
update_cv <- compare[which.min(compare)]
if(update_cv>best_cv) break #we should not continue if dropping a variable will not improve Cv
write(paste("--- Dropping",counter, remove_var , update_cv, "\n"), file="") # output the variables we are dropping.
f <- formula(current_best) #current formula
f <- as.formula(paste(f[2], "~", paste(f[3], remove_var , sep=" - "))); # modify the formula to drop the chosen variable (by subtracting it)
current_best <- lm(f)# we now have a new best model
counter=counter+1 #update our counter
} #end the while loop