I have been looking around for a good place to get my code reviewed for some time. I just stumbled on this site and I was hoping some people could tell me if I'm progressing in the right direction. This is a snippet from a sudoku game I'm making. The full source code can be viewed at http://www.lesshardtofind.com/Sudoku/sudoku.js and a working example (only the user input segment) at http://www.lesshardtofind.com/Sudoku/main.html
function Cell(X, Y){ // Object that contains all the data needed for a sudoku cell
this.Size = CELLSIZE; // This object's size
this.Value = 0; // Displayed value 1-9
this.Color = '#DDDDFF'; // I wanted to use CellColor but a glitch caused some of them to turn black
this.BorderColor = 'black'
this.Xloc = X; // Xcoordinate value on the canvas
this.Yloc = Y; // Ycoordinate value on the canvas
this.Draw = function(){ // The function to draw the cell on the screen
var CNV = Get(CANVASID); // setup the context
var CTX = CNV.getContext('2d');
CTX.fillStyle = this.Color; // setup and draw the rectangle
CTX.fillRect(this.Xloc, this.Yloc, this.Size, this.Size);
CTX.moveTo(this.Xloc, this.Yloc); // draw the boarder
CTX.lineTo(this.Xloc+this.Size, this.Yloc);
CTX.lineTo(this.Xloc+this.Size, this.Yloc+this.Size);
CTX.lineTo(this.Xloc, this.Yloc+this.Size);
CTX.lineTo(this.Xloc, this.Yloc);
CTX.strokeStyle = this.BorderColor;
CTX.lineWidth = 1;
if(this.Value){ // if the value isn't 0 draw the current value to the screen
CTX.fillStyle = 'black';
CTX.font = "30px kaushan_scriptregular";
CTX.fillText(this.Value, this.Xloc+14, this.Yloc+33);
function Board(){ // the main game board object definition
this.Rows = new Array; // the array to hold the cells of the board
this.Born = false; // boolean to say if this is the initiation of the object
this.Setup = function(){ // setup the board and initiate all variables to appropriate values and instantiate objects
var CurX = 280; // The starting X coordinate
var CurY = 50; // The starting Y coordinate
for(var x = 0; x < 9; x++) // Set all the Rows array data position as arrays creating a 9x9 grid
this.Rows[x] = new Array;
for(var x = 0; x < 9; x++){ // loop through all 81 cells and create them at the right location
for(var y = 0; y < 9; y++){
this.Rows[x][y] = new Cell(CurX, CurY);
this.Rows[x][y].Value = 0;
CurX += this.Rows[x][y].Size;
CurY += this.Rows[x][0].Size;
CurX = 280;
this.Born = true; // set the flag that the board was initiated
this.Draw = function(){ // draw method to handle all objects within the board
for(var r = 0; r < 9; r++){ // loop through all cells and call their draw method
for(var c = 0; c < 9; c++){