
Given a two-dimensional array, Sudoku class can create NxN Sudoku where N = size^2. Assume that the user gives only valid NxN matrixes for the constructor.

  • Method is_correct? should return true if Sudoku is solved
  • Method print / to_s should write on screen Sudoku.
  • Method set should set specified position in Sudoku for a given value.

Is there any solution that does not involve so many iterations to validate? Is it good to override initialize method? Will this validation pass through every Sudoku? How can I improve my code to be more readable?


class Sudoku

attr_accessor :board, :size

def initialize (starting_board, size = 3)
    #default size is 3
    @board = starting_board
    @size = size

def is_correct?
    #valid all not null, then valid rows columns and squares sizeXsize
    valid_not_null? && valid_rows? && valid_columns? && valid_squares?

def set (x, y , value)
    #set value of sudoku as something (no validation of value)
    if( x.between?(1, 9) && y.between?(1, 9))
        @board[y - 1 ][x - 1] = value

def to_s    
    #o = 1 2 3
    #    4 5 6
    #    7 8 9

    #o | o | o
    #- - - - - 
    #o | o | o
    #- - - - -
    #o | o | o
    nums  = Array.new(@size)
    rows = Array.new(@size)
    multi_rows = Array.new(@size)
    sqr_multi_rows = Array.new(@size)
    for s in 0..@size -1
        for k in 0..@size -1 
            for j in 0..@size - 1
                # set 1 2 3 | 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 
                for i in 0..@size -1
                    # set 1 2 3 
                    nums[i] = ( board[3*s+ k ][3*j + i] || " " )
                rows[j] = (nums.join(" "))
            multi_rows[k] = (rows.join(" | "))
        sqr_multi_rows[s] = multi_rows.join("\n")
    line = "- " * (@size**2 + @size - 1)
    #brings everything together
alias print to_s


        def valid_rows?
            row =  0
            valid = true
            mask = Array.new(@size ** 2) {|e| e = e+1}

            while (valid && row < @size **2 )

                current_row = @board[row]
                #check if contains all from 1 to 9
                valid =  mask == current_row.sort
                row += 1


        def valid_columns?
            column = row=  0
            valid = true
            mask = Array.new(@size ** 2) {|e| e = e+1}
            current_col = Array.new(@size ** 2)

            while (valid && column < @size ** 2)
                while (valid && row < @size ** 2 )

                    current_col[row] = @board[column][row]
                    row += 1
                #create col
                #check if contains all from 1 to 9
                valid =  mask == current_col.sort
                column += 1



        def valid_squares?
            current_sqr = Array.new(@size**2)
            mask = Array.new(@size ** 2) {|e| e = e+1}

            valid = true
                mask = Array.new(@size ** 2) {|e| e = e+1}
                i = 0
            for col in 0...@size
                for row in 0...@size
                    for j in 0...@size
                        for i in 0...@size
                            current_sqr[@size*i+j] = @board[3*col + j][3*row + i]
                    #create square
                    #check if contains all from 1 to 9
                    valid =  mask == current_sqr.sort

        def valid_not_null?
            valid = true
            i = j = 0
            #for each element check if is not null
            while valid && j < @size
                while valid && i <@size
                    valid = valid != nil ?  true : false
                    i+= 1
end #end of Sudoku


require "test/unit"
require_relative "sudoku.rb"

class TestSudoku <Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
    @goodSudoku1 = Sudoku.new([
        [7,8,4,  1,5,9,  3,2,6],
        [5,3,9,  6,7,2,  8,4,1],
        [6,1,2,  4,3,8,  7,5,9],

        [9,2,8,  7,1,5,  4,6,3],
        [3,5,7,  8,4,6,  1,9,2],
        [4,6,1,  9,2,3,  5,8,7],

        [8,7,6,  3,9,4,  2,1,5],
        [2,4,3,  5,6,1,  9,7,8],
        [1,9,5,  2,8,7,  6,3,4]

    @goodSudoku2 = Sudoku.new([
        [2,9,5, 7,4,3, 8,6,1],
        [4,3,1, 8,6,5, 9,2,7],
        [8,7,6, 1,9,2, 5,4,3],

        [3,8,7, 4,5,9, 2,1,6],
        [6,1,2, 3,8,7, 4,9,5],
        [5,4,9, 2,1,6, 7,3,8],

        [7,6,3, 5,2,4, 1,8,9],
        [9,2,8, 6,7,1, 3,5,4],
        [1,5,4, 9,3,8, 6,7,2]

    @badSudoku1 = Sudoku.new([
        [1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9],
        [1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9],
        [1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9],

        [1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9],
        [1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9],
        [1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9],

        [1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9],
        [1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9],
        [1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9]

    @badSudoku2 = Sudoku.new([
        [1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9],
        [2,3,4, 5,6,7, 8,9,1],
        [3,4,5, 6,7,8, 9,1,2],

