
ids contains 100 ids that are comma delimited. Is it fine or does it need improvement?

 def getFriendPoints(ids: String) = {
    DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
      try {
        var pointMap:scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String]=Map()
        var i=ids.split(",")
        for(pos<-0 to i.size){
        val result = SQL("SELECT  point,privacy FROM `tableName` WHERE id={user}").on("user" -> i(pos)).apply().head
        val point = if (result[Boolean]("privacy")) { result[Double]("point").toString } else { "0" }
        pointMap+=("id"+pos -> i(pos), "point" -> point)
      } catch {
        case e: Exception =>
          Map("result" -> "error")
  • \$\begingroup\$ Am I missing something? You declare pointMap as null then try to call a method on it. How does this ever not return error? \$\endgroup\$
    – Daenyth
    Commented Jun 21, 2014 at 15:58
  • \$\begingroup\$ Daenyth it was Map() sorry wrong code updated, \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 24, 2014 at 5:36
  • \$\begingroup\$ Trying to subvert using the IN clause by using a loop is a pretty bad idea, especially given a solution to use IN: stackoverflow.com/questions/24339011/… \$\endgroup\$
    – m-z
    Commented Jun 25, 2014 at 18:13

4 Answers 4


Preamble: I don't know scala. All code you see here is improvised from the question and a few bits of scala that I've seen somewhen. Improvements and comments are welcome


I am going to be blunt here... Your names are bad. Not horrible, but seriously bad.

var i = ids.split(",");

first thing jumping me here is, that you have a single thing (the id-string) named with a plural. next thing that jumps me, is that you have a collection with multiple elements and it's name is a single letter.

Rename that stuff:

ids -> idString
i -> idCollection (or even ids, anything is better...)

on we go:

for(pos<-0 to i.size){

usually the iterator in a for loop has your single letter identifier, extremely often, that is our friend i. Also you don't really have to cramop that all together. Give your variables and statements some fresh air:

for (i <- 0 to idCollection.size) {

looks much more readable IMO ;)

val result = SQL([...]

result is a dumb name. result of what? yes, I know it's the SQL statment, but if you just skim it, you could think it's what you want to return in the end.

instead I'd use dbRecord or similar.

Alright, so much for the names, now we get to the real wtf

Storing numbers:

pardon caps

Don't shoehorn everything into Strings:

var pointMap:scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Double]=null
val point:Double = if (result[Boolean]("privacy")) {
} else {
pointMap+=("id" + idCollection(i) -> point)

Combine this with andrey's answer about using the IN operator to get back a Stream of results (this is Play framework, right?), then map that to another Stream and convert to a Map. Good scala practice is to use vals not vars.

Also I don't think you were building the map you wanted to build. It looks like you wanted to associate an id with a point value, but I think you ended up with a map with many ("id#" -> "someId") entries and one ("point" -> "123") that got overwritten many times and wasn't associated with any id.

def getFriendPoints(ids: String) = {
  val users=ids.split(",")
  DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
    try {
      val results = SQL("SELECT  point,privacy, id FROM `tableName` WHERE id IN ({users})").onList("users" -> users)
      results().map( result =>
        val id = result[String]("id")
        val point = if (result[Boolean]("privacy")) { result[Double]("point").toString } else { "0" }
        (id -> point)
      ).toMap  //toMap if you want a Map instead of a Stream
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        Map("result" -> "error")

100 queries is not fine! It's slow. For each select statement there is a significant overhead required to set up and run the query.

Instead you should use a single SELECT statement with a better WHERE clause:

SELECT point, privacy FROM `tablename` WHERE id IN (_set_)

for more information read up on the IN operator

  • \$\begingroup\$ Wouldn't this method be open to injection though? \$\endgroup\$
    – RubberDuck
    Commented Jun 20, 2014 at 21:19

You can use the Try function which is a convenient/compact alternative to writing your useful code inside try/catch (noise) block! The other salient points have been covered by earlier responses, namely using the IN clause in SQL, preferring vals over vars and pattern matching:

import scala.util.Try

def getFriendPoints(ids: String): Map[String, String] = {
  val users = ids.split(",")

  def pointsById(users: Array[String]): Map[String, String] = {
    val rows = SQL("SELECT point, privacy, id FROM `tableName` where id IN ({users}}").onList("users"->users)
    rows.map { row =>
      val id = result[String]("id")
      val point = result[Boolean]("privacy") match {
        case true  => result[Double]("point").toString
        case false => "0"      
      (id -> point)

  DB.withConnection { implicit c =>

Here'a another way, getFriendPoints returns a type Try[Map[String, Double]]. There is not need to make the value type in the Map a String, just to return an error string!:

import scala.util.Try

def getFriendPoints(ids: String): Try[Map[String, Double]] = {
  // contents remain the same

  DB.withConnection { implicit c =>

// Your client code
getFriendPoints(" ... ").getOrElse(Map("Error"->"Message"))

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