I have the following challenge problem for which I was able to get a solution working, but not in \$O(1)\$ time as the problem asks for. Could someone point me in the right direction to optimize this? I am also open to other criticisms of my coding style.
Implement an LRU (Least Recently Used) cache. It should be able to be initialized with a cache size n, and contain the following methods:
set(key, value)
: sets key to value. If there are already n items in the cache and we are adding a new item, then it should also remove the least recently used item.
: gets the value at key. If no such key exists, return null.Each operation should run in \$O(1)\$ time.
class LRUcache():
def __init__(self,n):
self.vals = dict()
self.max_size = n
def set(self,key,value):
if key in self.vals:
del self.vals[key]
self.vals[key] = value
if(len(self.vals) < self.max_size):
self.vals[key] = value
del self.vals[list(self.vals)[0]]
self.vals[key] = value
def get(self,key):
if key in self.vals:
tempval = self.vals[key]
del self.vals[key]
self.vals[key] = tempval
return self.vals[key]
return None