I'm teaching myself JavaScript and jQuery at the same time by trying to complete little projects that I come up with or my friends come up with. I have no official JavaScript training and am pretty much just OJT (without the job).
I created a function below and was hoping I could get some feedback from the experts and professionals at SO. Could you tell me what I could do better or more efficiently? What is unprofessional in my function? I haven't learned any best practices or had any kind of mentor so I'm not sure what's generally 'acceptable' and what's not. I have a feeling you guys wouldn't like the way I use some arrays in my function for one thing, and anything else you could suggest would be great.
Basically what I'm trying to create, is a price that will auto update on each click of a menu item (checkboxes). There's a starting price, a quantity textbox, most options have an additional charge, some don't. The options are grouped into similar categories, and sometimes you get "a # of included" options in your price, so maybe you have 1 included option in that group, that means you should be able to add 1 without having the price go up, then the next time you add one, it should go up.
The HTML markup for the menu would look something like this:
<p id="Tprice" class="price">10.00</p>
<label for="quantity" class="quantity">QTY</label>
<input id="hidden1" type="hidden" value="1" class="includeds"> // how many options are included
<h3>cool stuff, one included</h3>
<ul class="groups">
<li><input id="li1" type="checkbox" name="test2_menu" title="1.00" onclick="updatePrice()">cheese</li>
<li><input id="li2" type="checkbox" name="test2_menu" title="2.00" onclick="updatePrice()">bread</li>
<li><input id="li3" type="checkbox" name="test2_menu" title="3.50" onclick="updatePrice()">snacks</li>
<input id="hidden2" type="hidden" value="0" class="includeds">
<h3>other stuff</h3>
<ul class="groups">
<li><input id="li4" type="checkbox" name="test1_menu" title="0" onclick="updatePrice()">cake</li>
<li><input id="li5" type="checkbox" name="test1_menu" title="0.50" onclick="updatePrice()">soup</li>
<li><input id="li6" type="checkbox" name="test1_menu" title="6.25" onclick="updatePrice()">donut</li>
The JavaScript for updatePrice
is as follows:
var WKoriginal = '10.00', WKlastPrice = WKoriginal;
// original "no additional options" price for item set
// last price initially set to same as original on page load, updates after each price update to the new price, this way if a free option is selected, we don't do the price update animation unless the number is different
function updatePrice() {
var priceControlArray = new Array(),
priceControlArrayMax = new Array(),
priceControlArrayCount = new Array(),
WKextras = 0,
WKnewPrice = 0,
priceControlArrayIndex = 0;
// upextras = total amount of additional charges to apply to original price, based on what's checked
// arrays keep track of groups that have a number of additional charges included in original price
$('.checkbox').each(function() { // for each item with class 'checkbox'
if ($(this).is(':checked')) { // if the item is checked, else do nothing
if($(this).closest('ul').prevAll('.includeds:first').val() !== '0') {
// if the group has a number of included additionals (based on hidden field above each group), else just add the price to upextras
var indexofArray = -1;
for (i=0; i < priceControlArray.length; i++) {
if (priceControlArray[i] === $(this).attr('name').split('_')[0]) {
// search array for an entry matching groupname
indexofArray = i;
if (indexofArray === -1) {
// if group wasnt found in array, add it, else work with existing array entry
priceControlArray[priceControlArrayIndex] = $(this).attr('name').split('_')[0]; // create array line with group name
priceControlArrayMax[priceControlArrayIndex] = $(this).closest('ul').prevAll('.includeds:first').val(); // create array line with group included value
priceControlArrayCount[priceControlArrayIndex] = 1; // create array line for group that says 1 item has been added so far
priceControlArrayIndex = parseInt(priceControlArrayIndex) + 1; // bump up array index for next potential new group
} else {
// work with existing array entry
if (parseInt(priceControlArrayMax[indexofArray]) <= parseInt(priceControlArrayCount[indexofArray])) {
// if the number of included options for group is less than or equal to the current amount of group's checked options, add price to upextras, else do not add
WKextras = parseFloat(WKextras) + parseFloat($(this).attr('title')); // add price to upextras
priceControlArrayCount[indexofArray] = parseInt(priceControlArrayCount[indexofArray]) + 1; // bump up number of included options for group by 1
} else {
priceControlArrayCount[indexofArray] = parseInt(priceControlArrayCount[indexofArray]) + 1; // bump up number of included options for group by 1
} else {
WKextras = parseFloat(WKextras) + parseFloat($(this).attr('title')); // add price of checked option to upextras if there wasn't any group with included # > 0 attached to it
WKnewPrice = (parseFloat(WKoriginal) + parseFloat(WKextras)) * parseFloat($('#quantity').val()); // add original price, total extra charges and multiply by quantity count
if (parseFloat(WKnewPrice) !== WKlastPrice) {
// if new price is different from the last price, animation price change
$('#Tprice').fadeOut('fast', function() {
// fadeout existing price, after completed, fade in new price
$("#Tprice").html(WKnewPrice.toFixed(2).toString()).fadeIn(); // format price to XX.XX
WKlastPrice = WKnewPrice; // update last price, for comparison on next run through
The function works as you see it now, but I'm hoping the pros here can point out what I'm doing badly or inefficiently so I can learn good habits early.