For a beginner this code looks okay. Good job using strict equality comparisons - i.e. ===
. The indentation is mostly consistent, although the first indentation level is 4 spaces while all subsequent levels appear to be 2 spaces.
The biggest thing I would change is spacing. For the sake of readability, it helps to add spacing around operators - especially binary operators like ===
, >
, =
, etc. You could utilize a linter like ESLint, JSHint, etc. ESLint has rules like space-infix-ops.
While formatting preferences are very personal, a number of style
guides require spaces around operators, such as:
var sum = 1 + 2;
The proponents of these extra spaces believe it make
the code easier to read and can more easily highlight potential
errors, such as:
var sum = i+++2;
While this is valid JavaScript syntax, it is hard to
determine what the author intended.
I tried passing 0
to the function and it returned [0, 1]
, which is the same output if I pass 2
. Theoretically it should return an empty array when 0
is passed.
The first and second else cases could be simplified to just an else
, since the loop won't run unless i
is less than n
and for the case of 2 it would never be the case that 3 is less than 2. So it can be simplified like this:
function fibonacciGenerator (n) {
var output = [];
if (n === 1) {
output = [0];
} else {
output = [0, 1];
for (var i=3; i <= n; i++) {
output.push(output[i-3] + output[i-2]);
return output;
In more advanced JavaScript the const
keyword could be used to declare output
so it can't be over-written, which would require exclusively using the .push()
method to add elements to the output array. Using const
when re-assignment isn't needed is a good habit because it can help avoid accidental re-assignment and other bugs.
Alternatively, the function could return early in the base cases - e.g. when n
is 1