Yesterday I posted a question about converting an integer to it's Roman Numeral equivalent. Apparently you guys liked it and gave me some good advice, so I decided to take all your advice, and go a step further, it will now not only convert to Roman but will now also convert to Greek numerals.
I would like some critique on this project that I'm continuing.
# <~~ coding=utf-8 ~~>
import argparse
opts = argparse.ArgumentParser()
opts.add_argument("-g", "--greek", type=int,
help="Convert to Medieval Numerals")
opts.add_argument("-r", "--roman", type=int,
help="Convert to Roman Numerals")
args = opts.parse_args()
("~M", 1000000), ("~D", 500000), ("~C", 100000),
("~L", 50000), ("~X", 10000), ("~V", 5000), # "~" indicates a Macron
("M", 1000), ("CM", 900), ("D", 500),
("CD", 400), ("C", 100), ("XC", 90),
("L", 50), ("XL", 40), ("X", 10),
("IX", 9), ("V", 5), ("IV", 4),
("I", 1)
("α", 1), ("β", 2), ("γ", 3),
("δ", 4), ("ε", 5), ("Ϝ", 6),
("ζ", 7), ("η", 8), ("θ", 9),
("ι", 10), ("κ", 20), ("λ", 30),
("μ", 40), ("ν", 50), ("ξ", 60),
("ο", 70), ("π", 80), ("ϙ", 90),
("ρ", 100), ("σ", 200), ("τ", 300),
("υ", 400), ("φ", 500), ("χ", 600),
("ψ", 700), ("ω", 800), ("ϡ", 900),
("α", 1000), ("β", 2000), ("γ", 3000),
("δ", 4000), ("ε", 5000), ("ϛ", 6000),
("ζ", 7000), ("η", 8000), ("θ", 9000) # The Greeks weren't very creative
def convert_init(number, convert_to=None):
""" Convert a number to a numeral, Greek or Roman
>>> print(convert_init(45, convert_to=GREEK_NUMERAL_TABLE))
>>> print(convert_init(45, convert_to=ROMAN_NUMERAL_TABLE))
XLV """
display_numerals = []
for numeral, value in sorted(convert_to)[::-1]: # sort the list from largest to least
count = number // value
number -= count * value
display_numerals.append(numeral * count)
return ''.join(display_numerals)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if args.greek:
data = convert_init(int(args.greek), convert_to=GREEK_NUMERAL_TABLE)
with open("greek_numerals.txt", "a+") as file_data:
file_data.write(data) # Write it to a file
elif args.roman:
data = convert_init(int(args.roman), convert_to=ROMAN_NUMERAL_TABLE)
with open("roman_numerals.txt", "a+") as file_data:
raise NotImplementedError("{} is not implemented yet".format(args))
Key points I would like to focus on, of course critique the whole program.
- I used writing to a file because when if I output it to the console I get an IO error, basically an encoding error. Does this have to do with my computer or with the program?
- Would there be a way for me to condense the two
down into one and still convert correctly?