I've attempted to solve a small coding challenge I found online as a nice way to begin learning Rust. The largest challenge I feel going in with Rust is how working with strings is so fundamentally different from any other programming language I've used before. The challenge was this:
Write a function that takes two strings, s1 and s2 and returns the longest common sequence of s1 and s2:
"aaaa", "aa" => "aa"
The challenge seemed simple but the way I understood how I one could iterate though Rust strings proved to be very difficult. With numerous copies of iterators made and copies of String
s being made back and forth I am aware that this program is in its most naive form.
I wonder if collecting the string's characters into a vector would've been a better approach. I really want to find a more efficient method of solving this problem with Rust that'll be more comparable to C++ in terms of performance.
extern crate criterion;
use criterion::Criterion;
fn longest_con_seq(s1:&String, s2:&String) -> String {
let mut max: Option<String> = None; // Holds value of string with maximum length
let mut current = String::new(); // String container to hold current longest value
let mut s1_iter = s1.chars().peekable(); // Peekable iterator for string s1
let mut s2_iter = s2.chars(); //Iterator for string s2
let mut s2_prev_pos = s2_iter.clone(); // Iterator that holds position of previous location of first iterator
let mut s1_prev_pos = s1_iter.clone(); // Peekable iterator used to make sure all possible combinations are located.
loop {
let s1_char = s1_iter.next(); // Get character in s1
if current.len() == 0 // If no consequtive string found yet store location of iterator
s1_prev_pos = s1_iter.clone()
match s1_char{
match s2_iter.next()
Some(s2_char) if s1_char == s2_char => {
s2_prev_pos = s2_iter.clone();
s2_iter = s2_prev_pos.clone();
match s1_prev_pos.peek()
Some(_) => {
match max{
Some(_) => {
let max_str = max.clone();
let max_str = max_str.unwrap();
if max_str.len() < current.len(){
max = Some(current.clone());
None => {
max = Some(current.clone());
s1_iter = s1_prev_pos.clone();
s2_iter = s2.chars();
None => break,
if let Some(_) = max {
return max.unwrap();
} else {
return String::from("");
fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
let s1 = "GXTKAYB".to_owned();
let s2 = "AGGTAB".to_owned();
c.bench_function("Benchmark", move |b| b.iter(|| longest_con_seq(&s1, &s2)));
criterion_group!(benches, criterion_benchmark);
C++ comparison
I wrote a C++ version of the code that manipulates the strings through their indices. I though it would outperform the Rust code but it wasn't so.
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
#include <string>
std::string longest_con_seq(std::string &s1, std::string &s2)
std::string max = "", current = "";
size_t s2_old_idx = 0, s1_old_idx = 0;
bool first_iter = true;
for(size_t s1_idx = 0; s1_idx < s1.length(); ++s1_idx)
s1_old_idx = s1_idx;
first_iter = false;
for(size_t s2_idx = s2_old_idx; s2_idx < s2.length(); ++s2_idx)
if(s1[s1_idx] == s2[s2_idx])
s2_old_idx = s2_idx + 1;
current += s1[s1_idx];
if(s1_idx == s1.length()-1 && s1_old_idx != s1.length()-1)
s1_idx = s1_old_idx;
s2_old_idx = 0;
if(max.length() == 0 || max.length() < current.length())
max = current;
first_iter = true;
else if( s1_old_idx == s1.length()-1 )
return max;
static void BM_LongestConSeq(benchmark::State& state) {
std::string s1 = "GXTKAYB", s2 = "AGGTAB";
for (auto _ : state)
// Register the function as a benchmark
**time:** [96.755 ns **97.291 ns** 98.031 ns]
**change:** [-2.8521% _-1.4304%_ -0.1568%] (p = 0.04 < 0.05)
Change within noise threshold.
_Found 12 outliers among 100 measurements (12.00%)_
5 (5.00%) high mild
7 (7.00%) high severe
Time: **152 ns**
CPU: **152 ns**
Iterations: **4471469**
I really don't know how to interpret the results, I used Google Benchmark for the C++ code and Criterion for the Rust code. It seems to look like the Rust code has outperformed the C++ code, but maybe I'm wrong.