I'm self taught in python 3, and I frequently keep track of how long my scripts have been running using the time library.
import time
startTime = time.time()
#The main body of script...
print('The script finished in {0} seconds'.format(time.time() - startTime)
However this can be unhelpful if the script has been running for some time, an example output being:
'The script has been running for 4323.580279111862 seconds'
I wrote a function which takes a float variable and prints the time in a more readable way. I convert the seconds to integer to get rid of the 12 decimal places, and I can pass a boolean value which changes the wording of the print to indicate that the script is still running or has finished.
def printRuntime(seconds,finished=False):
seconds = int(seconds)
status = 'has been running for'
if finished == True:
status = 'finished in'
if seconds < 60:
print('The script {} {} seconds'.format(status,seconds))
elif seconds < 3600:
minutes = seconds // 60
seconds = seconds - 60*minutes
print('The script {} {} minutes & {} seconds'.format(status,minutes,seconds))
hours = seconds // 3600
minutes = (seconds - 3600*hours) // 60
seconds = seconds - 3600*hours - 60*minutes
print('The script {} {} hours, {} minutes & {} seconds'.format(status,hours,minutes,seconds))
import time
startTime = time.time()
#The main body of script...
printRuntime(time.time() - startTime)
Since I'm self taught I have no real idea about best practice. I feel like there must be a more concise way of doing this, what mistakes am I making?