I need a bit of help with a practice Computer Science coursework. I have written a code for a magic trick (more information below) using Python 3.x, and for one particular section, I need to suggest potential improvements/enhancements. I know this sounds a tiny bit egotistical, but I can't seem to think of any :( .
The program is called ‘The Card Trick’. It simulates a magic trick that can be performed in real-life. The program should generate 21 random playing cards, with suits and values, and will split them into three groups of seven. The user will be asked to choose a card, and input which group the chosen card is contained within. The cards will then be put back into a larger list in a certain order, and dealt in the same way as before. The steps will be repeated twice, and then the program will ‘magically’ print the card that the user is thinking of.
Anyway, here is my code:
import random # Imports the random module
def get_cards():
Funtion which randomly generates the cards and adds them to
deck if the card is not in the deck already.
Parameters: None
Returns: cards_dealt
while len(cards_dealt) < 21: # Repeats until there are 21 cards in the deck
#Generates the card
card = random.choice(['A','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','J','Q','K'])+ random.choice([u'\u2665',u'\u2663',u'\u2666',u'\u2660'])
if card not in cards_dealt: # If card not already in the deck
cards_dealt.append(card) # Adds card to deck
continue # continue generating cards
return cards_dealt
def get_piles(deck):
Funtion which deals the cards in the way that a magician would.
It then adds the cards to three lists called P1, P2 and P3, depending
on their position in the deck.
Parameters: deck
Returns: P1, P2, P3
''' # range() makes lists of:
P1 = [deck[i] for i in range(0,21,3)] # [0,3,6,9,12,15,18]
P2 = [deck[i] for i in range(1,21,3)] # [1,4,7,10,13,16,19]
P3 = [deck[i] for i in range(2,21,3)] # [2,5,8,11,15,17,20] which correspond to the positons of cards in the deck.
return P1, P2, P3
def get_newdeck(choice, P1, P2, P3):
Function which reorders the deck in a way that the chosen list is
in the middle of the two other lists.
Parameters: choice, P1, P2, P3
Returns: the new, reordered deck
deck = P1+P3+P2 # Orders the deck with Pile 3 in middle
if choice == 1: # if user's choice is 1
deck = P2+P1+P3 # Put pile 1 between other piles
elif choice == 2: # If user's choice is 2
deck = P1+P2+P3 # Put pile 2 between other piles
return deck
def PrintPiles(P1, P2, P3):
Procedure which prints the lists(P1, P2, and P3) vertically
with headers to tell the user which piles they are.
Parameters: P1, P2, P3
Returns: None
# Prints the piles vertically
print("Pile 1\tPile 2\tPile 3")
for i in range(7):
def Get_Choice():
Funtion which gets the users input of which pile their chosen
cards is inside. It also tells the user if they entered an invalid
input (not 3, 2, or 1).
Parameters: None
Returns: choice
choice = 0 # sets variable choice to 0
# while loops and try:except fix invalid inputs
while choice > 3 or choice < 1: # Choice not 1-3
while True: # Allows the user to keep entering inputs when input invalid
choice = int(input("Which pile is your card in? (1-3)? > "))
except ValueError: # If input non-integer and returns exception
# ValueError
print("Must be an integer")
return choice
def main():
The main body of the code, using previous procedures and functions
to make the code work as intended.
Parameters: None
Returns: None
deck = get_cards() # generates deck (list) from get_cards function
print("Choose a card and remember it")
# Repeats 3 times
for x in range(3):
# 'deals' three piles and stores them in P1, P2 and P3
P1, P2, P3 = get_piles(deck)
# calls PrintPiles procedure
PrintPiles(P1, P2, P3)
# gets the user's choice between 1 and 3 depending on
# the position of their card
choice = Get_Choice()
# reorders the deck according to the user's choice
deck = get_newdeck(choice, P1, P2, P3)
# Prints the card in the middle of the deck
print('>>> Your card is {} <<<'.format(deck[10]))
Any ideas? FYI no improvements regarding commenting please! Believe me - I tried incredibly hard to find anything, my best guess was to try to improve the speed, but it already runs pretty well. I suppose I could use some different data structures to make my code more concise.
EDIT - Thanks to you all. If I could accept all of the answers, I would. One small thing - I noticed that, when I made a separate python file with all improvements suggested, the file size went down from 4 KB to 3 KB! With this check mark, assume it is all of your answers I am accepting :P
In the following code, I used something from all of your answers as a small thank you. Please feel free to try the code yourself!
New Code:
import random
def get_deck():
Funtion which randomly selects the cards from a full
deck of 52 cards previously generated.
Parameters: None
Returns: a list of 21 cards
ranks = ['A','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','J','Q','K']
suits = [u'\u2665',u'\u2663',u'\u2666',u'\u2660']
full_deck = [r+s for s in suits for r in ranks] # Creates a full deck of 52 cards
return random.sample(full_deck, 21) # returns a random sample of 21 cards from the deck
def get_piles(deck):
Funtion which deals the cards in the way that a magician would.
It then adds the cards to three lists called pile_1, pile_2 and pile_3, depending
on their position in the deck.
Parameters: deck
Returns: pile_1, pile_2, pile_3
pile_1 = deck[0::3] # Used python's list slicing to split into piles
pile_2 = deck[1::3] # rather than the for loop used before
pile_3 = deck[2::3]
return pile_1, pile_2, pile_3
def get_newdeck(choice, pile_1, pile_2, pile_3):
Function which reorders the deck in a way that the chosen list is
in the middle of the two other lists.
Parameters: choice, pile_1, pile_2, pile_3
Returns: the new, reordered deck
deck = pile_1+pile_3+pile_2
if choice == 1:
deck = pile_2+pile_1+pile_3
elif choice == 2:
deck = pile_1+pile_2+pile_3
return deck
def print_piles(pile_1, pile_2, pile_3):
Procedure which prints the lists(pile_1, pile_2, and pile_3) vertically
with headers to tell the user which piles they are.
Parameters: pile_1, pile_2, pile_3
Returns: None
print("Pile 1\tPile 2\tPile 3")
for i in range(7):
def get_choice():
Funtion which gets the user's input of which pile their chosen
cards is inside. It also tells the user if they entered an invalid
input (not 3, 2, or 1). It also allows the user to quit the program.
Parameters: None
Returns: choice
while True:
choice = int(input("Which pile is your card in? (1-3), press CTRL + C to quit? > "))
except ValueError:
print("Must be an integer")
except KeyboardInterrupt: # When user presses Ctrl + C
print("\nThanks... good bye!")
quit(0) # Terminates the program
if 1 <= choice <= 3:
print("Must be between 1 and 3")
return choice
def main():
The main body of the code, using previous procedures and functions
to make the code work as intended.
Parameters: None
Returns: None
deck = get_deck()
print("Choose a card and remember it")
for x in range(3):
pile_1, pile_2, pile_3 = get_piles(deck) # Changed function and variable names
print_piles(pile_1, pile_2, pile_3)
choice = get_choice()
deck = get_newdeck(choice, pile_1, pile_2, pile_3)
print('>>> Your card is {} <<<'.format(deck[10]))
if __name__ == '__main__':