I got an idea to make a Roman/Arabic number converter, and I would like to hear your thoughts, where I could improve it, if there are Python specific things that I missed, so on and so forth.
# Decodes roman numerals
def get_arabic_numbers(t):
# Hold the numbers in the list
l = list()
# The format
format = 0
# Convert from roman numeral to arabic number
for i in range(0, len(t)):
if t[i] == 'I':
elif t[i] == 'V':
elif t[i] == 'X':
elif t[i] == 'L':
elif t[i] == 'C':
elif t[i] == 'D':
elif t[i] == 'M':
# Calculate the format as follows:
i = 0
while i < len(l) - 1:
# If the next numeral is greater than the current one, add the next one minus the current one = format = format + next_numeral - current_numeral
if l[i] < l[i+1]:
format = format + l[i+1] - l[i];
i = i + 2
# Else add it normally
format = format + l[i]
i = i + 1
# Fix in case the last two numerals are equal
if i == len(l):
if l[i-2] == l[i-1]:
format = format + l[i-1]
format = format + l[i]
# Return the format
return format
# Encode an arabic digit to a roman numeral
def encode(l, c, one, five, nine):
# The format to be returned
format = ""
# Special case 5.1: 5 has its own numeral 'V'
# Special case 5.2: 50 has its own numeral 'A'
# Special case 5.3: 500 has its own numeral 'D'
if l[c] == 5:
format = format + five
elif l[c] < 5:
for i in range(0, l[c]):
format = format + one
elif l[c] > 5:
# Special case 9.1: 9 depends on 10, so it's 'IX'
# Special case 9.2: 90 depends on 1000, so it's 'XC'
# Special case 9.3: 900 depends on 1000, so it's 'CM'
if l[c] == 9:
format = format + nine
format = format + five
for i in range(6, l[c] + 1):
format = format + one
return format
# Encodes arabic numbers
def get_roman_numerals(t):
# The arabic number to be converted
t = int(t)
# The list contains the number's digits
l = list()
# int is not iterable, so I wrote this to get the digits
while t >= 1:
l.append(int(t % 10))
t = t / 10
# They are in the wrong order, so the list has to be reversed
# The format
format = ""
# Current position in the number
c = 0
# If the number is at least 1000
if len(l) >= 4:
num = 0
# All the digits after 1000
i = int(len(l) - 1)
while i > 3:
num = num + 1
i = i - 1
# A list containing these digits
li = list()
for i in range(0, num + 1):
# Converts the list to an int
n = map(str, li)
n = ''.join(n)
n = int(n)
# Add an 'M' for every 1000
for i in range(0, n):
format = format + 'M'
c = num + 1
# If the number is also least 100
if len(l) >= 3:
format = format + encode(l, c, 'C', 'D', "CM")
c = c + 1
# If the number is at least 10
if len(l) >= 3:
format = format + encode(l, c, 'X', 'L', "XC")
c = c + 1
# If the number is at least 100 but smaller than 1000
if len(l) > 2:
format = format + encode(l, c, 'I', 'V', "IX")
# If the number is at least 10 but smaller than 100
if len(l) == 2:
format = format + encode(l, c, 'X', 'L', "XC")
c = c + 1
format = format + encode(l, c, 'I', 'V', "IX")
# If the number is at least 1 but smaller than 10
if len(l) == 1:
format = format + encode(l, c, 'I', 'V', "IX")
return format