I have recently finished a course on Python 3 and I really learned a lot, but every time I write a script, it is messy and I often feel like there must be shorter, more efficient ways to write and structure my scripts.
So my question is: How could I rewrite the below script to be shorter and more efficient, and what advice would you guys give me to improve my coding skills in general (maybe a way of thinking about the program that will make it easier to define the structure of what my script should look like...)
I am really enthused about the possibilities that coding bring and I would really like to improve, so don't hesitate to be harsh with your comments ;)
Here below is one of the scripts I wrote. This one is a hangman game: (The word list for the game are being picked from a .txt file that lives in the same directory as my script)
import string
import random
class Main:
def __init__(self):
self.place_holder = []
self.wrong_guesses = 10
self.guesses = []
with open('./words.txt', mode='r') as f:
self.word = random.choice(f.readlines())
self.word = self.word.strip()
print(self.word, end='')
return self.place_holders()
def place_holders(self):
# creates the placeholders for the word
for char in self.word:
if char != " ":
self.place_holder.append(' _ ')
elif char == " ":
self.place_holder.append(' ')
print("".join(self.place_holder)) # prints initial placeholder
return self.is_letter()
def guess():
# Prompts the user for a guess
while True:
guessed_letter = input(str('Give a guess: ')).lower()
if guessed_letter not in string.ascii_lowercase or len(guessed_letter) > 1:
'You have inputted more than one character or the character entered was not recognized.\nPlease try again.')
return guessed_letter
def is_letter(self):
# finds out if the letter belongs to the word, and if so, places it on the right placeholder
guessed_letter = self.guess()
if guessed_letter in self.word and guessed_letter not in self.guesses:
for i in range(len(self.word)):
if guessed_letter == self.word[i]:
self.place_holder[i] = f' {self.word[i]} '
elif guessed_letter in self.guesses:
print('You already said that..\n')
self.wrong_guesses -= 1
print(f'Sorry, missed.\nYou have {self.wrong_guesses} guesses left.\n')
print("".join(self.place_holder)) # prints the updated placeholder
return self.is_over()
def is_over(self):
# Checks if the players has guessed the full word or if the player ran out of guesses
if ' _ ' in self.place_holder and self.wrong_guesses > 0:
elif ' _ ' in self.place_holder and self.wrong_guesses == 0:
print(f'Sorry, Game Over!\nThe word to guess was: {self.word}')
def play_again():
# Prompts the player if he wants to play again or not
if input('Do you want to play again? (y/n): ').lower().startswith('y'):
print('Fair enough.. Thanks for playing!')