I am working on a sparse matrix application in C and I choose compressed sparse row (CSC) and compressed sparse column (CSC) as my data structure for it. But the difficult part is I cannot improve my matrix multiplication function.
* The element and matrix are the naive format I have for sparse matrix,
* They are just for storing information got from after reading the file(s).
typedef struct{
int row;
int column;
int id;
int value;
} element;
typedef struct{
int row;
int column;
int numberofElements;
element* elements;
} matrix;
* CSR and CSC are compressed sparse row/column format to store sparse matrix
* The detailed definition is here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparse_matrix
typedef struct{
int row;
int column;
int length;//The number of non-zero element in a matrix.
int* val;
int* col_ind;
int* row_ptr;
} CSR;
typedef struct{
int row;
int column;
int length;
int* val;
int* row_ind;
int* col_ptr;
} CSC;
typedef struct{
int val;
int index;
} tuple;
int compute(tuple* row, tuple* column, int row_length, int col_length){
int result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < row_length; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < col_length; j++){
if(row[i].index == column[j].index){
result += row[i].val * column[j].val;
return result;
void multiply(matrix X, matrix Y, matrix* result){
int product = 0;
tuple **row = NULL, **column = NULL;
int *row_length,*col_length;
matrixtoCSR(&cX, X);
matrixtoCSC(&cY, Y);
row = (tuple **) malloc(X.row * sizeof(tuple *));
row_length = (int *) malloc (X.row * sizeof(int));
column = (tuple **) malloc(Y.column *sizeof(tuple *));
col_length = (int *) malloc (Y.column * sizeof (int ));
for(int r = 0; r < X.row; r++){
row_length[r] = (r == cX.row-1) ? cX.length - cX.row_ptr[r]:cX.row_ptr[r+1] - cX.row_ptr[r];
row[r] = !row_length[r] ? NULL : (tuple* ) malloc (row_length[r] * sizeof(tuple));
if(row[r] != NULL){
for(int i = 0; i < row_length[r]; i++){
row[r][i].val = cX.val[cX.row_ptr[r]+i];
row[r][i].index = cX.col_ind[cX.row_ptr[r]+i];
for(int c = 0; c < Y.column; c++){
col_length[c] = (c == cY.column-1) ? cY.length- cY.col_ptr[c]:cY.col_ptr[c+1] - cY.col_ptr[c];
column[c] = !col_length[c] ? NULL : (tuple *) malloc (col_length[c] * sizeof(tuple));
if(column != NULL){
for(int i = 0; i < col_length[c]; i++){
column[c][i].val = cY.val[cY.col_ptr[c]+i];
column[c][i].index = cY.row_ind[cY.col_ptr[c]+i];
for(int r = 0; r < X.row; r++){
for(int c = 0; c < Y.column; c++){
product = 0;
if(row[r] != NULL && column[c] != NULL)
product=compute(row[r], column[c], row_length[r], col_length[c]);
result->elements[result->numberofElements].row = r;
result->elements[result->numberofElements].column = c;
result->elements[result->numberofElements].id = r * result->column + c;
result->elements[result->numberofElements].value = product;
result->elements = (element *)realloc( result->elements , result->numberofElements * sizeof(element));
for(int i = 0 ; i < X.row; i++){
if(row[i] != NULL)
for(int i = 0 ; i < Y.column; i++){
if(column[i] != NULL)
I used gprof to prof it and it shows that if I multiply 4 1000*1000 matrix the program will take about 7s to compute the output and 98.7% of time it is running this function.
How can I improve it? I have tried a lot of things like trade-off some space but the time just doesn't go down. I think I am kind of stuck.
type andmatrixtoCSR
are still missing. Also please post amain()
with a simple test case. BTW why do you use a CSC and a CSR? \$\endgroup\$