This is part of my first OCaml program.
Its job is to replace a set of placeholder characters with umlauts. Taking the German word Ruebe
as an example, the program turns it into Rübe
. Other examples are Moewe -> Möwe
and aendern -> ändern
Generally, everytime the program encounters the characters ae
, oe
, and ue
it turns them into umlauts. There is an exception though: If the preceding character is a vowel, it does not change the word. This ensures words like Treue
remain as they are (since there is no word Treü
I've used the library Re2
for regular expressions. Re2
doesn't implement lookarounds, which was my first thought for checking for preceding vowels. This is the reason for the function replace_if_not_after_vowel
I am happy for all suggestions, especially if they help make the code more idiomatic or simpler.
To compile the program, I used the command ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -package re2 -package core -tag thread myCompiledFile.byte
open Core.Std
open Re2.Std
open Re2.Infix
(* If the word contains an umlaut placeholder like "ue" we replace that with the proper umlaut "ü". Except if there is a vowel directly before the placeholder like in "Treue" *)
let placeholders_to_umlauts = [("ue", "ü"); ("oe","ö"); ("ae","ä"); ("Ue", "Ü"); ("Oe","Ö"); ("Ae","Ä")]
(* A regex that matches a vowel *)
let vowel = ~/"[aeiou]"
(* Applies a list of changes to a word *)
let rec apply_changes word changes =
match changes with
| [] -> word
| change :: rest -> apply_changes (change word) rest
(* Replaces replace_this with replacement inside the text if the preceding character not a vowel. Since Re2 doesn't implement lookarounds we can't use a negative lookbehind *)
let replace_if_not_after_vowel replace_this replacement text =
Re2.replace_exn ~/replace_this text ~f:(fun regex_match ->
(* Returns true if there is a vowel at the given position in the text *)
let is_vowel text pos =
if pos >= 0 && pos < String.length text then
let maybe_vowel = String.get text pos in
Re2.matches vowel (Char.to_string maybe_vowel)
else false
(* Get the position in the text where the regex matched *)
let match_pos, _ = Re2.Match.get_pos_exn ~sub:(`Index 0) regex_match in
(* Replace the placeholder if doesn't follow a vowel *)
if is_vowel text (match_pos -1 ) then replace_this else replacement
let change_word word =
(* Those are the changes that we will apply to the word *)
let changes = placeholders_to_umlauts ~f:(
fun (placeholder, umlaut) -> replace_if_not_after_vowel placeholder umlaut
apply_changes word changes
let () =
(* We want to change this word into "Übergrößenträgertreue" *)
let word = "Uebergroeßentraegertreue" in
let new_word = change_word word in
printf "new word: %s\n" new_word
? You don't really need lookaround for that. At the moment, you are doing multiple regexp check, but you could do only one big. \$\endgroup\$