For reference: L-system
I'm mostly looking for general style stuff here and in particular:
- if my type parameters are too crazy — I wanted two parameters so that variables and constants could have their own types.
- if I could be using some library features that I don't know about.
- if there might be some type based way to avoid the exception that I raise in
. There should always be a rule for each possible variable, so the exception isn't logically necessary, but I couldn't figure out how to tell that to the compiler.
(* ************************************************************************* *
* L-System types
(* Some elements of L-Systems can be replaced (Variables from alphabet 'a)
and some cannot (Constants from alphabet 'b) *)
type ('a, 'b) element =
| Var of 'a
| Const of 'b ;;
(* Type for current state of L-System. The system's axiom is its IC state *)
type ('a, 'b) state = (('a, 'b) element) list ;;
(* Rules associate elements of the Variable type with states *)
type ('a, 'b) rule = 'a * ('a, 'b) state ;;
(* L-Systems just have to define their axiom and production rules *)
type ('a, 'b) l_system = {
axiom : ('a, 'b) state ;
rules : ('a, 'b) rule list ;
} ;;
(* ************************************************************************* *
* Production
(* Run the L-System for @n generations *)
let produce (system : ('a, 'b) l_system) (n : int) : ('a, 'b) state =
(* helper: find and apply @x's rule *)
let rec do_rule (x : 'a) (rules : (('a, 'b) rule) list) =
match rules with
| [] ->
raise (Failure "Incomplete rule set.")
| (y, st)::rest ->
if x == y then st else do_rule x rest
(* helper: find this state's successor *)
let rec advance state rules acc : ('a, 'b) state =
match state with
| [] ->
| (Var x)::tl ->
advance tl rules (acc @ (do_rule x rules))
| (Const x)::tl ->
advance tl rules (acc @ [Const x])
(* main recursive helper *)
let rec iterate state rules n : ('a, 'b) state =
match n with
| 0 -> state
| _ -> iterate (advance state rules []) rules (n - 1)
in iterate system.axiom system.rules n ;;
(* ************************************************************************* *
* Examples
(* Algae *)
type two_alphabet = X | Y ;;
let algae : (two_alphabet, unit) l_system = {
axiom = [Var X] ;
rules = [
(Y, [Var X]);
(X, [Var X; Var Y])
} ;;
let bloom = produce algae 10 ;;
(* Dragon *)
type square_draw_constants = DrawForward | Left90 | Right90 ;;
let dragon : (two_alphabet, square_draw_constants) l_system = {
axiom = [Const DrawForward; Var X] ;
rules = [
(X, [Var X; Const Right90; Var Y; Const DrawForward; Const Right90]);
(Y, [Const Left90; Const DrawForward; Var X; Const Left90; Var Y])
} ;;
let a_dragon = produce dragon 10 ;;