I have been working through the Cryptopals challenges in Ocaml. My interest in Ocaml is to better learn functional programming techniques and effective usage of the type system.
Set 1 Challenge 4 says 'One of the 60-character strings in this file has been encrypted by single-character XOR. Find it.'
My code finds the correct string. I tried using user-defined types (e.g. xor_input
, xor_output
) to avoid passing around lots of string
types that could easily be muddled. However, I am not sure of what is an appropriate level of type annotation. For example:
- is there any merit in
specifying a return type ofscore
if it ends in|> Score
? My understanding of Haskell is that I could use the function's type annotation to specify that it returns aScore
and theint
returned from thefold
would automatically be wrapped in ascore
type - is there something similar in Ocaml?|> Score
seems a cumbersome way to specify the return type. - I was also unsure how to convert to and from a user-defined type and its unwrapped value (e.g.
). My approach insort_results
(destructuring) seems inelegant to me. - in
I destructure the arguments to get the scores. Does this not mean that any type with ascore
field will be accepted?
(Note that Hexx
is a module I wrote to convert a base64 encoded string to a hex string. Assume the input is a file containing a list of strings.)
open Core
let english = "etaoin srhldcumfpgwybvkxjqzETAOINSRHLDCUMFPGWYBVKXJQZ0123456789.?!"
type score = Score of int
type xor_input = Xor_input of string
type xor_output = Xor_output of string
type result =
test_char : char;
score : score;
xor_input : xor_input;
xor_output : xor_output;
let xor c (Xor_input input) : xor_output =
String.map input ~f:(fun l -> int_of_char l |> (lxor) c |> char_of_int) |> Xor_output
let make_ranking (Xor_output str) : score =
String.fold str ~init:0 ~f:(fun total c ->
total + match String.index english c with
| Some v -> v
| None -> 100 (* arbitary value for non-letters *)
) |> Score
let make_result (input : xor_input) c : result =
let output = xor c input in
{ test_char = char_of_int c; score = make_ranking output; xor_input = input; xor_output = output }
let sort_results { score = first; _ } { score = second; _ } =
let (Score first_val) = first in
let (Score second_val) = second in
first_val - second_val
let find_best_match results : result =
let best = List.sort ~cmp:sort_results results |> List.hd in
match best with
| Some x -> x
| None -> failwith "No best result found"
let xor_line line =
let decoded = Hexx.decode line in
List.range 0 255
|> List.map ~f:(make_result (Xor_input decoded))
|> find_best_match
let output {test_char; score; xor_input; xor_output} =
let (Score s) = score in
let (Xor_input input) = xor_input in
let (Xor_output out) = xor_output in
fprintf stdout "Char: %c, Score: %d, Original: %s, Output: %s\n" test_char s input out
let () =
In_channel.read_lines "4.txt"
|> List.map ~f:xor_line
|> find_best_match
|> output