        [4,5,6, 7,8,9, 1,2,3],
        [5,6,7, 8,9,1, 2,3,4],
        [6,7,8, 9,1,2, 3,4,5],

        [7,8,9, 1,2,3, 4,5,6],
        [8,9,1, 2,3,4, 5,6,7],
        [9,1,2, 3,4,5, 6,7,8]

def test_success

    assert_equal(@goodSudoku1.is_correct?, true)
    assert_equal(@goodSudoku2.is_correct?, true)

def test_failure
    assert_equal(@badSudoku1.is_correct?, false)
    assert_equal(@badSudoku2.is_correct?, false)

  • \$\begingroup\$ A quick comment because I think it's too short to be an answer. I don't believe comments like in this line end #end of Sudoku are needed. As long as everything is properly indented you shouldn't need stuff like that. I don't know Ruby though, so maybe it's a standard there. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 24, 2017 at 14:58
  • \$\begingroup\$ you may find this helpful - other data structures possible to represent the sudoku grid: stackoverflow.com/questions/1391381/… - btw this looks like a very interesting problem \$\endgroup\$
    – BenKoshy
    Commented May 30, 2017 at 3:11

1 Answer 1


A couple comments:

Your is_correct? method is good as it expresses the logic and delegates the details to helper methods. (I wouldn't name it with the prefix is_ because that's not a ruby convention, but I realize you were given the test case so you have no choice.). The only thing that strikes me as a little odd about it is the valid_not_null? method. It shouldn't be necessary: if you check for valid rows, valid columns, and valid sub-squares, then there will be no nulls.

Now for the bad: Notice how you are creating new arrays everywhere? Your to_s method is creating several new arrays. Your validation methods each create new arrays. This is lots of extra code and a sign that you haven't properly modeled the "board". In fact, I think you're relying completely on the input format, when you probably should have an internal representation that makes everything else easier. One way to do that is to have a separate class representing the board so you can ask it to return its rows, e.g. board.rows, etc. If you were going to extend this Sudoku class to do anything else (e.g. generate, play, or solve puzzles) then I would definitely recommend splitting into multiple classes to avoid complexity. In this case, you can probably work within this single class, but I'd add helper methods like .rows and .columns etc.

By the way, it is convention to indent Ruby code 2 spaces, no tabs. But the main thing that stands out is that your methods are very long, partly due to the problems I mentioned above. It's best to try to keep them short, no more than 5 lines. How can this be accomplished? What I like to do is write code that assumes the use of other classes that I wish existed, then I write those classes. I'll provide an example. Here's a refactoring of your code that depends on a Board class, not yet written:


require './board.rb'

class Sudoku
  attr_accessor :board

  def initialize (board_spec)
    @board = Board.new(board_spec)

  def is_correct?
    valid_rows? && valid_columns? && valid_squares?

  def valid_rows?
    #check that the digits, when sorted, are 1 through 9
    board.rows.all? {|r| r.sort == (1..9).to_a}

  def valid_columns?
    board.columns.all? {|c| c.sort == (1..9).to_a}

  def valid_squares?
    board.squares.all? {|s| s.sort == (1..9).to_a}

That simplifies things greatly, but it pushes all the complexity to the Board class, right? Those long methods have to be somewhere, right? As it turns out, you can keep applying this method until all your code is short. The Rails codebase is an amazing example, check it out sometime.

Let's implement a Board class that has the rows, columns, and squares methods. As I was doing this I realized we can use Matrix which has a way to retrieve columns (though you can also use transpose on an AoA) and a way to retrieve sub-matrices to get the 3x3 squares.


require 'matrix'

class Board
  attr_accessor :board

  def initialize(board_spec)
    @board = Matrix[*board_spec]

  def rows

  def columns

  def squares
    # The `Matrix#minor` method extracts sub-matrices specified by
    # index ranges. These are the 3x3 squares in Sudoku.
      [0..2, 0..2], [3..5, 0..2], [6..8, 0..2],
      [0..2, 3..5], [3..5, 3..5], [6..8, 3..5],
      [0..2, 6..8], [3..5, 6..8], [6..8, 6..8]
    ].map {|sq| @board.minor(*sq)}

So there you have it. This is a working implementation of a standard 9x9 board. I left as an exercise handling an nxn board and the to_s method on Board, but it should be simple to do (hint: use in_groups_of(n) which is a method on Array).

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ quite simply brilliant and very readable. am envious of your application of matrix and enumerable methods to make it look so easy. i do not follow what the board.squares method does - btw should there be a third element in each array? thx for your post. i don't think i can emulate this \$\endgroup\$
    – BenKoshy
    Commented May 30, 2017 at 8:25
  • \$\begingroup\$ @BKSpurgeon Thanks for the kind words. I wasn't familiar with the minor method before answering this question, but figured there had to be a way to specify a submatrix. According to the docs, for each submatrix you can either specify four params (start_row, nrows, start_col, ncols) or two ranges (row_start..row_end, col_start..col_end). I chose the latter. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 30, 2017 at 14:41

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