For homework, I have to code a program in Python that effectively simulates a bank ATM.
print('Welcome to Northen Frock Bank ATM')
chances = 3
balance = 67.14
while chances >= 0:
pin = int(input('Please Enter You 4 Digit Pin: '))
if pin == (1234):
print('You entered you pin Correctly\n')
while restart not in ('n','NO','no','N'):
print('Please Press 1 For Your Balance\n')
print('Please Press 2 To Make a Withdrawl\n')
print('Please Press 3 To Pay in\n')
print('Please Press 4 To Return Card\n')
option = int(input('What Would you like to choose?'))
if option == 1:
print('Your Balance is £',balance,'\n')
restart = input('Would You you like to go back? ')
if restart in ('n','NO','no','N'):
print('Thank You')
elif option == 2:
option2 = ('y')
withdrawl = float(input('How Much Would you like to
withdraw? \n£10/£20/£40/£60/£80/£100 for other enter 1: '))
if withdrawl in [10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100]:
balance = balance - withdrawl
print ('\nYour Balance is now £',balance)
restart = input('Would You you like to go back? ')
if restart in ('n','NO','no','N'):
print('Thank You')
elif withdrawl != [10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100]:
print('Invalid Amount, Please Re-try\n')
restart = ('y')
elif withdrawl == 1:
withdrawl = float(input('Please Enter Desired amount:'))
elif option == 3:
Pay_in = float(input('How Much Would You Like To Pay In? '))
balance = balance + Pay_in
print ('\nYour Balance is now £',balance)
restart = input('Would You you like to go back? ')
if restart in ('n','NO','no','N'):
print('Thank You')
elif option == 4:
print('Please wait whilst your card is Returned...\n')
print('Thank you for you service')
print('Please Enter a correct number. \n')
restart = ('y')
elif pin != ('1234'):
print('Incorrect Password')
chances = chances - 1
if chances == 0:
print('\nNo more tries')
This program basically does what it is designed to do, but I want to learn how
to use the def()
and do it this way.